Closing the Gap with Mentoring

Anthony, Phase III DO-IT Scholar

DO-IT played a roll at Closing the Gap again. This year, we did two talks during the 3-day event. Sheryl and I spoke on computer mentoring. We also showed the new DO-IT adaptive technology video called Working Together: People with Disabilities and Computer Technology (contact the DO-IT office or WWW home page for ordering information). I shared some of my ideas on technology helping handicapped people plus on my mentoring people outside of the program. Anthony did a great job. The audience showed a lot of interest in how the Internet can empower individuals with disabilities.

Dan Comden, our DO-IT computer specialist, gave a talk about some of technical aspects of the program (you know, all of that stuff that he makes look so easy? It isn't!). His subject was on setting up computer systems for Scholars at home, like what devices are needed and Internet connections from other locations.