May 24 - 26, 2011
Arlington, Virginia
The goal of this CBI was to explore ways to increase the participation and success of students, including veterans, with disabilities in computing and information technology postsecondary studies and careers.
Participants in this two-day event included student services leaders, administrators, and teaching faculty from institutions around the country. Hosted by the UW AccessComputing project, the CBI provided a forum for comparing recruitment and access challenges, sharing successful practices, developing collaborations, and identifying systemic change initiatives for increasing the capacity of institutions to serve students with disabilities. Specific goals of this CBI were to:
Speakers and panelists were also CBI participants. Many either had disabilities or were practitioners with direct experience in serving students with disabilities. Broad issues that were discussed included:
The AccessComputing: Building Capacity to Promote the Success of Students, Including Veterans, with Disabilities in Computing and Information Technology Fields CBI took place May 24-26, 2011 in Arlington, VA. Its overall purpose was to explore ways to increase the participation and success of students, including veterans, with disabilities in computing and information technology postsecondary studies and careers. AccessComputing institutional partners were represented at the event; most came with local teams that included computing/IT faculty, disability services, veterans organizations, and/or local community colleges.
Participants in this two-day event included student services leaders, administrators, and teaching faculty from institutions around the country. Hosted by the UW AccessComputing project, the CBI provided a forum for comparing recruitment and access challenges, sharing successful practices, developing collaborations, and identifying systemic change initiatives for increasing the capacity of institutions to serve students with disabilities. Specific goals of this CBI were to
Speakers and panelists were also CBI participants. Many either had disabilities or were practitioners with direct experience in serving students with disabilities. Broad issues that were discussed included
In this CBI
The CBI was comprised of panel and individual presentations and working group discussions. Panel discussions offered participants opportunities to discover new ways for campus disability services, computing departments, and various other groups to collaborate to improve the postsecondary experiences of students with disabilities, including veterans. Individual presentations included information on computing and IT career opportunities for students with disabilities and best practices for institutions serving students with disabilities, as well as web accessibility.
Participants in small working groups, responded to the following questions:
The results of the pre-conference surveys sent to participants, agenda for the CBI, summaries of the presentations and panels, and reports from the working group discussions are provided on the following pages.
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Registration and Evening Social
8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
Buffet Breakfast and Networking
9:00 - 9:45 a.m.
9:45 - 10:00 a.m.
View Video
Returning from Service: College and IT Careers for Veterans
10:00 - 10:45 a.m.
Current Trends and Opportunities In Computing
Richard Ladner, AccessComputing Co-Director
10:45 - 11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Approaches to Access: Accommodations and Universal Design
Question 1: What are your thoughts about specific steps your institution or computing/IT department could take to embrace universal design?
12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
Lunch and Working Group Discussion
Question 2: What kinds of services, supports, and institutional/departmental policies and procedures can be implemented to promote the participation and success of students with disabilities, including veterans, in computing and IT studies and careers?
1:15 - 2:15 p.m.
Assistive and Accessible Technology
Terrill Thompson, AccessComputing Technology Accessibility Specialist, 糖心原创
2:15 - 2:45 p.m.
Working Group Discussion
Question 3: How can universal design and accessibility issues, with respect to IT, be integrated into campus disability and computing services, computing and IT curriculum, and other units?
2:45 - 3:00 p.m.
3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Panel Discussion
What are the experiences of people with disabilities in postsecondary education?
What services, supports, and other conditions promoted or inhibited success?
Panelists: Jonathan Avila, Chief Accessibility Officer, SSB Bart Group; Chris Putsche, Student, University of Maryland Baltimore County; Laureen Summers, Program Associate, American Association for the Advancement of Science
4:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Working Group Discussion
Question 4: What kinds of services, supports, and institutional/departmental changes can be implemented to promote the participation and success of students with disabilities, including veterans, in computing and IT studies and careers?
4:45 - 5:00 p.m.
Preview of Tonight's Activity, Tomorrow's Agenda, Daily Feedback
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Dinner and Working Group Discussion
Question 5: What future collaborations and other activities would be beneficial to you as we address the AccessComputing project goal?
