HIT the Note!

Dylan, Melissa, Sam B., Sara, Phase II Scholars; and Sam R., Intern

Held at a local all-ages jazz club in Seattle, the Hit the Note! workshop was taught by researchers Suzanne and Peter from the UW's Human Interface Technology department, also known as the HIT Lab. The goal of HIT the Note! was to generate a "mixed reality graphic interactive performance piece."

To participate in the workshop, DO-IT Scholars and a DO-IT Intern traveled off campus each day at 8:30 a.m. to Egan's Ballard Jam House and returned at noon. The team used a variety of software programs and equipment to create the video. 3DMeNow allowed the team to animate pictures of themselves. Spore Creature Creator, a downloadable demo from the manufacturer of Sims, was used to customize animated creatures. Animation was created with a program called Line-Rider, which creates roller coaster-like paths. The final iMovie we created was set to the song from the Average White Band titled, "Pick up the Pieces."