Appendix E: Volunteer Application Form
DO-IT Volunteer Opportunities
General Office Assistance: Volunteers assist with collating, labeling, and assembling resource packets for many mailings, resource production projects, and preparation for conferences.
Data Entry: Volunteers with basic data entry skills update our various program participant and contact databases.
Conference Booth Assistance: DO-IT frequently hosts exhibits at conferences, job fairs, or special events. Volunteers share information about DO-IT programs and distribute resource material.
Transportation: Occasionally volunteers provide transportation for adults with disabilities making presentations or attending special events.
Field Trip Escort: On a field trip to an industry tour, a visit to a college, or a trip to participate in a job fair, volunteers assist students with disabilities by providing accommodations, reading information, or assisting as chaperones.
Workshop/Classroom Presentations: DO-IT conducts various college and career exploration classes in which volunteers assist one-to-one with assignments and provide accommodations to students with disabilities.
Computer Setup/Support: Volunteers with good technical skills assist in setting up computer labs or demonstration displays. During events, these volunteers provide technical support and assist users in learning about the adaptive technology.
Our calendar includes events or activities throughout the year. Many of our volunteer needs are periodic. DO-IT Summer Study, our intensive two-week camp, is held late July to early August. Many DO-IT events, such as the yearly Summer Study and field trips, are photographed and/or videotaped. If you choose to attend any of these events, you may be asked to complete a publications release form.
Please complete the DO-IT Volunteer Application to indicate your skills, availability, and contact information. All volunteer candidates will also be asked to complete and return the UW Conviction/Criminal History Information form, which will be mailed to you once we receive your completed application. This position requires successful completion of a criminal history background check.
Thank you for your interest in supporting DO-IT!
DO-IT Volunteer Application
Telephone (day):________________________ Email: ________________________________
Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
I am interested in the following volunteer opportunities:
_____General Office Assistance
_____Data Entry
_____Conference Booth Assistance
_____Field Trip Escort
_____Workshop/Classroom Presentation
_____Computer Setup/Support
_____Other ________________________________________________
_____Weekdays, during regular business hours
_____Weekday evenings
_____Occasional, please call as needed
_____Ongoing, regular schedule: _____ Daily _____ Weekly
List other specific skills or interests that relate to your volunteer interest:
List two references (please include name and contact phone or email):
Please return the completed application to DO-IT, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´, Box 355670, Seattle, WA 98195-5670; email to or fax to 206-221-4171.