Appendix N: Emergency Procedures

DO-IT Summer Study Emergency Procedures for Staff/Volunteers

Emergency (e.g., major health concern or injury, threatening/violent behavior)

  • If necessary, have someone call 911 or 9-911 from a campus phone to request the Emergency Medical System (EMS).
  • Access the Scholar's Emergency Form—have it ready for EMS. Emergency Notebooks are located at McCarty Hall snack room, in HUB (Husky Union Building) 106 computer lab/classroom, and with the Lead Staff on field trips.
  • Apply necessary first aid. Do not move unconscious or back or neck injury victims. Have someone stay with the Scholar at all times.
  • Call Michael as soon as feasible. Michael will contact the Scholar's parents and/or further contacts as needed. If Michael cannot be reached, continue down the following list until you reach someone.
    1. 206-543-0622
    2. Scott Bellman 206-685-6222
  • If the Scholar will be transported by EMS professionals, have an adult that is not the Lead Staff for the current activity accompany the Scholar.

Minor Incident Procedures (e.g., health concern, minor injury, behavior concern)

  • Calm Scholar and others in the area. Consider moving Scholar to a quiet area away from the group. Provide aid and determine next steps for the Scholar.
  • Referencing Scholar's Emergency Form may assist in resolving the situation. Emergency Notebooks are located at McCarty Hall snack room, in HUB 106 computer lab/classroom, and with Lead Staff on field trips.
  • Once situation is under control, contact Michael. Michael will contact parents if necessary and let other staff know about the situation as needed. Such notification will assist in providing specific follow-up and increased awareness of Scholar issues.

Group Meeting Locations (e.g., upon evacuation due to fire, earthquake, or other emergency)

  • McCarty Hall— N7 Parking lot (West of McCarty Main Entrance, across Whitman Court)
  • HUB - West side lawn (between HUB and Allen Library, across Yakima Lane)
  • Field trips—Bus drop off location
  • Other buildings—Instruct Scholars to meet near the entrance where they came into the building. Always observe where the nearest accessible exits are located upon arrival.

ALL staff should assist to verify that everyone is accounted for as soon as possible.