Mentoring, Peer Support, and Learning Communities

Content in the following articles provide guidance regarding the selection and implementation of evidence-based practices and promising interventions for DO-IT projects.

Bellman, S.,听Burgstahler, S., &聽Hinke, P. (2015). Academic coaching outcomes for students with disabilities pursuing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.聽Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 28(1), 101-106.

Britner, P. A., Balcazar, F. E., Blechman, E. A., Blinn-Pike, L., & Larose, S. (2006). Mentoring special youth populations. Journal of Community Psychology, 34(6), 747-763.

Burgstahler, S. (2012). Creating an E-Mentoring Community,听Closing the Gap,听30(6), 12-14.

Burgstahler, S., & Thompson, T. (2011). Fully including students, teachers, and administrators with disabilities in telementoring. In D. A. Scigliano (Ed.), Telementoring in the K-12 classroom聽(pp. 89-115). Hershey, NY: Information Science Reference.

Byers-Lang, R. E., & McCall, R. A. (1993). Peer support groups: Rehabilitation in action. RE:view, 25(1), 32-36.

Campbell, T. A., & Campbell, D. E. (2007). Outcome of mentoring at-risk college students: Gender and ethnic matching effects. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 15(2), 135-148.

Campbell-Whatley, G. D. (2001). Mentoring students with mild disabilities: The 'nuts and bolts' of program development. Intervention in School and Clinic, 36(4), 211-216.

Carrington, P. J., Scott, J., & Wasserman, S. (Eds.). (2005). Models and methods in social network analysis. New York: Cambridge University.

Chao, G. T., Walz, PM., & Gardner, P. D. (1992). Formal and informal mentorships: A comparison on mentoring functions and contrast with nonmentored counterparts. Personnel Psychology, 45, 619-636.

Clark, R. W., & Zimmer, B. P. (1989). Mentoring: Does it work? Lifelong Learning: An Omnibus of Practice and Research, 12(7), 26-28.

Grossman, J. B., & Rhodes, J. E. (2002). The test of time: Predictors and effects of duration in youth mentoring relationships. American Journal of Community Psychology, 30(2), 199-219.

Grossman, J. B., Roffman, J., & Rhodes, J. E. (2002). The rhetoric and reality of youth mentoring. New Directions for Youth Development, 93, 9-20.

Herrera, C., Vang, Z., & Gale, L. Y. (2002). Group mentoring: A study of mentoring groups in three programs. San Francisco: Public/Private Ventures.

Hill, S. E., Bahniuk, M. H., Dobos, J., & Rouner, D. (1989). Mentoring and other communication support in the academic setting. Group and Organization Studies, 14, 355-368.

Johnson, M.J. & Sheppard, D.D. (2004). Relationships between engineering student and faculty demographics and stakeholders working to affect change.聽Journal of Engineering Education, 92(2), 137-151.

Jucovy, L. (2001a) Building relationships: A guide for new mentors. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.

Jucovy, L. (2001b). Recruiting mentors: A guide to finding volunteers to work with youth. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.

Jucovy, L. (2001c). Supporting mentors. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.

Jucovy, L. (2001d). Training new mentors. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.

Kram, K. E., & Isabella, L. A. (1985). Mentoring alternatives: The role of peer relationships in career development. Academy of Management Journal, 28(1), 110-132.

Marsh, M. M. (2002). The influence of discourses on the precarious nature of mentoring. Reflective Practice, 3(1), 103-115.

Mazurek-Melnyk, B. (2007). The latest evidence on the outcomes of mentoring. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 4(3), 170-173.

Mentor. (2009). Elements of effective practice for mentoring. Alexandria, VA: Author.

Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2001). Lessons from the cyberspace classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Powers, L. E., Sowers, J., & Stevens, T. (1995). An exploratory, randomized study of the impact of mentoring on the self-efficacy and community-based knowledge of adolescents with severe physical challenges. Journal of Rehabilitation, 61(1), 33-41.

Rhodes, J. E., Grossman, J. B., & Resch, N. L. (2000). Agents of change: Pathways through which mentoring relationships influence adolescents' academic adjustment. Child Development, 71(6), 1662-1671.

Rhodes, J. E., Spencer, R., Keller, T. E., Liang, B., & Noam, G. (2006). A model for the influence of mentoring relationship on youth development. Journal of Community Psychology, 34(6), 691-707.

Saito, R. N., & Blyth, D. A. (1992). Understanding mentoring relationships. Minneapolis, MN: Search Institute.

Sipe, C. L. (1996). Mentoring: A synthesis of P/PV's research: 1988-1995. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.

Sipe, C. L., & Roder, A.E. (1999). Mentoring school-age children: A classification of programs. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.

Smith, B. L. (2001). Challenge of learning communities as a growing national movement. Peer Review, 4(1).

Stainback, W., Stainback, S., & Willkinson, A. (1992). Encouraging peer supports and friendships. Teaching Exceptional Children, 24(2), 6-11.

Templin, M. A., & Doran, R. L. (1999). A locally based science mentorship program for high achieving students: Unearthing issues that influence affective outcomes. School Science and Mathematics, 99, 205-212.

Timmons, J. C., Schuster, J., & Moloney, M. (2001). Stories of success: Using networking and mentoring relationships in career planning for students with disabilities and their families. Boston, MA: Institute for Community Inclusion.

Tinto, V. (2003). Learning better together: The impact of learning communities on student success. In Promoting Student Success in College, Higher Education Monograph Series (pp. 1-8). Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University.

Wanberg, C. R., Kammeyer-Mueller, J., & Marchese, M. (2006). Mentor and protege predictors and outcomes of mentoring in a formal mentoring program. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69, 410-423.

Wehmeyer, M. L., Agran, M., & Hughes, C. (1997). Teaching self-determination to students with disabilities: Basic skills for successful transition. Baltimore: Paul H. Brooks.