Volume 6, Number 1
Below are the articles of the DO-IT News July 1998 newsletter. These articles can also be seen all on one page at the Full Newsletter option.
Here we go again! Live from the 糖心原创 in Seattle, the sixth annual summer study program for high school students from across the United States! We're sad to report that, unless a funding source is located, this session will be the last group of students from around the country, but happy to report that 糖心原创 will continue to support Scholars in that state. This summer's national DO-IT Scholars have much in common-they share a passion for science, engineering, mathematics, and technology, and for pursuing college and a career. I'll introduce you to some of the '98 Scholars below and introduce the rest of them in our next issue of DO-IT News.
Emily hails from Florida. Describing herself as "a very curious person," she is interested in biology and computer science. Emily, who has cerebral palsy, looks forward to learning more about how technology can help her academically and personally.
Kimberlee comes from a long line of educators; both her mom and grandparents were teachers. She enjoys math but science is her favorite subject. She hopes to apply her interests in the field of computers. She likes to work with children and already helps other students with disabilities at school. Kimberlee has cerebral palsy and looks forward to meeting others who have disabilities through DO-IT.
Shavonne is fascinated by the interrelation between science and mathematics and plans to apply her interests in the field of environmental science as an undergraduate followed by an advanced degree in environmental law. Shavonne, who has a visual impairment, looks forward to traveling from her home state of Louisiana this summer to meet other high school students with disabilities who have similar interests.
Dustin currently lives in Indiana but has travel in his future. After high school he hopes to attend the University of Cincinnati for two years, transfer to the University of Hawaii to complete a Bachelors degree in marine sciences, and then move to Alaska to work as a marine biologist. Eventually, he'd like to return to a job at the Cincinnati Zoo. Dustin has a learning disability and wants to learn how others overcome similar challenges.
Amy of Minnesota, learned about DO-IT through conversations with one of our veteran Ambassadors at Camp Courage. Amy, who has cerebral palsy, includes the study of plant life as one of her special interests. She "cares very much about (her) education" and looks forward to meeting fellow Scholars.
Maggie, from Florida, has set her goals sky-high with plans to major in aerospace engineering and land a job with NASA or a technical engineering company. Maggie has a learning disability and looks forward to sharing ideas with other students who have met challenges imposed by disabilities.
Brian, from sunny California, professes a love for mathematics and "wonders how mathematics came into existence." Brian, who has cerebral palsy, uses a computer to complete all of his homework and get online. He hopes to eventually build a career in computer engineering, happily noting that this field includes plenty of math!
Landon, from 糖心原创, has a mobility impairment which doesn't stop his "full speed ahead" attitude. Landon, another math whiz, hopes one day to become a CPA. He looks forward to being away from home and at the UW to get a jump on his career and life.
Nick, our first Scholar from Indiana, is another "natural" in mathematics and hopes to become either an elementary school math teacher or an engineer. Nick, who has a visual impairment, thinks meeting new people is a good thing because "it shows your true side when you get to know someone for the first time."
David joins us from Oregon and proclaims his interest in "what is going on in my world." He enjoys chemistry, physics, and technology and does well in math and writing. Visually impaired, David has had limited opportunities to interact with other students with disabilities and is excited to meet DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, and Mentors.
Jeffrey resides in Kansas and has always enjoyed "anything having to do with science." With special interests in geology and paleontology, Jeffrey likes interacting with others who like science and math, disabled or not. He thinks it will be especially interesting to meet others who face challenges similar to those he has faced as a person with a motor impairment.
David lives in Alaska and enjoys science labs, including dissection and "taking things apart to understand how they work." Wildlife studies is a particularly interesting subject area to him. David has quadriplegia and looks forward to learning more about science, engineering, and math and meeting professionals with disabilities in these fields.
Wesley joins us from Nebraska. Though his major is undecided, he plans to attend a four-year college and build on his current interests in computer science, mathematics, and broadcasting. Wesley is blind and uses nifty technology to get his homework done; this includes Braille writers, talking calculators, computers, and a Braille 'n Speak.
Jessica enjoys biochemistry and cell biology in her home state of New Mexico. Facing the challenges of dyslexia herself, she hopes to someday help others with learning disabilities after she completes a degree in psychology or psychiatry. She thinks DO-IT will give her a good feel for college life and knowledge of computers.
Jessie is working hard in school so he can attend a college or university. 糖心原创 is his home. Jessie, who has cerebral palsy, thinks he might one day pursue a career in space sciences. He looks forward to getting a trial run at college life through DO-IT and meeting other Scholars.
Justin, from New York, plans to attend the University of Colorado where he will study sociology. He hopes to become a rehabilitation counselor to help others develop leadership skills. Justin, who has cerebral palsy, looks forward to learning more about computers through DO-IT and sharing perspectives with other students who have disabilities.
