2013 PEERS Survey Instrument*
INSTRUCTIONS: The purpose of this survey is to learn more about students' experiences at theÌýÌÇÐÄÔ´´. Your responses are confidential and participation is voluntary.
Question 1.
Have you officially declared a major?
- Yes (go to Question 2)
- No (go to Question 3)
- No response (Don’t skip)
Question 2.
Do you intend to graduate with a degree in your declared major or do you plan to change yourÌýmajor?
- I intend to graduate with a degree in my declared major (go to Question 4)
- I plan to change my majorÌý(go to Question 4)
- No responseÌý(go to Question 4)
Question 3.
Even though you haven't officially declared a major, do you know which major you expect toÌýdeclare?
- YesÌý(go to Question 4)
- No (Thank you for your time!)
- No response (Don’t skip)
Question 4.
What is your expected major?
(If you are a double major, please select the major in which you have taken the most classes.)
- Aeronautics & Astro. Engineering
- American Ethnic Studies
- Anthropology
- Applied and Computational Math SC
- Architectural Studies
- Art History
- Asian Studies
- Biochemistry
- Bioengineering
- Business Administration-Finance
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Communication
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Sciences
- Earth and Space Sciences
- Electrical Engineering
- European Studies
- French
- Geography
- Human Center Design & Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Informatics
- Landscape Architecture
- Marketing
- Materials Science Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Pre Engineering
- Pre Nursing
- Pre Sciences
- Russian
- Sociology
- Spanish
Question 5.
SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions based upon your experiencesÌýwith PROFESSORS IN YOUR DECLARED/EXPECTED MAJOR.
- Do your professors care whether or not you learn the course material?
- Do your professors encourage you to think creatively?
- Do your professors place more value on their own research than on teaching?
- Do your professors write helpful comments on the material you turn in?
- Do your professors treat you with respect?
- Are you able to understand course material?
- Are you comfortable asking questions in class?
- Do your professors think you have a lower ability than you actually have?
- Do your professors grade your work fairly?
- Do your professors take your suggestions and comments in class seriously?
- Are you comfortable meeting with your professors for academic help?
- Are your course syllabi clear?
- Do you understand what your professors expect of you?
- Do your professors inspire you to pursue your major?
- Do your professors keep the office hours they set for students?
- Do your professors encourage you to attend their office hours?
- Do you meet with your professors for extra help?
- Do your professors move through the course material too quickly?
- Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of homework you have?
- Do your professors' accents make it difficult to understand course material?
- Never
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Usually
- All the time
Question 6.
Have you had a Teaching Assistant in your declared/expected major?
- Yes (Go to TEACHING ASSISTANTS section)
- No (Go to RESOURCES section)
- No response (Don’t skip)
Question 7.
SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions based upon your experiencesÌýwith TEACHING ASSISTANTS IN YOUR DECLARED/EXPECTED MAJOR.
- How effective are your teaching assistants at teaching?
- Are your teaching assistants effective communicators?
- Are your teaching assistants knowledgeable about the subjects they teach?
- Are you satisfied with the assistance you receive from your teaching assistants?
- Have cultural differences made you less likely to meet with your teaching assistants?
- Are you comfortable meeting with your teaching assistants for academic help?
- Not at all
- A little bit
- Somewhat
- Very
- Extremely
Question 8.
Do your teaching assistants' accents make it difficult to understand course material?
- Not at all
- A little bit
- Somewhat
- Very
- Extremely
- N/A
Question 9.
Do you meet with your teaching assistants for extra help?
- Never
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Usually
- All the time
Question 10.
SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions based upon your experiences with RESOURCES IN YOUR DECLARED/EXPECTED MAJOR.
- Are you satisfied with the size of the classes?
- Are study centers useful?
- Are advisors helpful?
- Are you satisfied with the job placement help?
- Not at all
- A little bit
- Somewhat
- Very
- Extremely
- N/A
Question 11.
SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions based upon your experiencesÌýwith STUDENT INTERACTION IN YOUR DECLARED/EXPECTED MAJOR.
ï‚· Are group projects valuable?
- Never
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Usually
- All the time
- N/A
Question 12.
- Do you feel like you are a part of a community?
- Do you like studying with other students in a group?
- Are you involved with student study groups?
- Do students help each other succeed in class?
- Do other students take your comments/suggestions in class seriously?
- Do students compete with each other in your classes?
- Never
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Usually
- All the time
Question 13.
Of your close friends, how many are ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ students?
- None
- 1-2
- 3-5
- 6-10
- More than 10
Question 14.
Of your close friends that are ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ students, how many are in your declared orÌýexpected major?
- None
- 1-2
- 3-5
- 6-10
- More than 10
Question 15.
Compared to other students in my classes, I think my academic abilities in my classes are:
- Far Below Average
- Below Average
- Average
- Above Average
- Far Above Average
Question 16.
SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Please indicate the extent to which you are involved with theÌýfollowing ORGANIZATIONS, PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´.
- Mentoring programs
- Department lectures and seminar series
- Disability services
- Internships
- Volunteer work
- Co-Op programs
- Minority student programs
- Intramural athletics
- Collegiate athletics
- Department honors program
- University honors program
- Student government
- Not at all
- A little bit
- Somewhat
- Very
- Extremely
Question 17.
Other ORGANIZATIONS, PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ inÌýwhich you are involved: [open-ended]
Question 18.
Have you heard of PEERS (Promoting Equity in Engineering Relationships)?
- Yes (Go to Question 19)
- No (Go to Question 20)
- Don’t know (Go to Question 20)
Question 19.
Please describe in what ways PEERS has changed your personal awareness of diversity issues withÌýrespect to women students, minority students, students with disabilities, or other underrepresentedÌýgroups in engineering?
Question 20.
SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with theÌýfollowing statements.
- I have no desire to declare a different major
- I can think of other majors that I would like better than the one I have declared or expect toÌýdeclare
- I felt pressure from my parents to choose my declared/expected major
- I expect to complete my degree in the major I have already declared or expect to declare
- Strongly Disagree
- Somewhat Disagree
- Neutral
- Somewhat Agree
- Strongly Agree
Question 21.
SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with theÌýfollowing statements.
- I am confident in my ability to succeed in my courses in my declared/expected major
- I am confident in my ability to succeed in my science courses
- I am confident in my ability to succeed in my math courses
- I am confident in my ability to succeed in my humanities/social science courses
- I am confident in my ability to succeed in my writing intensive courses
- I am confident in my overall academic ability
- Strongly Disagree
- Somewhat Disagree
- NeutralÌý
- Somewhat Agree
- Strongly Agree
Question 22.
SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: People have many kinds of experiences in college, both positive andÌýnegative. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements based on yourÌýPERSONAL EXPERIENCES IN YOUR DECLARED/EXPECTED MAJOR. Your responses areÌývoluntary.
- In class, I have been singled out unfairly by professors because of my race/ethnicity
- In class, I have been singled out unfairly by students because of my race/ethnicity
- In class, I have been singled out unfairly by professors because of my gender
- In class, I have been singled out unfairly by students because of my gender
- Yes
- No
- Don’t Know
Question 23.
- In class, I have been singled out unfairly by professors because of my disability
- In class, I have been singled out unfairly by students because of my disability
- Yes
- No
- Don’t Know
- N/A
Question 24.
- In class, I have heard faculty unconsciously express stereotypes about racial/ethnic groups
- In class, I have heard faculty unconsciously express stereotypes about men and women
- In class, I have heard faculty unconsciously express stereotypes about people withÌýdisabilities
- Yes
- No
- Don’t Know
Question 25.
SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with theÌýfollowing statements.
- I feel like I belong on campus
- I feel like UW provides me with access to resources the achieve my educational goals
- I feel overwhelmed about being at a large university with thousands of students
- I feel uncomfortable about being in large lecture classes
- I feel insecure about making friends at UW
- I feel confident about the challenges at UW
- I would recommend UW to others
- If I could start over again, I would go to UW
- There is a stigma at UW among students for having started at a community college
- I often feel overwhelmed by the size of the student body
- The large classes intimidate me
- It is difficult to find my way around the UW campus
- Adjusting to the academic standards or expectations at UW has been difficult
- My level of stress increased when I started at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´
- Adjustment to the social environment has been difficult
- I am meeting as many people and making as many friends as I would like
- It is easy to make friends at UW
- The UW has a supportive climate for all students regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity,Ìýdisability and/or socioeconomic status
- Since coming to UW, I have a greater respect for people of all backgrounds
- Strongly Disagree
- Somewhat Disagree
- Neutral
- Somewhat Agree
- Strongly Agree
Question 26.
What was your cumulative high school GPA (on a 4.0 scale)?
- 3.75 – 4.00
- 3.51 – 3.75
- 3.26 – 3.50
- 3.01 – 3.25
- 2.75 – 3.00
- 2-51 – 2.75
- 2.26 – 2.50
- 2.01 – 2.25
- 2.0 or lower
Question 28.
What is your SAT Score (Combined)?
Question 29.
What is your ACT Score (Combined)?
Question 30.
What is your cumulative ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ GPA?
- 3.75 – 4.00
- 3.51 – 3.75
- 3.26 – 3.50
- 3.01 – 3.25
- 2.75 – 3.00
- 2-51 – 2.75
- 2.26 – 2.50
- 2.01 – 2.25
- 2.0 or lower
Question 31.
How many classes have you taken in your declared/expected department?
Question 32.
What was the grade in the last course you completed in your declared/expected major?
