DO-IT Does Videos

DO-IT has created two dynamic videos. In "DO-IT Scholars," the summer '93 participants are the stars. Nhi voices the concerns of many when she expressed her initial fears about staying at the University for two weeks, "The UW is such a big place!"

Hollis shares how the computer allows him to express his "ideas to other people." Mark tells how he uses a mini-keyboard to access his computer.

Lloyd talks about how he enjoys exploring the Internet and Randy shares his dorm experiences by saying "The early bird catches the shower." Nadira sums up with "It's really a great program." To receive a free copy of the video, call or write the DO-IT office.

The second video tape, "Working Together: Faculty and Students with Disabilities," was created to help college and university faculty become more aware of the potential and academic needs of students with disabilities.

Within the tape, successful post secondary students and faculty discuss strategies for working together. DO-IT mentors Karl Booksh, Wendy Pava, Kevin Berg and Gay Lloyd Pinder are featured. U.S. West funded the creation of this video tape and NEC Foundation of America has funded its distribution to engineering colleges nationwide. Others can purchase this video tape with the accompanying written materials for $25.