
This publication was created to help administrators develop or enhance existing college and career transition programs for youth with a wide range of abilities and disabilities. It is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (cooperative agreement #HRD-0277995; grants #HRD-9255803, #HRD-9550003, and #HRD-9800324). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Much of the content is duplicated in other publications, training materials, and web pages published by DO-IT at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´; most can be found within the comprehensive website at

We wish to thank the many staff members who have worked on aspects of the activities discussed and in the creation of this book and complementary publications, websites, and videos. These individuals include Scott Bellman, Tarrah Carson, Dan Comden, Kathy Cook, Lyla Crawford, Marvin Crippen, Deb Cronheim, Christina deMille, Imke Durre, Lyn Gigar, Doug Hayman, Dyane Haynes, Charlie Hinckley, Carole Isakson, Richard Ladner, Steve Nourse, James O'Connor, Kristin Otis, Michael Richardson, Nanette Rosenthal, Julie Smallman, Jane Sparks, Darin Stageberg, Nikki Stauber, Lisa Stewart, Valerie Sundby, Terry Thompson, Tami Tidwell, Linda Tofle, Suzanne Weghorst, and Debra Zawada.

Sara Lopez
Tracy Jirikowic

Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology (DO-IT)
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Computing & Communications
College of Education