Sample CBI Agenda

Photo of a DO-IT Director Sheryl Burgstahler giving a speech.

A typical agenda for the six AccessSTEM CBIs included the following activities:

  • Introduction
  • Welcome from STEM Administrators and Faculty
  • Overview of Challenges Faced by Students with Disabilities Pursuing STEM and the AccessSTEM Project
  • Student inputs and/or student panel discussion
  • Practitioner stakeholder discussion with respect to the following questions:
    • What are some specific things we can do this school year to support and encourage STEM students with disabilities?
    • What are some specific things we can do this school year to recruit students with disabilities into STEM programs?
    • What are specific ideas for recruiting undeclared freshman and sophomores?
    • What are specific ideas for reaching out to high school students?
  • Student discussions with respect to the following questions:
    • Why do you think there is a smaller proportion of people with disabilities in STEM careers when compared to the rest of the population?
    • What specific access issues for students with disabilities might there be in STEM courses and labs?
    • At what point in their academic career do you think students with disabilities are turned off by STEM?
    • In K-12 schools what are some of the inhibitors (that discourage participation) for students with disabilities to pursue STEM?
    • As students, what advice do you have for improving access to STEM education?
  • Report Out and Further Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Evaluation