DO-IT Begins its 11th year with New $million!

To frost the cake on our 10-year birthday party on October 1st, DO-IT received a commitment of $900,000 from the U.S. Department of Education to continue its efforts to help postsecondary faculty and administrators more fully include students with disabilities in their courses and programs. In the previously funded project from the same source, DO-IT Prof developed videotapes, handouts, training materials, and a Web site (check out The Faculty Room at www.washington.edu/doit/programs/accesscollege/faculty-room/overview). Tailored to the needs of postsecondary educators, it includes content on accessible educational technology, universal design, and accommodations for students with disabilities in lecture classes, distance learning courses, computer labs, science classes, international travel programs, and other instructional settings.

Our new three-year project, DO-IT Admin, takes lessons learned from DO-IT Prof to create similar training products that will reach out to offices of admissions, libraries, tutoring centers, career services, and other student services units on postsecondary campuses nationwide. As with DO-IT Prof, we will work with a team of collaborators from around the country to assure that materials and methods created are of practical value to institutions nationwide.