It is expected that every campus will have a unique approach, but here are some steps to consider in planning a CBI:
- Convene an existing Community of Practice or advisory group that focuses on disability issues or form a new group to plan the event. This type of group includes representation from key stakeholders and meets regularly to address campus accessibility issues.
- Select a theme or topic area for your CBI. Possible topics include the following:
- Assuring that information technology (e.g., websites, computer labs, distance learning courses) are accessible to students, faculty, and staff with disabilities.
- Making student service units (e.g., career centers, student activities) accessible to students with disabilities.
- Increasing the skills of faculty to teach students with disabilities by teaching and implementing universal design strategies.
- Working with representatives from a wide variety of stakeholder groups on campus to create institutional change toward a more welcoming and accessible campus.
- Identify handouts and videos to support the CBI (see the Resources section).
- Select speakers to present on specific topic areas related to access. Compile questions for small and large group discussions about issues, perspectives, and challenges related to the CBI topic.
- Make logistical arrangements: schedule rooms, create assignments for small groups, and appoint note takers.
- Invite members of key stakeholder groups to the event.
- Conduct the CBI. Consult the publication Equal Access: Universal Design of Conference Exhibits and Presentations and employ universal design principles in your presentation(s). Plan that by the end of the CBI, participants will have a strategic plan and/or task list to incorporate the content learned at the CBI into their specific areas of responsibility.;
- Evaluate the CBI. Use our evaluation instrument, modify it, or develop your own.
- Disseminate information from your CBI. Publish proceedings and/or articles in journals or campus publications. Submit a press release to campus and local newspapers. This step will expand the impact of your work.