DO-IT Hosts College Transition Fair

Debra Zawada, DO-IT staff

On March 24th, DO-IT and North Seattle Community College hosted the Fourth Annual Transition to College event for high school students with disabilities. Over 130 students attended from twenty area high schools. Following an inspirational keynote address, students were assigned groups which rotated between three sessions: Self-determination, Choosing a College, and Accessing Disability Services. The morning finale was a panel comprised of college students with disabilities. The seven students represented great diversity, from their colleges and areas of study to their disabilities and personal stories. However the common theme throughout was their clarity regarding the limitations of their disabilities and how college services help them reach their goals. Following a signature DO-IT pizza lunch, students had the opportunity to wander the College Fair and speak directly with the representatives from Disability Services.

We hope through this and similar events, students will be inspired, will understand the changes that must occur to succeed in a postsecondary environment, and will get a jump start on planning for their future. The laws that govern the systems are different, so student behaviors must change to meet new challenges. The transition to college is one small step in this critical process. The work done by the students and their parents and teachers on a daily basis, as the students learn to take charge, is the most important.