1993 DO-IT Summer Program Evaluated

Jane Hartway

The 1993 DO-IT summer program was evaluated in order to discover participants' reactions--what they liked and disliked. The suggestions collected will be used to improve the program for next summer and will be shared with other organizations. To meet these goals, surveys were designed to collect relevant information from participants (via electronic-mail) and from others involved in the summer program (DO-IT staff, personal attendants, and volunteers).

Overall, responses were positive and many of the most popular presentations, labs and activities will be repeated next summer for a new group of DO-IT Scholars.

One favored activity was the sheep heart dissection where students learned about different types of heart surgery as they experimented. A dynamic physics demonstration also was popular because it helped bring complex concepts to a general audience through the use of video, discussion and demonstration. A chemistry lab where the students learned about recycling and then made their own slime was also a popular activity.

For evening and weekend activities, the Mariners game and Pacific Science Center trip were the clear winners. The Mariners won the game and a popular music group wrapped up the evening in the Kingdome where the participants were invited to dance on the turf. Students had several options at the Pacific Science Center and they enjoyed breaking into groups to explore at their own pace.

The evaluations also measured students' interest levels before and after the program. On average, respondents indicated an increased interest in science, mathematics and engineering.