Although each situation is different and the student is the best source of information regarding useful accommodations, the following accommodations are typical for a student with blindness:

  • Audiotaped, Brailled, or electronically formatted lecture notes, handouts, and texts
  • Verbal descriptions of visual aids
  • Raised-line drawings and tactile models of graphic materials
  • Braille lab signs and equipment labels; auditory lab warning signals
  • Adaptive lab equipment (e.g., talking thermometers and calculators, light probes, and tactile timers)
  • Computer with optical character reader, voice output, Braille screen display and printer output

For more information about accommodations for students with disabilities, consult Working Together: Faculty and Students with Disabilities or view the video by the same title. For information about adaptive technology for students who are blind, consult Working Together: Computers and People with Sensory Impairments or view this聽video by the same title.