AccessSTEM Team Application

Would you like tojoin theAccessSTEMձ𲹳? To apply, please complete the following form. Once your form is submitted, you’ll be asked to send us a Recommendation and anAudio/Visual Release. If you're under 18, you'll be asked to submitaParental Permission form. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Contact Information

Biographical Information


Academic Background

Currently enrolled in:



Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.

Why are you interested in AccessSTEM?

Write a paragraph or two explaining why you are interested in participating in an AccessSTEM internship and mentoring, and how participation will help you reach your career goals. Include school honors, extracurricular and community activities, work-related experiences, and any other relevant information about yourself.

Paste your response in the box below, or upload it (.doc, .docx, or .pdf).

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.


Provide the name and email address of a teacher, faculty member, or someone who has worked with you closely.

Participation Agreement

As a member of AccessSTEM, you must actively communicate with AccessSTEM staff, peers, and mentors. To remain on the AccessSTEM Team and to be eligible for work-related opportunities, such as internships or other paid positions, you must be an “active participant.” As an “active participant,” you are expected to:

  • Log on to your email account at least once per week and read and respond to email messages.
  • Notify AccessSTEM staff of any changes in your contact information, or your ability to participate in AccessSTEM internships and activities.

Although we will work with AccessSTEM Team members to plan and initiate disclosure of their disabilities to potential employers, schools, or other organizations in conjunction with AccessSTEM activities, your disability may be disclosed or implied.

DO-IT may request a criminal background check of program participants. Applicants must report any past convictions to DO-IT at the time of application and any further charge or conviction at the time it occurs.

Referral Source