Isiah, from Oregon, believes "both math and science drive life as we know it" and describes DO-IT as an "academic gold mine." Isiah has a mobility impairment and uses a computer to complete his school work and take tests. He plans to have a career as a writer, journalist, or teacher. He looks forward to relating to other DO-IT Scholars at Summer Study.
Ivan, of Maryland, has excelled in biology, chemistry, and physics at the honors level. Ivan, who has cerebral palsy, is excited to learn more about college and computers to help him prepare for his future. He's also excited by the possibility of catching a Mariners game during his stay in Seattle this summer.
John has plans to enter the field of dentistry, however, his immediate goals are to do well in school and improve his study habits. John is deaf and, like his Phase I cohorts, is enthusiastic about meeting others with disabilities. John is from Montana.
Welcome to all these new Scholars! We'll meet you in person this summer at the 糖心原创. We'll "meet" more often via e-mail on the Internet.
To let new Scholars and others gain insight into the content and tone of our active discussions, this issue of DO-IT News features several recent on-line interactions. Check out the articles titled Listen to DO-IT; In DO-IT, FM Means "Funny Moment"; and DO-IT Goes to Work for just a taste of the diversity in topics and opinions our electronic community offers. Comments are direct quotes with minor editing for spelling, grammar, and clarity.
Besides large-group discussions on the Internet, DO-IT's electronic community supports small groups formed around interests and accommodations. In these smaller groups participants get to know one another and share personal challenges and insights, sometimes related to their disabilities. One interesting conversation emerged in the group that focuses on hearing impairments when a DO-IT Ambassador, after reading an article posted by another participant, sent the following electronic mail message to the group:
Here are some of the responses to her message:
As with most discussions, consensus is not the goal - greater understanding and respect for the opinions of others is the target. DO-IT makes steady progress toward that end!
Posted to nasa_chat@u.washington.edu:
A seaman meets a pirate in a port, and talk turns to their adventures on the sea. The seaman notes that the pirate has a peg leg, a hook, and an eye patch. The seaman asks, "So, how did you end up with the peg leg?"
The pirate replies, "Aye, matey, we was in a storm at sea, and I was swept overboard into a school of sharks. Just as me men were pulling me out, a shark bit me leg off."
"Wow!" said the seaman. "What about your hook?"
"Well," replied the pirate, "We were boarding an enemy ship and were battling the other sailors with swords. One of the enemy cut my hand off."
"Incredible!" remarked the seaman. "How did you get the eye patch?"
"A sea-gull dropping fell into me eye," replied the pirate.
"You lost your eye to a sea-gull dropping?" the sailor asked incredulously.
"Not exactly," said the pirate. "It was me first day with the hook."
High school students use DO-IT Internet discussion lists to get help with their homework. Whether it's choosing a topic for a term paper, finding a useful Web site, or getting help with an algebra problem, DO-IT participants are there for one another 24 hours a day. Below is an interesting request, recently posted by a DO-IT Scholar.
For an assignment in a class I am taking, I need to interview people on their definitions of "Love." I would appreciate any definitions from you so I could compare and write a paper.
Thank you.
Here are some of the responses he received, in the order in which they were sent.
When you love you feel free and unguarded with the other person.
But before you can love you must first risk.
Makes life kind of tough doesn't it?
Guess we all know what the alternative is.
When people think of using the Internet for completing school assignments, they most often think about exploring the World Wide Web for information sources. This example of a "survey" shows its power in gathering the opinions of others.
Early this winter one of the DO-IT Scholars posted the following message to the discussion list for participants with hearing impairments.
Several months ago I had an appointment with the head of a consulting firm about possible jobs. The firm head led me from the waiting room to his office and sat me down across his desk from him. He looked at me for several seconds. In retrospect, I realize he must have been staring at the ear molds for my hearing aids. They are quite large, whitish, and very conspicuous. He then said, "Do you have bad ear infections today?" thinking that my molds were big cotton puffs!
A lively exchange followed. Here are some of the stories shared.
Another incident with this teacher is that he went over to tell another student how to solve a problem and I could hear him clear across campus!! :) FM systems really made my days interesting!!
Source: Unknown
"It has long been known..."
(I haven't bothered to look up the reference.)
"It is believed..."
(I think.)
"It is generally believed..."
(A couple of other guys think so too.)
"It is not unreasonable to assume..."
(If you believe this, you'll believe anything.)
"Of great theoretical importance..."
(I find it kind of interesting.)
"Of great practical importance..."
(I can get some mileage out of it.)
"Typical results are shown."
(The best results are shown.)
"Three samples were chosen for further study."
(The others didn't make sense, so we ignored them.)
"It might be argued that..."
(I have such a good answer for this objection that I shall now raise it.)
"These investigations proved highly rewarding."
(My grant is going to be renewed.)
