Alaska Transition Camp: A Promising Practice in Involving Students and Educators in Transition Planning
offers week-long transition camps for students with disabilities to aid them in their transition from secondary to postsecondary institutions or from school to work. Participants attend as part of a team from their district. Teams focus on fostering an academic learning experience for both students and educators. The objectives and activities outlined during the week are compatible with and the Alaska Transition Outcomes Project (ATOP).
Goals for students in the transition camp include to:
- Identify career interests and explore career options.
- Develop and apply employability skills to develop a work ethic that leads to success in the workplace.
- Acquire knowledge that contributes to well-being in the workplace and independent living.
- Develop job-seeking skills.
A person-centered plan is developed by each team and the educators who attend also receive training on transition planning and, specifically, the (IDEA) transition requirements. Each camp is a week of information and perspective sharing which leaves both students and educators better informed about disability rights, accommodations, and successful transition planning.
The Alaska Transition Camp Program is a promising practice because it helps students and educators work together to design successful transitions for students with disabilities.