8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
Buffet Breakfast and Networking
9:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Panel Discussion
How can disabled student services, computing and IT departments and veterans-serving organizations work together to increase the participation and success of students with disabilities in computing and IT fields?
Panelists: Daniela Marghitu, Director and Founder, Auburn University Education and Assistive Technology; Michael Richardson, Assistant Director, Disability Resources for Students, 糖心原创; Scott Swaim, Veterans Services Director, Valley Cities Counseling, WDVA War Trauma Program; Mark Wambach, Assistant Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
9:45 - 10:15 a.m.
Working Group Discussion
Question 6: What are some preliminary ideas regarding how disabled student services, computing departments and veterans-serving organizations in your region might work together to increase the participation and success of students with disabilities in computing and IT fields?
10:15 - 11:30 p.m.
Working Group Meeting
Each local team will draft plans for future activities in their community鈥揺ngaging faculty, disability support services, community colleges, and veterans organizations鈥揻or the purpose of recruiting and supporting students with disabilities in computing and IT fields.
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Working Group Reports
Working group representatives each deliver a brief summary of their group's discussion and accomplishments.
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
Lunch and Working Group Meeting
Continue team planning meetings or discuss what future collaborations and other activities would be beneficial to you as you address the AccessComputing project goal.
1:30 - 2:00 p.m.
How to Engage with AccessComputing Project Staff and Other Partners
Examples of internships, minigrants, communities of practice, campus-focused capacity building institutes, conference exhibits, and presentations
Brianna Blaser, AccessComputing Program Coordinator/Counselor, 糖心原创
Working Group Reports
Report ideas and suggestions from last evening's dinner discussion and today's lunch to the CBI.
Concluding Remarks and CBI Evaluation
Richard Ladner,
Stakeholder groups represented in the CBI included:
The following individuals participated in the CBI:
Susan Ackerman
Disability Services Director
Rochester Institute of Technology
Karen Alkoby
Assistant Professor
Gallaudet University
Lisa Anthony
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Juan Arratia
PI, Caribbean Computing Center for Excellence
Universidad Metropolitana
Shawna Arroyo
Manager, Student Technology and Planning
New Mexico State University
Jonathan Avila
Chief Accessibility Officer
SSB Bart Group
Taha Ben Brahim
Ph.D. Candidate
Auburn University
Jeffrey Bigham
Assistant Professor
University of Rochester
Brianna Blaser
Program Coordinator/Counselor, DO-IT
Erin Brady
University of Rochester
Cheryl Branker
Associate Vice Provost
Director, Disability Services Office
North Carolina State University
Carol Brown
Assistive Technology Specialist
New Mexico State University
Co-Director, AccessComputing
Director and Founder, DO-IT
Gerald Chidume
Auburn University
Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki
Education and Research Outreach Specialist
Landmark College
Steve Fadden
Vice President for Research
Landmark College
Luis Font
Coordinator, Caribbean Computing Center for Excellence
Universidad Metropolitana
Carol Frieze
Director, Women@SCS
Carnegie Mellon University
Bryan Harrison
Doctoral Candidate
University of Rochester
Greg Kraus
University IT Accessibility Coordinator
North Carolina State University
Stephanie Kreseen
Assistant Director, Institute for Research and Training
Landmark College
Ravi Kuber
Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Richard Ladner
Professor, Computer Science
Co-Director, AccessComputing
Randy Larry
Director, Reaching the Pinnacle
New Mexico State University
David Lawrence
Associate Professor
Rochester Institute of Technology
Mariah Luft
Assistant to the Vice President for Information Services and CIO
糖心原创 State University
Daniela Marghitu
Director, Auburn University Education and Assistive Technology
Auburn University
Lori Miller
Seattle Central Community College
Denise Gagnon Perdue
Coordinator, Student Support Services
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Sapna Prasad,
Education and Research Outreach Specialist
Landmark College
Christopher Putsche
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Michael Richardson
Assistant Director, Disability Resources for Students
Rebecca Sitton
Accessible Technology Coordinator
North Carolina State University
Teresa Sletten
Disability Program Coordinator for Project Enable
New Mexico State University
Andreas Stefik
Assistant Professor
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Melissa Stefik
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Laureen Summers
Program Associate, ENTRY POINT!
