AccessComputing, DO-IT Partners with UW CREATE to Promote Accessible Technology
AccessComputing, AccessCSforAll, AccessEngineering, and DO-IT are campus partners of the new UW Center for Research and Education on Accessible Technology and Experiences (CREATE). CREATE focuses around ensuring technology is accessible and equitable for people with disabilities, focusing on translating research into real world impact and increasing representation. This means building solutions that will improve access to technology and to the world at large. CREATE plans to partner with multiple centers on UW Campus, including DO-IT and AccessComputing, to create sustainable models as well as incorporate research and practice into new courses on accessibility.
Many of DO-IT’s partners on campus have worked with Microsoft to make CREATE a possibility. The two founding directors are AccessComputing Co-PI Jacob O. Wobbrock and AccessComputing partner and DO-IT Mentor Jennifer Mankoff. The leadership team also includes AccessComputing and AccessCSforAll PI Richard Ladner, Director for Education; AccessEngineering Co-PI Kat Steele, Associate Director; and other DO-IT’s collaborators such as Anat Caspi (Director for Translation), Heather Feldner (Associate Director), and Leah Findlater (Associate Director).
We are excited to see the progress and successes that come forward through UW CREATE and work together to create a more accessible, inclusive, and usable future.