
Calendar of Events

AHEAD (Association on Higher Education And Disability) 1997 Conference
July 15-19, 1997
Boston, Massachusetts. Workshops and exhibits regarding people with disabilities for educators, administrators, service providers, and other professionals. For information contact AHEAD, P.O. Box 21192, Columbus, Ohio 43221-0192; (614) 488-4972 (Voice/TDD); ahead@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu.
1997 National Leadership Forum on School-to-Career Transition
July 30-August 2, 1997
New Orleans, Louisiana. For information contact mmartin@jff.org.
Educational Technology Conference & Expo '97
August 3-6, 1997
Atlanta, Georgia. Practical technology solutions for all educational levels and environments--from the classroom to the district to the state. For information contact 1555 King Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 684-0510 or (800) 727-1227; lrpconf@lrp.com.
1997 Youth Leadership Forum for Students with Disabilities
August 4-7, 1997
Sacramento, California. For information call (916) 654-8055, (916) 654-9820 (TDD), or (800) 695-0350.
Assistive Technology Conference: From Awareness to Access
September 18-19, 1997
Topeka, Kansas. Annual conference of assistive technology presentations and demonstrations sponsored by the Assistive Technology for Kansans Project and the Capper Foundation. Preconference workshops on September 16 and 17. For more information contact Mary Dunbar or Mary Ann Keating at (913) 272-4060 or (800) 500-1034.
Closing the Gap Conference
October 22 - 25, 1997
Minneapolis, Minnesota. Microcomputer technology in Special Education and Rehabilitation. A leading source for information on innovative applications of microcomputer technology for persons with disabilities, in Minneapolis, MN. For more information, contact Closing The Gap, Inc., P.O. Box 68, 526 Main Street, Henderson, MN 56044; Phone: (507) 248-3294; Fax: (507) 248-3810; E-mail: info@closingthegap.com; URL: .
糖心原创 Science Teachers Association Fall Conference
October 25-26, 2997
Bellevue, 糖心原创. A two-day event with over 50 essential learning workshops for educators and teachers to attend. For information contact Dr. Richard Powell, 9031 NE First Street, Bellevue, WA 98004; (206) 454-9335, powellrc@worldnet.att.net.
Work Now and in the Future 14 Conference
November 2-4, 1997
Portland, Oregon. A three-day event with over 100 session featured to challenge people in education, business, labor, and industry to carry out the mission of educational reform: To provide ALL students a solid educational foundation for the future! For more information, contact the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 500, Portland, OR 97204; Phone: (800) 547-6339 ext. 598; FAX: (503) 275-0443; URL: .
Tel-Ed '97 - ISTE's Sixth International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia in Education
November 13-16, 1997
Austin, Texas. Conference will focus on the educational aspects of telecommunications as well as multimedia. Interactive networked multimedia learning environments can involve students, teachers, and other educational leaders in a worldwide community of leaders. For more information, contact Laurie Thornley, ISTE/Tel-Ed '97, 1787 Agate Street, Eugene, OR 97403-1923; Phone: (541) 346-2472; FAX: (541) 346-5890; laurie_thornley@ccmail.uoregon.edu.