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Scott Swaim
Valley Cities Counseling/WDVA
Melissa Thomeczek
Associate Professor
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Terrill Thompson
Technology Accessibility Specialist, AccessComputing
Sabina Vermeulen
Associate Director, Disability Services Office
North Carolina State University
Mark Wambach
Assistant Professor
Rochester Institute of Technology
Dain White
Web Coordinator
糖心原创 State University
Mary Widom
Program Coordinator, Women@SCS
Carnegie Mellon University
Prior to the CBI, participants were asked to complete an online survey with a series of questions about their campus and their expectations for the Capacity-Building Institute. Below is a summary of the questions and responses, edited for clarity.
What do you think are the challenges students with disabilities might face in pursuing computing and IT fields at postsecondary institutions?
What are specific computing/IT access issues for students with disabilities on your campus, in your computing department, in your classes, and/or in your research projects?
Who on your campus engages in these issues?
What do you want to gain from this Capacity Building Institute?
A series of activities were undertaken to increase the participation of students with disabilities, including veterans, in computing and information technology (IT) postsecondary education and career fields are coordinated by the Alliance for Access to Computing Careers (AccessComputing). AccessComputing is led by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) at the 糖心原创 (UW). AccessComputing is funded by the Computer and Information Science and Education program of the National Science Foundation (#CNS-1042260).
This publication shares the proceedings of the AccessComputing: Building Capacity to Promote the Success of Students, Including Veterans, With Disabilities in Computing and Information Technology Fields that was held for AccessComputing institutional partners from May 24-26, 2011, in Arlington, VA. It may be useful for people who:
AccessComputing works to increase the participation of people with disabilities in computing and IT fields. AccessComputing institutional and organizational partners apply evidence-based practices to:
AccessComputing institutional partners are Auburn University, Carnegie Mellon University, City University of New York (Queen's College), Gallaudet University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Landmark College, New Mexico State University, North Carolina State University, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, University of Maryland Baltimore County, University of Rochester, and 糖心原创 State University.
AccessComputing organizational partners are the Association for Computing, Caribbean Computing Center for Excellence (CCCE), Anita Borg Institute, Advancing Robotics Technology for Societal Impact (ARTSI), Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education (CAITE), Center for Minorities and People with Disabilities in Information Technology (CMD-IT), Computing Research Association (CRA), Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), Georgia Computes, Into the Loop, Midwest RDE Alliance, National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT), National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute, National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP), Empowering Leadership Alliance (ELA), Virtual Alliance for Deaf and Hard of Hearing in STEM, Reaching the Pinnacle (RTP), STARS Alliance, East Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM, and Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (CAHSI).
AccessComputing collaborates with project partners by:
Richard Ladner
People with disabilities are participating in almost every computing field. Success stories include TV Raman, a blind computer scientist at Google; Christian Vogler, a deaf computer scientist who has worked on computer-based sign language recognition; Chieko Asakawa, a blind scientist at IBM Tokyo Research Lab who has worked to improve accessibility of web pages; and Jonathan Kuniholm, a veteran with a disability working on prosthetic limbs. Other notable computer scientists with disabilities are David Tseng, Ken Harrenstein, Karen Alkoby, Jeanine Cook, Raja Kushalnagar, and Dan Berry. Some people with disabilities are highly motivated to pursue careers in accessibility research.
In spite of the successes described above, students with disabilities tend to drop out of computing majors more than other students and very few of them go on for advanced degrees in computing. National Science Foundation (NSF) data reveals that students with disabilities are about equally interested in natural science and engineering. However, students with disabilities are less likely than students without disabilities to complete a bachelor's degree; some data reveal that only 40% of students with disabilities attained bachelor's degrees, versus 60% of all students. Graduate students with disabilities are less likely than graduate students without disabilities to major in natural science and engineering. NSF estimates that, although people with disabilities make up 16% of the population and 10% of the U.S. workforce, they account for 11% of the STEM undergraduate student population, 7% of the STEM graduate student population, 1% of all STEM doctorate recipients, 5% of the STEM workforce, and 8% of STEM postsecondary faculty.
