'96 Scholar Addresses MEAF Grantees

I attended the fifteenth anniversary of the grant program, the Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation (MEAF). MEAF funded our project to create the video and handout entitled Taking Charge: Stories of Success and Self-Determination (see www.washington.edu/doit/videos/index.php). It was a great time to meet groups that have been funded by MEAF for a wide variety of projects to increase the success and full inclusion of individuals with disabilities in all life activities.
To my surprise, one of the primary speakers was Cheri, a '96 DO-IT Scholar who graduated form the University of Arizona and is now attending medical school at Stanford (see www.washington.edu/doit/snapshot/phase-i-scholars-2). Cheri talked about her challenges in pursuing college, career, and sports. She gave the group recommendations for how to support students with disabilities with the goal of offering activities that are fully inclusive. Way to go, Cheri!