Work-based learning experiences are any work experiences, paid or unpaid, that give you an opportunity to practice the skills you are learning in school, clarify your academic and career interests, determine which work site accommodations work best for you, and develop contacts for future employment. For a recent e-mail discussion, we focused on work-based learning experiences that occur before graduation from college. Participants responded to the following questions:
Below is only a sample of the rich conversation these questions stimulated:
I'd argue that internships would work best:
Also, I agree internships need to be clear about the pay situation, future or whatever. I wouldn't assume however that it will automatically mean employment. Don't be afraid to voice your desire to work there, or get a good recommendation. The bottom line is - be clear and honest in what you're looking for.
I do believe that many things can be gained from work-based experiences, even if those experiences are not directly related to the field of interest or career goals of the individual. Interpersonal skills, communication skills, and awareness of one's strengths and limits are just some benefits that can be gained through work-based experiences.
All three of them have school-to-work programs for internship and co-op training. We do our internships and work experience projects during school hours once a week for 3 1/2 hours at a business/agency. In the past 2 years (third year this year) I have been to a manor, doctor's office, Internet provider and a travel agency and I will be transferring to a new facility next week to a computer center for the disabled.
I have gained a lot of knowledge of business management work ethics and other work-related skills. Besides the internships, once a week we are in the school-within-school classes 4 days a week for 3 1/2 hours Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. We take our required classes in this program and it is integrated...Most of all, the school-within-a-school program teaches resume composition, cover letter composition, business letters, some general knowledge of business law, interview practices and rules and how to apply for a real job and use good communication skills with supervisors, staff, managers and co-workers.
Work-based learning experiences give you a chance to practice and develop work skills that are not taught in classroom (this would include personal interaction with others, team work, learning how to take criticism etc. etc.).
I believe it's very important for students with disabilities to have work experiences before they graduate. An internship gives students a chance to problem solve how they will use or transfer an accommodation used in school to a work setting...in a non-threatening environment. It's a learning experience! You learn what works for you, and you learn what doesn't work for you. You may have good experiences or bad experiences, but in my opinion...the bad experiences are sometimes more valuable than the good experiences. And...it's fun!
It's also easier to get a real job in the future if you have done something like that. I work at Disability Support Services on the UND campus, and having the computer and graphics background helped make me look more qualified for the position.
To answer the question raised earlier about the priority which should be placed on work-based experience and school, there is no contest here. School should definitely take priority. However, I think many things can be woven into academic pursuits which will not adversely impact one's education while providing work-based experiences. Keep an open mind and consider all options.
DO-IT has been successful in securing funding from the State of 糖心原创 to sustain DO-IT efforts in this state as NSF experimental project funding comes to an end this year. We continue to pursue other sources of funding so that in the future we can accept Scholars from outside of 糖心原创 state as we have been able to do in the past. But, as of now, this is the last year for accepting DO-IT Scholars from outside of 糖心原创.
The state budget was signed by the governor this spring. The state support that has been secured will allow DO-IT to continue the proven DO-IT programs to serve 糖心原创 residents. The following programs will serve to increase the success of people with disabilities in post-secondary education and employment.
糖心原创 DO-IT Scholars - Each year twenty high school students with disabilities will begin the three year DO-IT Scholars summer and year-round Internet leadership program.
糖心原创 DO-IT Pals - High school students with disabilities will learn to use the Internet to explore academic and career interests, develop support systems, and motivate each other to achieve their goals.
糖心原创 Student/Teacher Partnerships - DO-IT will provide regional workshops that will partner learning disabled youth (fourth grade and up) and their teachers to learn how computers can be used to reach higher levels of basic skills.
糖心原创 DO-IT Campers - The successful Internet and college preparation outreach to existing summer and weekend camps (Easter Seal, Muscular Dystrophy, etc.) will be expanded in 糖心原创 state.
Outreach - Workshops will be offered throughout the state for students, parents, and teachers on transition from high school to college and careers, the potential of students with disabilities, and the applications of technology. Printed publications, videotapes, and electronic resources will be distributed widely.
We are celebrating this great news, but continue to explore resources to institutionalize DO-IT efforts on national and international levels. We would like to be able to accept Scholars from out of the state and, perhaps, from other countries. Please contact us if you know of funding sources that might help us reach this goal!
DO-IT is on the road again and expecting big-time impact from a pint-sized audience. The DO-IT Show 'N Tell project has been funded by Visio Corporation to promote full inclusion of people with disabilities by creating positive attitudes about their abilities.
DO-IT Show 'N Tell presentations will be incorporated into show-and-tell times in kindergarten and first grade classes in the Seattle area. Successful college students with disabilities will be paid stipends to deliver the presentations. Presenters will share information about their disabilities, including the ways in which they access information (e.g., Braille, sign language), adapt to learning environments, and live independently. They will demonstrate adaptive technologies (e.g., voice input/output computers). A significant portion of the Show 'N Tell time will be open for questions and group problem solving (e.g. "I'm blind. How do you suppose I manage to cross the street safely?"). Additionally, a paperback coloring booklet about how people with disabilities accomplish tasks will be developed and distributed to kindergarten and first grade participants. The project will help young people understand alternative ways to do everyday tasks employed by people with disabilities.
