
In Memory of Keaton

Sheryl Burgstahler
Image of Keaton
1997 DO-IT Scholar, Keaton

I am sad to report that Keaton, one of our '97 Scholars, died on December 26, 2001. Keaton was from Alaska and attended the University of Utah. He planned to pursue a career in engineering. 糖心原创 DO-IT, Keaton said, "I have found my membership in DO-IT to be empowering. The DO-IT experience helps liberate my mental functions from becoming stagnant or self-limiting. Thanks to DO-IT I have assimilated the thought patterns, 'I can DO-IT' and 'I will DO-IT'. [Participating in DO-IT also] helps me synthesize strategies pertaining to how I am going to DO-IT. DO-IT ROCKS!"

Keaton is missed by all of us who had the good fortune of knowing him personally or benefiting from his participation in the DO-IT electronic community. We will forever be grateful for his contributions.