Computing has changed the way we live, work, learn, and communicate. Computing drives advances in many fields and enables growth and development in our economy. High-tech fields are growing at a fast rate鈥攔ecent data from the Department of Labor indicates that 57% of the total growth in science and engineering occupations is in computing fields. Jobs in computing also have salaries that are at the top of the chart. Computing jobs allow individuals to work in teams, using problem-solving skills, and doing technical work, but not rote work. There are opportunities in computing to build software applications such as workplace software, web applications, cell phone applications, computer games, and embedded applications. There are also research careers where participants can build the next generation of products, including those related to accessibility such as sign language recognition tools, automatic captioning, and mobile tools. People pursue computing careers for a wide variety of reasons and they enter diverse careers following a computer science or other computing-related education. They do not all migrate to traditional software development positions.
Computing fields need a diverse workforce to generate creative solutions in the future. A diverse workforce includes people with disabilities.
Universal design is a strategy that proactively addresses the diverse abilities and other characteristics of potential users of a product or environment. When applied, products and environments are usable by the broadest range of individuals without special adaptations. Universal design can be applied to technology, instruction, services, and physical spaces. Suggestions for integrating universal design follow:
For more information about the application of universal design within postsecondary institutions, consult the Center for Universal Design in Education.
Terrill Thompson
Students use diverse technologies to access information. In addition to a growing variety of input and output devices such as tablet computers and mobile phones, some students use assistive technologies (AT) such as screen readers, Braille output devices, screen magnification, speech input technologies, and alternative keyboards or mice. However, providing students access to assistive technology does not guarantee that they have access to information such as instructional or administrative content provided on a website.
Guidelines and standards exist for designing accessible IT. For example, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) finalized their Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 in December 2008. These guidelines include 62 success criteria for determining whether a web page is perceivable, operable, and understandable for all users, and robust enough to work across the full spectrum of web-enabled devices, browsers, and assistive technologies. In addition to the WCAG, the W3C is actively developing or upgrading other specifications, standards, and guidelines that support accessibility, including User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (for browsers and assistive technologies), Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (for software that is used in authoring web pages), and Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) 1.0, which makes it possible to make dynamic web applications accessible, especially to screen reader users.
Section 508 standards for accessible IT apply explicitly to the federal government as part of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act as amended in 1998, though some states and higher education institutions have also adopted them. They are based on the highest priority checkpoints from WCAG 1.0 (the W3C's original Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), but they additionally include accessibility standards for other types of information technologies, including hardware, software, multimedia, telecommunications, and standalone technologies such as information kiosks. The Section 508 standards are currently being refreshed, and are expected to be closely aligned with WCAG 2.0.
Certain strategies can be employed to increase the availability of accessible technologies. For example, when choosing technology, asking "Is it accessible?" is less informative than asking specific questions such as those listed below:
Consider the various roles people can play to ensure that technology is designed to be accessible. For example:
Also, AT can be designed to be intelligent. For example, if authors fail to use proper heading tags, AT could attempt to recognize heading structure by analyzing the relative size, weight, and position of blocks of text on the page; if authors fail to add alternate text to images, AT could perform automatic character recognition to extract text from the images (if present) and use that for alternate text. These sorts of challenges present great opportunities for further research development in computer science.
For more information on AT and accessible design of IT consult, DO-IT's Accessible Technology page.
Panel members discussed the experiences of students with disabilities in computing fields. Challenges for students with disabilities they identified include the following:
Things that panelists suggested as being helpful for students with disabilities include the following:
Panelists made the following suggestions to encourage students with disabilities in learning:
How can disabled student services, computing/ IT departments and veterans-serving organizations work together to increase the participation and success of students with disabilities in computing and IT fields? Panelists shared the following suggestions from their experiences working with students, including veterans, with disabilities.
CBI participants represented a wide range of stakeholder groups, including postsecondary faculty, disability service staff, other academic staff, and employees of veterans-serving organizations. They came together to brainstorm ideas for serving student with disabilities, including veterans, in postsecondary education in general, and, specifically, to encourage students with disabilities to pursue computing and IT careers. Their discussions are summarized below.