- 3.75 – 4.00
- 3.51 – 3.75
- 3.26 – 3.50
- 3.01 – 3.25
- 2.75 – 3.00
- 2-51 – 2.75
- 2.26 – 2.50
- 2.01 – 2.25
- 2.0 or lower
Question 33.
What are your long-term educational plans in your major area of study?
Select the highest level you plan to seek...
- I do not intend to get a degree in my declared/expected major
- Bachelors Degree
- Masters Degree
- Professional Degree [e.g. JD, MD, DVM, DDS]
- Ph.D.
Question 34.
- Prior to beginning college, did you take any courses in your declared or expected major?
- Do you already hold a two-year degree from a different college/university than theÌýÌÇÐÄÔ´´?
- Do you already hold a four-year degree from a different college/university than theÌýÌÇÐÄÔ´´?
- Yes
- No
Question 35.
Did you transfer to the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ from a different college/university?
ï‚· Yes (Go to Question 36)
ï‚· No (Go to Question 39)
 No response (Don’t skip)
Question 36.
What type of institution did you transfer from?
Select one...
- 2-year school
- 4-year school
- N/A
Question 37.
In what quarter did you transfer to the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´?
Select one...
- Fall
- Winter
- Spring
- Summer
Question 38.
In what year did you transfer to the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´?
Select one...
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- More than 10 years ago
Question 39.
What is your mother's highest level of formal education?
Select one...
- Did not graduate high school
- HS graduate
- Some college
- 2-year college degree
- 4-year college degree
- Postgraduate study
- Don't know
Question 40.
What is your father's highest level of formal education?
Select one...
- Did not graduate high school
- HS graduate
- Some college
- 2-year college degree
- 4-year college degree
- Postgraduate study
- Don't know
Question 41.
Tuition Status:
Select one...
- In-state resident
- Out-of-state resident
Question 42.
Are you a first-generation American citizen? (i.e., you are a U.S. citizen and your parents were notÌýborn in the U.S.).
Select one...
- Yes
- No
- I am not a US citizen
Question 43a.
Are you a first-generation college student? That is, excluding any siblings, are you the first in yourÌýimmediate family to attend college?
Select one...
- Yes
- No
Question 43b.
Have you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, military Reserves, or NationalÌýGuard? Active duty does not include training for the Reserves or National Guard, but DOES includeÌýactivation, for example, for the Persian Gulf War.
- Yes, now on active duty
- Yes, on active duty in the past, but not now
- No, training for Reserves or National Guard only
- No, never served in the military
Question 44.
Please indicate which of the following you have used to pay for your college education.
- Personal earnings or savings
- Parent/Family earnings or savings
- Spouse/Partner earnings or savings
- Need-based scholarships
- Private loans
- Merit-based scholarships
- Federal loans
- GI Bill
- Sponsored by employer/other organization
- Grants
- Don't know
- Yes
- No
Question 44a.
Have you completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) during your time as anÌýundergraduate student?
o Yes (Go to Question 44b)
o No (Go to Question 45)
o Don’t know (Go to Question 44b)
Question 44b.
Did you qualify as eligible for a Pell grant?
- Yes
- No
- Don’t know
Question 45.
Please indicate if you have worked for pay during the academic school in either of the followingÌýways.
- Worked full-time
- Worked part-time
- Yes
- No
Question 46.
What is your age?
- 25 years or older
- 22-24 years old
- 20-21 years old
- 18-19 years old
- 17 years or younger
Question 47.
What is your current relationship status?
Select one...
- Single
- Cohabiting with Partner
- Married
Question 48.
How many children are currently living with you as dependents?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4 or more
Question 49.
Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
- No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
- Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano
- Yes, Puerto Rican
- Yes, Cuban
- Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (PLEASE WRITE IN):
Question 50.
- White
- Black, African American
- American Indian or Alaskan Native
- Asian Indian
- Chinese
- Filipino
- Japanese
- Korean
- Vietnamese
- Native Hawaiian
- Guamanian or Chamorro
- Samoan
Question 50a.
What is your sex?
- Female
- Male
Question 51.
Do you have a disability that affects your ability to perform as a student (e.g. a mobility, visual,Ìýhearing, psychological impairment, learning disability, etc.)?
Select one...
- Yes (Don’t skip)
- No (Thank you for your time! Yo...)
- No response (Thank you for your time! Yo...)
Question 52.
Please indicate which of the following areas are impacted by your disability (PLEASE MARK ALLÌýTHAT APPLY)
- Mobility/Dexterity
- Vision
- Hearing
- Learning
- Attention
- Speech
- Mental Health
- Physical Health
- Other:
Thank you for your time! Your responses will remain anonymous. If you have any questions, pleaseÌýcontact Priti Mody-Pan, Deputy Director, Center for Workforce Development, by email:Ìýprimody@uw.edu or phone: 206-543-4810.