Summer Camps '96: What Did DO-IT Campers Do?

Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D.

DO-IT hosts programs at existing camps for childern and youth with disabilities. At Camp Courage, Minnesota, DO-IT teaches a 10-day program on Internet use, college preparation, studies in careers, science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. At other camps, DO-IT offers Internet, science, and college preview experiences for campers. After their DO-IT Camper experience, many participants become DO-IT Pals, where they continue to communicate each other and with the DO-IT Mentors on the Internet. Below, three DO-IT Campers share some of their experiences from Camp Courage. Contact the DO-IT office at (206) 685-DOIT for more information about DO-IT Campers or access the DO-IT home page at www.washington.edu/doit.

DO-IT Did it at Camp Courage

by Gina

My name is Gina. I have been going to Camp Courage for about 4 years now and this year I decided to check out the DO-IT Camp Courage computer/college preview program. It has been a lot of fun. We have learned how to use the Internet. My favorite thing on computers is global chat. I think that it is fun to get to know people through the Internet. We also did e-mail and we searched the Internet. One day we actually got to go to St. Cloud State University. We got to see a radio studio. We got to hear about how to manage our time and how to survive in college. I'm legally blind and I had software called Close View on my computer so that was a new experience for me. We also got to do camp activities like swimming, horseback riding and other things. If you are interested in going to a camp, Camp Courage is the way to go!

Camp Courage

by Tiffany

This was my first year ever at Camp Courage. I enjoyed it a lot. Here at camp, we do everything from horseback riding to surfing the Net. It was really fun and interesting. Every day here was different because the counselors plan different activities every day. It was impossible to get bored. My favorite activities here were the Talent Show and chatting on the Global Chat service. My friend's favorite activities were swimming in the pool and walking on the paths through the woods.

Camp Courage is not like any other camp you've been to. Everyone there is disabled from things like cerebral palsy to blindness. In fact Camp Courage is the only one of its kind in the entire U.S. Last year, three brand new cabins were built with money donated from companies like TCF Banking. The cabins are like mini resorts rather than cabins.

Camp Courage is located on Cedar Lake. We tube and swim on that too. If you like to help people or if you want to be a camper at some summer camp, you should definitely look into Camp Courage.

Computer Camp Story

by Tracy

Hello! My name is Tracy. I will be a high school senior this fall in South Dakota. This is my first experience at the DO-IT/Camp Courage Internet and College Prep camp. I learned more about e-mail, discussion groups, gophers, and finding my way around the World Wide Web. This camp gave me an opportunity to meet new people, learn more about college life and employment, and access the wealth of information on the Internet. The staff was friendly and helpful. I hope I will be able to come back next summer.