What Should We Include in the Invitation to a CBI?

In addition to the schedule and location, emphasize the relevance of the topic, the need for representation from diverse groups, the interactive nature of the program, and expected outcomes. On the following page is a CBI sample letter of invitation.

Photo of CBI participants talking while sitting at a large conference table

Dear [Name],

You are invited to participate in a Capacity-Building Institute (CBI), to be held at [institution] on [date] from [start time] to [end time]. Please register for this meeting at [URL].

The CBI has been organized as a result of recent conversations at the [institution], where faculty, staff, and administrators have discussed ways in which universal design (UD) can create welcoming and inclusive learning environments for all students. Given the rapid pace at which the application of universal design is evolving in higher education, the [university/college] has become increasingly aware of the professional development needs of faculty and staff to apply UD principles within and outside of the classroom.

The goals of the CBI are to engage faculty, staff, and administrators in a discussion that will ultimately lead to improved accessibility of courses and services that takes into consideration the diverse learning styles, abilities, and disabilities of today's students.

The CBI will have three guest speakers presenting on specific topic areas related to UD. The Institute will also include a brainstorming session in which issues, perspectives, and challenges related to UD will be actively explored. All participants will leave with a strategic plan for incorporating universal design into their specific disciplines.

The CBI will include information on relevant legislation, principles of universal design, specific ways to create inclusive classrooms and services, information on local resources, and the development of a personal or departmental action plan to apply practical universal design strategies to transform curricula or services.

Thank you for your interest in creating inclusive communities for all students at [Institution].

[Institutional Representative]