Presentation Planning


Determine the appropriate purpose of your program based on the needs of your library and audience. The materials in this packet can be used to deliver presentations that can help educators, librarians, and other professionals:

  • become more aware of the issues, needs and concerns of people with disabilities in accessing electronic resources
  • develop library services accessible to a wide range of users by applying universal design principles
  • understand the primary types of adaptive technology and their implications for people with disabilities
  • plan and implement adaptive technology capabilities for library computer workstations
  • learn universal design principles for developing World Wide Web and other electronic resources

Length and Content

The presentation can be adapted to the needs of your audience. Simply play one of the videotape presentations and distribute related handouts during a meeting for a 15-minute presentation. Or use the entire script and both videotape presentations for a day-long work-shop. Or prepare something in between. Following are descriptions of several presentation options:

  • Develop a 20-minute presentation for Trustee groups, staff, or others to give them a conceptual understanding of what adaptive technology is and how it helps people with disabilities access the Internet and other useful resources. Share the Working Together: People with Disabilities and Computer Technology videotape presentation and distribute the handouts titled Working Together: People with Disabilities and Computer Technology and Meet the Speakers in the Videotape: Working Together: People with Disabilities and Computer Technology.
  • Develop a 15- to 30-minute presentation for a Web design team to share access issues and solutions for people with disabilities as they use the World Wide Web. Show the World Wide Access videotape presentation and distribute the handouts titled World Wide Access: Accessible Web Design and Meet the Speakers in the Videotape: World Wide Access. Discuss the implications for your library.
  • Deliver a one-and-a-half to two-hour presentation to describe the concepts of adaptive technology and accessible Web page design and provide the tools for participants to begin including these techniques in the library's services. Show both videotape presentations, distribute all of the handouts provided and explore in more detail the principles utilizing the overhead templates and/or the electronic presentation.
  • Teach a half- or full-day workshop to more fully explore the integration of adaptive technology and universal design principles into the services and electronic resources of the library. Collaborate with your information systems and/or computer services departments and local organizations to include presenters with experience in the field of adaptive technology and Web page development. Work with local organizations serving people with disabilities or library patrons to arrange a panel of people with disabilities who use adaptive technology and electronic resources for a one-hour segment of the work-shop. In addition to using the video-tape presentations and handouts included in this binder, visit DO-IT's World Wide Web site and consider including some of DO-IT's many other publications and videotapes. Explore the organizations, books and Web sites listed in the Resources section and linked to DO- IT's page for additional ideas and information.


  • Preview the videotape presentations and study the handouts, sample script, glossary, resource lists and other materials.
  • Determine presentation purpose, content, audience and length.
  • Select the presenter(s) and meet to plan the program.
  • Arrange for a meeting space.
  • Advertise the program.
  • Arrange for a VHS, VCR, and monitor.
  • Arrange for additional equipment as needed. This may include:
    • Overhead projector and screen
    • Microphone system Computer with projection system Internet connection
    • Pointer device
  • Photocopy the overhead transparency templates onto transparency film.
  • Photocopy the handout templates and collate the handout packets for your expected audience.
  • If you desire feedback from your audience, create an evaluation instrument and photocopy.

Now you are all set to DO-IT!