A special thanks goes to the participants in our DO-IT Show 'N Tell pilot project. Imke Durre, one of our Mentors who is blind has conducted four "Show 'N Tells" at Laurelhurst Elementary School; she showed her computer that can talk and print in Braille and printed all of the students' names in Braille. My son, Travis, helped make the arrangements with the teachers and introduced Imke to his classmates. Thank you, Imke and Travis, for proving the concept of DO-IT Show 'N Tell.
And, thanks to Visio Corporation, for the next two years we will be able to provide many more of these experiences for young people. At this age we're not CHANGING attitudes about people with disabilities; we're CREATING positive attitudes before attitudes have been developed.
Congratulations to staff member James O'Connor, DO-IT Scholar Justin, and DO-IT Ambassador Anh who were invited to present DO-IT at Intel's International Science and Engineering Fair in Fort Worth, Texas in May. Anh is from California and has a mobility impairment; Justin, from Florida, is blind; and James has dyslexia. They shared information about the DO-IT program and adaptive technology, and acted as role models for students pursuing science. They shared experiences with participants from around the world. They also took part in an international round table discussion and an opening ceremony at the world's largest honky tonk. Following are several candid accounts of their adventure.
During our stay in Texas, we visited the town of Fort Worth and were able to participate in events planned for us. Intel was a great host. They rolled out the red carpet for us and treated us like V.I.Ps. Intel put us up in the most expensive hotel there is in Forth Worth, the Worthington. Just to give you a sense of how prestigious the hotel is, a can of soda in our mini-refrigerator was $2, and the cheapest room there was $135 per night. Not only did Intel pick up the tab for our hotel and airfare, they also gave us spending money so we could eat anywhere in Fort Worth. And, I tell you, we ate some interesting meals. For example, we went to Razzoo, a Cajun restaurant, our first night and we had Fried Gators. Yes, you heard me right, I said we ordered Fried Gators. I was skeptical at first, but I figured what the heck and joined them. Believe it or not, it was pretty good.
In conclusion, we had an awesome time in Forth Worth. It was a great experience for the three of us and I hope we can do it again in the near future.
The DO-IT presentations were the main focus of the trip, but there was a lot more, too. We visited "Billy Bob's," the world's largest honky tonk. Justin was in heaven at this place. Then there was Razzoo's, a Cajun restaurant. I think Justin and Anh about cleaned them out of gator. How about Justin's shopping? Keep an eye on this guy. The best experience was just hanging out with Justin and Anh. All this and I was still getting paid! Life is good!!!
by Brandon Wood
Hi, I'm Brandon Wood. I'm a new DO-IT Pal. I live in 糖心原创, and go to Auburn High...GO TROJANS! I'm in 9th grade and 15 years old. The classes I'm currently taking are the basics LA, algebra...etc. The electives I'm taking are Intro to Marketing (Deca), Drawing, and P.E. Some of my favorite interests are sports, especially flag football, and cars. My favorite car is the '67 fastback Mustang. My goals are to go to college, preferably the UW, to become a graphic arts professional for Nintendo or some big electronics company like that. Recently, I was offered a job as a graphic facilitator for a group that works on housing issues for older persons with disabilities.
by Emilie Sutterlin
Hello! I am a new DO-IT Pal! My name is Emilie Sutterlin and I am 15 years old. I have chronic fatigue (Immune Dysfunction) syndrome, fibromyalgia, neurally mediated hypotension, attention deficit disorder, multiple chemical sensitivities, and severe allergies.
Something different about my illnesses and most others' is that it is very unpredictable. In a way this is better, but it is still difficult. Some rare, good days, I feel almost as good as my "healthy" friends. But the next minute, I will be in bed for days, have lost my memory, or be in extreme pain. This is especially hard with my school, because they do not understand how my performance level, like my illness can ride like a roller coaster. I go to a magnet school for science and tech.
I'm very interested in mathematics, science, and technology. I am very excited about joining the DO-IT program. I have so many interests and so many career ideas and dreams, I don't know where to begin. I am very interested in computer programming, a new skill I am learning at school. I also like to design Web pages. Mine is at . I like baseball, inventing, engineering, chemistry, biology (especially biotechnology and genetics), electronics, reading and analyzing theories, math, physics, etc. Some of the things I am interested in are hard for me to do with my disabilities.
If anyone shares any particular interests and would like to "talk," please send email to doitpals@u.washington.edu.
