Fish, Robots and Fun

Rachel, DO-IT Scholar

The Battelle tour was great! I really enjoyed it, and I think everyone else did too! It was lots of fun and we all learned a bunch of interesting stuff at the same time. Now, everything was really good and presented very well, but I think I can speak for everybody when I say that I really had fun playing in the Robotics Lab and the Fisheries Biology Lab.

The Robotics Lab was a bundle of fun! It got pretty interesting when Anna got her hands on the Low Signature Vehicle demo remote control! Dan never knew how much rough terrain his leg of the tour entailed until then. Robotics also had a Fog Camera demo. We were shown how fliers see through fog. Another thing in Robotics was a Robotic Arm. This arm is used to handle nuclear warheads. That was cool!

The other main highlight of the tour was the Biology Fisheries lab. Some interesting words to describe the lab would probably be wet and slimy! It was lots of fun. We all got the opportunity to feed and pet and hold some of the sea life. The lab was just a splash of fun!