AccessComputing at NSTA 2019
Over 9,000 science educators and administrators converged on St. Louis, Missouri the week of April 11-14 for the 67th Annual National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference.
NSTA featured more than 1,000 sessions, 800 exhibitor workshops, a variety of keynote and featured speakers, and over 300 exhibitors. AccessComputing got to participate in several events:
- We hosted a pre-conference session sponsored by Science Education for Students with Disabilities (SESD) in which participants share new ideas, strategies, and opportunities for opening doors to STEM fields for all students.
- I presented a session titled Equal Access to Science: Universal Design and Students with Disabilities with Rachel Zimmerman-Brachman from NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL). This session was one of the five recommended by NSTA for the day and was featured on a large display in the middle of the conference hall.
- We participated in two share-a-thons, one for middle school teachers and one for high school teachers—hundreds of teachers attended each
NSTA hosts not only the national conference but several regional conferences each year. For more information visit .