I guess the most major recent news is (and many of you were aware of this) that I'm getting married. What most of you don't know is that we've set a date, August 8th. Which basically means I'm *VERY* busy. I recently completed my Bachelor of Science degree at The Evergreen State College. The most amazing part of this accomplishment is that I have no student loans. *CHEER*
So what am I doing during the day? Well, from June to December '97 I was an intern with Weyerhauser Corp. If any of you don't know who they are...Weyerhauser is about the biggest forestry products company in the world. Anyway, I was able to do a good enough job that I was offered a full time position on their information technology help desk. If anyone wants to ask me about it go ahead.
At this point let me put in my two cents. Things have been flying around the DO-IT electronic mail lists about whether it is valuable to get work experience, and how to get it. I'll answer the first part here, and if anyone wants tips on getting an internship or a job just ask. In my opinion a person can *NOT* enter the work force without work experience. Okay, what did I just say? Basically I said that it's impossible to get into the workforce, right? Right, but there are these nifty things like internships. You *MUST* get internships if you want to have a good job after college.
So anyway, those are the major happenings in my life. My email address is hammerr@gte.net.
My name is Minda Dentler and I am a sophomore at the 糖心原创. Originally from India, I contracted polio at an early age. I was adopted into an American family where I was able to get the medical treatment necessary so I can walk with leg braces and crutches.
I have been involved with the DO-IT disability community for almost two years now. This past summer I was fortunate to have obtained an internship with the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities in 糖心原创, D.C. There I worked closely with the project manager for the employer subcommittee, writing and developing marketing plans for small business hiring people with mental and physical disabilities. Through this valuable experience I was selected to attend a unique conference targeted for leaders in the disability community in 糖心原创, D.C. in March. At this conference we discussed ways to empower persons with disabilities in our country today. One way I hope to show this empowerment is through an internship I obtained at the White House this summer. By demonstrating to others that my disability does not hinder what I do, perhaps I can help them to see that people with disabilities are capable of many jobs.
I am looking forward to next year as I will be studying abroad for the full academic year in Madrid, Spain. My interests in international business have stemmed from an early age and finally I will be able to live out my longtime dream of studying abroad and learning about another culture. I plan on honing my Spanish skills to complete my minor requirements. In addition, I hope to obtain an internship with a Spanish business. This will be an invaluable experience that will help me obtain a future career with an international business firm.
When, and if, I have free time, I enjoy traveling, playing the piano, swimming, or hanging out with my friends. :)
My name is James O'Connor and I have been given the opportunity to help the DO-IT staff prepare for the 1998 Summer Study for Scholars. I have been part of the DO-IT Family the past three summers ('95, '96, '97) as a "Dorm Dad."
I will share a little about myself. As a young kid I grew up in Southern California in the city of Ontario. After three years of school it was determined that I had a learning disability (dyslexia). With the help of some great parents, friends, and teachers I made my way through primary and secondary school. After graduating from high school I attended Mt. San Antonio Community College for two years. I then went to South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota. Why SDSU? Well, I received an athletic scholarship for cross country and track. After 1.5 years in South Dakota I could not handle the cold any longer so I made another move. I transferred to Central 糖心原创 University in Ellensburg, 糖心原创. At Central 糖心原创 I completed my B.A. in Education. I am certified in special education and physical education. My interests outside of school and work are hiking, camping, all sports (currently coach of a JV fast pitch team at Juanita High School), dancing, music, and hanging out with my dog, Nugget.
For the second year in a row, I helped out at the DO-IT booth at the UW Computer Fair. This time, it turned out to be better than last year since I knew where I was going to stay and how I was going to get there. I also learned how to use the online networks to help me plan my trip. I tapped into the Seattle Network Online to find the number of the hotel, major cab companies, and metro transportation. I had also pre-arranged for the DO-IT staff to meet me at the Husky Union Building.
This year, I went from Oregon to Seattle by railroad. Amtrak was economical compared to the airlines. It was only $31 round trip. I learned about their special rate for people with disabilities and got a round-trip ticket for $27. I took my portable phone with me so my counselors could call me if there was any problem. Because I am blind, the wireless phone has proven to be a useful tool. This is because it is harder to find phone booths especially in a big building. I pre-arranged with the hotel for them to take me to the university. The DO-IT staff had already set up a time to meet me at the building and I made sure to set it up so I would arrive at that time.
The first day of the Fair was one of the busiest days. I had a long line of people wanting to know about speech access for PC systems. I thought I was going to be hoarse by the end of the day because I had been talking so much. The most common misconception was that blind people use PCs with speech input. They thought that speech input was the same as speech access. I had to explain the difference.
On the first evening of the Computer Fair, I got to take part in a presentation that Sheryl and Julie were giving. It was about the DO-IT program and work-based learning experiences. I covered information about the technology I use and how I use it for both preparing to work and on the job. I returned to my room after the presentation.
