Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.
Consider the position, lighting, and seating needs of the student during presentations or when using text, manipulatives, transparencies or other projected images.
Provide large-print lecture notes, handouts, and worksheets.
Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.
Provide audiotaped, Brailled, or electronic-formatted lecture notes, handouts, and texts.
Give clear verbal descriptions of visual aids including video and printed content used throughout your presentation.
Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.
Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.
Give clear verbal descriptions of visual aids including video and printed content used throughout your presentation.
Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.
Use an adjustable table, and locate lab equipment within reach.
Because this unit involves manipulation of small objects, make adjustments for a student with upper body mobility impairment or fine motor coordination issues; sometimes working with a partner is effective. Also, consult lab design recommendations for students with mobility impairments at .
Adaptive lab equipment for individuals with mobility impairments can be found at .
Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.
Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.