The Alliance for Access to Computing Careers (AccessComputing) has funds available to support training, experiential learning, and other computing and information technology (IT)-related activities nationwide. The ultimate goal is to increase the number of people with disabilities, including Post-9/11 veterans, successfully pursuing computing careers. For more information, see Apply for an AccessComputing Minigrant.

Application Process

Fill out the form below, then click submit. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your application. After review, you will be contacted by an AccessComputing staff person with next steps and/or a decision.

Section 1

Section 2

How will your activity promote the interest, participation, and/or success of individuals with disabilities in computing careers?
How will your activity achieve these objectives? (Include draft agenda and expected number of participants.)
For what expenses do you request funding from AccessComputing (e.g.,travel expenses for a speaker, refreshments for participants, facility rental, printed materials)? Note that we cannot reimburse for staff time, indirect cost, or infrastructure.
Who will do what, and when, to publicize, implement, and evaluate the results of your activity?
How will you know you have achieved activity objectives (e.g., use of evaluation forms, observations, interviews), especially documenting increased interest and/or pursuit of computing on the part of students with disabilities? We particularly encourage you to follow-up with participants after the event to determine impact. Following the activity, grant recipients are required to submit a project summary, evaluation form, and participant surveys. The evaluation form and sample participant surveys are available from the AccessComputing Minigrant Evaluation Forms page.


Grant recipients will submit a draft promising practice to be included in the AccessComputing Knowledge Base. For an example, see聽The ImagineIT Workshop: A Promising Practice in Engaging Students with Visual Impairments.

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