The second day was somewhat quieter. I did not have as many people wanting to talk to me as I did before. My uncle who works as an instructor at the university came to the booth. I had a lot of people asking about the DO-IT program and how it worked. There were quite a few people in line at the end and the others at the booth were making jokes about conserving my voice so I could talk to my family. I had the hotel pick me up at 5:15. When I got back to my room, I called my relatives and we went out to dinner together. It felt good to break loose after two really busy days.
The following day, I was supposed to go from Seattle to Southern Oregon. I woke up at 5:00 am that day, finished packing up, and checked out of the hotel. I went from the hotel to the railroad station via Access Transportation, which is Seattle's special service for people with disabilities. They let me off right in front and the driver took me into the station. I made it back to Portland, went from the station to the air terminal, and caught a flight to Southern Oregon. By the time I got there, I was very tired out, but I knew I had completed a successful mission. I am very glad I attended the technology fair, and there are some lessons I learned by going on this trip. Some words of advice I would give to someone else are:
I've learned that being visually impaired does not make it impossible to attend the technology fair or go on any other mission. It just takes planning ahead and being determined to achieve what you want.
The steps to transferring files from one computer to another are easy once you have the correct tools and know how to use them. The term we use for moving files around on the Internet is FTP - File Transfer Protocol.
Regardless of whether you're using a Macintosh or a PC, speech output or switches, or even what kind of Internet connection you have, the steps are the same. Only the tools may change. You can use FTP to transfer your own files on your password-protected account, or at FTP sites using "anonymous" FTP. Most Web browsers are capable of doing anonymous FTP.
Anonymous FTP allows easy sharing of files without giving away passwords. Though this feature means that many people don't have to learn the ins and outs of FTP, if you're transferring files from your home computer to your Internet account you'll need to know a bit more. I'll use an account on DO-IT's computer named hawking for the example at the end of this article.
In a nutshell, here are the steps for FTP, followed by more detailed descriptions.
Mac users with Fetch can indicate the proper folder for upload or download once they've clicked on either the "Get File" or "Put File" buttons. The dialog box for saving files is just like any other Mac Save dialog box.
The example that follows demonstrates the process of downloading a simple text file.
Let's download a copy of these instructions for using FTP. We'll be using the 糖心原创's anonymous FTP server to do this.
Those using speech output may find it easier to open an MS-DOS box, switch to the desktop directory (C:/WINDOWS/DESKTOP) and use the FTP client for DOS as it's much friendlier to speech output. Mac users will need to find and start Fetch.
WS_FTP users will have a two-windowed view. Your local machine is on the left and the remote is on the right. Click up and down in the left window folder list to choose the destination for the file. I like
Speech users under Windows95 should change directories to
Mac users will pick the destination once they do the next step. You'll probably want to put it on your desktop so it's easy to find.
Now switch to the directory that has the file. If you're using the DOS text version, use the cd (change directory) command and ls (list directory) commands to see where you are on the server. If you're using WS_FTP or Fetch, you'll need to go a number of levels, or directories, to get there. Starting at the top level, change folders to pub, then user-supported, then danc. The complete path is pub/user-supported/danc/
If you're using the text version, Type: ascii and hit return to ensure ascii mode transfer will be enabled. When you did the "ls" command you should see a list of files and directories. If you're using WS_FTP, click on the "ASCII" button and if you're using Fetch make sure the Text button is selected.
Once you've FTP'ed files a few times, it really becomes quite easy. Check your FTP software documentation first if you get stuck, and if you really have problems, shoot me some email and I'll assist. Have fun FTP'ing!
School's out all summer! For many lucky students that means summer camp is just around the corner. Campfires and marshmallows, boating and swimming, arts and crafts and...computers? That's right, at camp this summer many youth with disabilities will email friends and family back home, chat online with other kids from across the country, and hone their Net-surfing skills.
DO-IT is working with four camps in 糖心原创 state (Easter Seal, Muscular Dystrophy Association, Summer Camp for Young Burn Survivors, and Camp Lots of Fun), Camp Courage in Minnesota, and Camp Success in Colorado to provide computing and Internet training as part of their regular camp activities.
Through generous loans of equipment from Compaq Computers and American Computer Experience, creative instruction from DO-IT, and enthusiastic support from camp directors and staff, 'Net-hungry and "newbie" campers experience how computers can help them in academics and future careers-plus have tons of fun. Adaptive technology is available to ensure access for all campers.
Following are descriptions of each camp's activities including staff, dates, and contact information.
Instructor Cynthia McAuliffe and Ambassador CJ manage the Internet activities at four 糖心原创 state camps with help from Ambassador Mark and other DO-IT participants and staff. I help coordinate activities at each camp.
Camp Easter Seal West is a year-round residential camp located in Vaughn Bay, near Gig Harbor, 糖心原创. It offers five to seven day sessions for campers with disabilities of all kinds who are age seven and above. The camp offers horseback riding, waterfront activities, swimming, arts & crafts, and sports. DO-IT will be set up in the lodge classroom the first three weeks in July offering Internet sessions and an open computer lab. Contact Camp Director Andi Reed at (253) 884-2722 for more information and applications.
