Apply to the DO-IT Scholars Program

DO-IT is actively recruiting students for our capstone program, DO-IT Scholars. For this unique program we are seeking students who
- are sophomores or juniors in high school in ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ State;
- have an aptitude for and interest in attending college;
- have a disability such as, but not limited to, mobility impairment, learning disability, sensory impairment, autism, or health impairment; and
- are motivated to participate and interested in interacting with other students with a variety of disabilities.
DO-IT Scholars are loaned computer equipment and adaptive technology needed to participate in electronic mentoring and Internet support year-round. For two to three summers, DO‑IT Scholars attend a two week, live-in summer program on the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ Seattle campus, where they learn about college selection, challenging careers, self-advocacy, and adaptive technology.
Applications are accepted any time during the current school year. Students are encouraged to work on and submit their applications in the fall and winter. Applications received before January 30 will receive the highest priority. Applications received after will be considered on a space-available basis.
To apply to be a DO-IT Scholar, visit our . For any assistance or information, please contact us at 888-972-DOIT (voice/TTY).