Scott Bellman, AccessComputing Staff

Image of Sheryl for award article.We are proud to announce that this year, AccessComputing Co-PI won two impressive awards!

First was the Strache Leadership Award, which honors those who work with students as an educator and mentor, while remaining a leader in the fields of disability and assistive technology through publications, presentations and research. The Strache Leadership Award will be presented to Dr. Burgstahler this spring at the Keynote Address of the California State University at Northridge (CSUN) Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference. The award is named after Dr. Fred Strache, who, before retiring from CSUN in 2001, held many positions, including VP for student affairs.

Dr. Burgstahler also received another prestigious award earlier this year. At its annual conference, the Association of Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) presented the AHEAD Professional Recognition Award for outstanding achievement and contributions to the field of higher education and disability. AHEAD is the premiere professional association for disability services personnel. It is committed to full participation of persons with disabilities in postsecondary education.

Dr. Burgstahler responded to these honors by saying that they "acknowledge what can be accomplished by a team of talented staff members who continually look to the students themselves for guidance on what to do next."