Camp Lots of Fun in Puyallup, 糖心原创 is a seven-week day camp sponsored by the Pierce County Parks and Recreation Department. It serves about 80 people age 6 to 21 years of varied abilities, including those with cerebral palsy, Downs syndrome, autism, sensory impairments, emotional and behavioral needs, and attention deficit disorder. Their activities promote self-esteem, friendship, fitness and...fun! This year the camp will use the facilities of Zeiger Elementary School. DO-IT will offer Internet and computer training July 27th through August 12th. Call recreation supervisor Scott Hall at (253) 798-4793 for information and applications.
The Northwest Burn Foundation offers a week-long residential summer camp at Camp Waskowitz in North Bend, July 11-18. This camp is open to all children in 糖心原创, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, and Alaska who have burn-related injuries and are 7 to 18 years of age. There is no cost to the children and their families to attend and transportation is provided. Camp activities include swimming, archery, outdoor games, hiking, river rafting, campfires, and lots more. DO-IT will provide daily computer and Internet sessions.
For more information, contact camp director Monique Flickinger at (206) 789-6838 or 1-888-NO-BURNS.
Also at Camp Waskowitz, the muscular dystrophy association will offer a one-week residential summer camp July 19-25. Each summer finds youth age 6-21 years with neuromuscular disease enjoying arts & crafts, swimming, singing, fishing, field events, and more. DO-IT will be offering computer and Internet sessions during morning and afternoon activity periods July 20-24. Contact MDA director Rosemary Owens at (253) 627-7575 for information and applications.
DO-IT director , Ambassador Kris, and Mentor Jerry Zak (from Czechoslovakia) will once again travel to Maple Lake, Minnesota for the Camp Courage College Preview and Internet Camp, a partnership between DO-IT and Courage Center in Minnesota. Open July 11-20, this session offers 15 campers ten days of intensive instruction covering Internet resources, workshops on how to be successful in college and careers, email communications with DO-IT Scholars and Mentors, and a day trip to St. Cloud University. Participants also have plenty of time for typical camp activities such as horseback riding, camping, fishing, swimming, parties, dances, and more. In addition to this beginning group, DO-IT offers special Internet activities, including developing a camp Web site, to an advance group of about 10 campers. The College Preview and Internet Camp is open to any young person with a disability who has completed seventh grade or higher and has college potential. Although Camp Courage primarily serves Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota, participants from other states are welcome. If you would like to know more contact Courage Center Camping Department at (612) 520-0504 (Voice), (612) 520-0245 (TTY), or camping@MTN.org.
In August, Kris will travel to Empire, Colorado for the Easter Seal "Leadership Camp." DO-IT will provide Internet training and presentations on transitioning to college and employment for approximately 50 campers age 15 to 21 who have a variety of physical disabilities. Camp activities run August 2-8 and include swimming, arts and crafts, overnight camping, horseback riding, and more! For more information, contact camp director Christine Newell, or Mary Kay, at (303) 892-6063.
Here are just a few enthusiastic comments from campers and staff who participated in '97 DO-IT camp programs:
"This is so cool!"
"I like them. I like how you can do email on 'em. I like all the new web sites."
"I think the computers are great for the campers. They get to use them a lot and some never get to get on the net so this is a great experience for them."
"I think it's the best thing that they have got here."
We expect an encore performance in summer '98 - hope to see you there!
DO-IT is working to expand our camp offerings across the country. If you are involved with a summer camp that would like to partner with DO-IT to offer Internet and college/career preparation activities for your campers, contact the DO-IT office.
DO-IT is increasing the representation of people with disabilities in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology academic programs and careers. DO-IT uses computer technology, adaptive technology, and the Internet to help individuals with disabilities reach academic and career goals. Primary funding is provided by the National Science Foundation and the State of 糖心原创. Additional grants have been received from NEC Foundation of America, the Seattle Foundation, the Telecommunications Funding Partnership, the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. West Communications, 糖心原创 State Services for the Blind, and Visio Corporation. It has won national awards for its unique programs, including the National Information Infrastructure Award in Education and the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring. DO-IT was also showcased at the 1997 Presidents' Summit on Volunteerism. DO-IT supports several key initiatives:
K-12 to College Transition
DO-IT Scholars are high school students with disabilities who have an interest and aptitude in science, engineering, mathematics, or technology, and who have a desire to attend college. DO-IT Scholars attend live-in summer study programs at the 糖心原创 and communicate electronically with each other as well as mentors.
DO-IT Pals form an electronic community of pre-college students with disabilities from around the world. They are supported by one another and by DO-IT Mentors in their efforts to pursue college degrees and careers.