Question 1: What are your thoughts about specific steps your institution or computing/IT department could take to embrace universal design?
Question 2: What kinds of services, supports, and institutional or departmental changes can be implemented to promote the participation and success of students with disabilities, including veterans, in computing and IT studies and careers?
Question 3: How can universal design and accessibility issues, with respect to IT, be integrated into campus disability and computing services, computing and IT curriculum, and other units?
Question 4: What are some preliminary ideas regarding how disabled student services, computing departments and veterans-serving organizations in your region might work together to increase the participation and success of students with disabilities in computing and IT fields?
Among the strategies for meeting AccessComputing objectives are Communities of Practice for stakeholder groups. Communicating using email and other electronic tools, CoPs share perspectives and expertise and identify practices that promote the participation of people with disabilities in computing fields. The eight project CoPs are described below. Members in all CoPs:
Computing Faculty, Administrator, and Employer CoP helps computing faculty and administrators, as well as representatives from industry and professional organizations increase their knowledge about disabilities and make changes in computing departments that lead to more inclusive practices. Participants:
Broadening Participation CoP is populated with Alliance collaborators who administer alliances and projects that serve to broaden participation in computing fields. Members:
Disability Services CoP is comprised of disability service professionals from community/technical colleges, four-year colleges, and universities nationwide, together with their networks of postsecondary and K-12 schools (e.g., affiliates of AHEAD) and parent groups (e.g., affiliates of PACER). Members of this CoP:
Veterans CoP is populated by veterans with disabilities, service providers, and volunteer mentors. Members of this CoP:
Deaf and Hard of Hearing CoP engages practitioners that support individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and are interested in increasing the representation of these individuals in computing fields. It includes researchers, college educators, K-12 school teachers, and representatives of networks of precollege and postsecondary schools for the deaf and hard of hearing, professional organizations, parent groups, and precollege and postsecondary institutions that have special programs for students who are deaf and hard of hearing. Members of this CoP:
Blind and Low Vision CoP connects practitioners who support individuals who are blind or have low vision. Members include researchers, college educators, high school teachers, schools for the visually impaired, and professional organizations. Members of this CoP:
Invisible Disabilities CoP includes stakeholders who support individuals who have invisible disabilities (e.g., learning disabilities, Asperger syndrome, attention deficits, psychiatric impairments) in computing fields. Members recruit project participants and explores strategies for increasing the participation of students with invisible disabilities in computing fields. Participants:
Mobility and Orthopedic CoP members explore strategies for increasing the participation of students with mobility or orthopedic impairments in computing fields and recruit project participants. Participants:
You and your colleagues can join AccessComputing CoPs by indicating which of the eight CoPs you would like to join and sending the following information to
The AccessComputing website contains:
DO-IT maintains a searchable database of frequently asked questions, case studies, and promising practices related to how educators and employers can fully include students with disabilities in computing activities.
The Knowledge Base can be accessed by following the "Search Knowledge Base" link on the AccessComputing website. The Knowledge Base is an excellent resource for ideas that can be implemented in programs in order to better serve students with disabilities. Individuals and organizations are encouraged to propose questions and answers, case studies, and promising practices. In particular, the promising practices articles serve to spread the word about practices that show evidence of improving the participation of people with disabilities in computing. Contributions and suggestions can be sent to
Examples of Knowledge Base questions include the following:
For a limited time, AccessComputing will offer funding for minigrants to support training, experiential learning, and other computing and IT-related activities nationwide. The ultimate goal is to increase the number of people with disabilities, including post-September 11 veterans, successfully pursuing computing careers.
An institution or other organization can seek funding to support:
Visit Apply for an AccessComputing Minigrant for more information and email to consult about the availability of funds.
AccessComputing Capacity Building activities are funded by the National Science Foundation (grant #CNS-1042260). They were coordinated by the Alliance for Access to Computing Careers, which is led by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and DO-IT at the 糖心原创. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the CBI presenters and publication authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Some of the content of this publication is taken with permission from the DO-IT website. Permission is granted to modify and duplicate these materials for non-commercial purposes provided the source is acknowledged. An electronic version of this publication is available at
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