The AccessComputing Team is a community of college and graduate students with disabilities who are interested in computing fields, such as computer science and information technology. Team members communicate with support staff and mentors as they engage in electronic mentoring, work-based learning, and other experiences that enhance college and career success in computing fields. Project staff help AccessComputing Team members locate paid internships and other work and research opportunities as they transition to and succeed in college, graduate school, and employment.

College and graduate students with disabilities in the United States are eligible to become AccessComputing Team members if they have email accounts, access to the Internet, and interests in computing fields. They can apply for membership by completing an AccessComputing Team Application, which must include a parent or guardian signature for those under eighteen years of age. In addition, applicants must submit

  • a short essay explaining why they are interested in participating in AccessComputing and how participation will help them reach their career goals;
  • contact information from a teacher, a faculty member, or someone who has worked with them closely; and
  • an up-to-date copy of their r茅sum茅.

Adults with disabilities who work in computing fields are encouraged to apply to be mentors in the program. Mentors encourage the success of students with disabilities in college and careers and offer insights in these areas of study and practice. AccessComputing mentoring takes place via an online discussion list. Individuals can apply to become an AccessComputing Mentor by filling out the AccessComputing Mentor Application.

Led by the 糖心原创, University of California Irvine, Gallaudet University, and Tufts University, AccessComputing works to increase the participation of people with disabilities in computing careers. AccessComputing is supported by the National Science Foundation (grant #CNS-0540615, CNS-0837508, CNS-1042260, CNS-1539179, CNS-2137312).