Appendix L: Tips for Personal Care Assistants

Here are a few helpful tips to guide you, as a personal assistant, through the Summer Study experience.

  1. Remember who you report to. You are employed by the Scholar and are here to meet his/ her personal needs. Follow his/her directions. Do not spend time alone with another participant. Keep in mind that your Scholar may have little or no experience supervising an assistant. Help them develop their skills.
  2. Communicate with the Scholar. Discuss your personal needs, work hours, and any concerns, as appropriate, with the Scholar.
  3. Encourage independence. DO-IT Summer Study provides an opportunity for Scholars to practice articulating their own needs. Provide support during labs and academic activities, but encourage the Scholar to request assistance from instructors or lab staff and to work effectively within groups.
  4. Be flexible. While we have tried to plan for each Scholar's personal and academic needs, we cannot anticipate everyone's needs at all times. Expect this to be a learning experience for everyone involved.
  5. Provide feedback. Your suggestions regarding any program aspects are of value to us. Submit written evaluations of activities you are involved in.
  6. Ask questions; share concerns. If you have program questions or concerns, please discuss them with a DO-IT staff member.
  7. Have fun. Please join in and participate in our social activities and events as you are able.