Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), formerly classified as ADD or ADHD, may impact a student's classroom behavior and study skills. Some students with AD/HD will need accommodations to help them achieve academic goals. Students may be the best source of information about their needs; teachers should encourage student input on the best accommodations. Teachers can provide support to all of their students, including those with AD/HD, by following practices of universal design of instruction.

In addition, accommodations for a student with AD/HD may include

  • a quiet work area and seating away from windows, doors, or other distractions.
  • opportunities for movement and tactile input. Some students with AD/HD benefit from sitting on a instead of a standard chair.
  • a safe environment with encouragement and compliments for positive behavior while ignoring minor inappropriate behavior.
  • reformatting documents to minimize clutter and providing documents in alternative formats.
  • clear and specific instructions.
  • breaking long assignments into smaller parts.
  • peer assistance with note taking.
  • extended time to complete assignments and alternative testing arrangements.

For more information on accommodations for students with AD/HD, consult . Accommodations recommended for students with learning disabilities (LD) may also be helpful for students with AD/HD. For accommodations for students with LD, consult What are typical accommodations for students with learning disabilities?