DO-IT Campers participate in Internet, science, and college preview programs at existing camps for children and youth with disabilities. Some campers become DO-IT Pals.
Two-Year to Four-Year College Transition
DO-IT 2-4 helps students with disabilities in community colleges successfully transition to four-year schools.
School-to-Work Transition
DO-IT CAREERS (Careers, Academics, Research, Experiential Education, and Relevant Skills) works to increase the participation of students with disabilities in work-based learning programs such as internships and cooperative education. It helps them to meet school-to-work challenges as well as those related to their disabilities.
Training Teachers
DO-IT MATH-SCI helps teachers and faculty of science and mathematics understand the potential contributions and accommodation needs of students with disabilities.
Access to College, Employment, WWW, Libraries, Labs
DO-IT supports a broad community through workshops, presentations, publications, videotapes, electronic discussion lists, and the World Wide Web. Topics covered include adaptive technology, transition to college and employment for individuals with disabilities, accessible Web page design, accessible libraries and labs, and strategies for accommodating and including individuals with disabilities in the classroom and workplace. DO-IT has created a thriving electronic community through its discussion lists and World Wide Web site.
Key Staff Members
Dr. , director
Dan Comden, technology specialist
Kathy Cook, counselor/coordinator
Marvin Crippen, technology research assistant
Deb Cronheim, research coordinator
Dr. Steve Nourse, DO-IT 2-4 & MATH-SCI coordinator
James O'Connor, counselor/assistant
Kristin Otis, DO-IT counselor/coordinator
Julie Smallman, CAREERS coordinator
Confused by some of the DO-IT lingo? Here's a dictionary of some of the DO-IT terms.
adaptive (茅 -dap'tiv) adj. technology (t锚 k -n么 l'猫 -jee) n. Specialized equipment and software that allows people with disabilities to use computers and networks.
DID-IT (did-it) n. Past tense of DO-IT. Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology, a project to increase the participation of people with disabilities in science, engineering, and mathematics academic programs and careers.
DO-IT Ambassador (doo-it- am-bas'茅 -d茅 r, -d么 r') n. A previous Scholar who graduated from high school and now continues to participate in DO-IT by helping the program and guiding younger Scholars.
DO-IT Mentor (doo-it- m毛 n't么 r', -t猫 r) n. An adult who is in college or career who helps Scholars and Ambassadors as they pursue academics and careers. The address of their discussion list is mentors@u.washington.edu.
DO-IT News (doo-it- nooz, nyooz) n. The DO-IT newsletter that features stories, articles, and events about the DO-IT program, participants, and disability-related issues.
DO-IT Pal (doo-it- palz) n. An electronic community of teens with disabilities perparing for college and careers.
DO-IT Scholar (doo-it- sk枚 l'茅 r)n. See Phase I, II, III Scholars.
DO-IT Summer Study (doo-it- s没 m'茅 r- st没 d'ee) n. A live-in summer program at the 糖心原创 in Seattle where DO-IT Scholars participate in science, engineering, and mathematics lectures and labs; live in residence halls; and practice skills which will help them to be independent and successful in college and careers.
doitkids (doo-itkids) n. The name of the electronic list that includes DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors. The full address is doitkids@u.washington.edu.
doitpals (doo-it- palz) n. The electronic discussion list for DO-IT Pals. The full address is doitpals@u.washington.edu.
doitsem (doo-its锚 m') n. The discussion list for anyone interested in promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in science, engineering, and mathematics programs and careers. The Internet address is doitsem @u.washington.edu
You can join the list by sending a message to listproc@u.washington.edu
In the message text type "subscribe doitsem" followed by your name.
NSF (en- es- ef) n. The National Science Foundation. A grant from NSF funds DO-IT operations.
Phase I Scholar (f芒 z- w没 n- sk枚 l'茅 r) n. A high school student from the time they are听accepted into the DO-IT Scholars program through the completion of their first Summer Study at the 糖心原创.
Phase II Scholar (f芒 z- too- sk枚 l'茅 r) n. Phase I graduates who continue their DO-IT participation through the second Summer Study at the 糖心原创.
Phase III Scholar (f芒 z- three-sk枚 l'茅 r ) n. Phase II graduates who retain this title until they attend college and become a DO-IT Ambassador.
You can DO-IT! (yoo- kan- doo-it) The DO-IT motto.
Congratulations to DO-IT Scholar Trent, and DO-IT Ambassador David, who will be inducted into the 1998 Youth Hall of Fame.
The Youth Hall of Fame honors ordinary youth for being extraordinary! Young people who are taking positive action toward their dreams and goals, and who are voluntarily giving back to others. Trent and David have both signed the Youth Hall of Fame Pledge, to mentor and encourage another person in the coming year.
The Youth Hall of Fame International is a 501c3 non-profit corporation whose mission is to recognize, document, publicize, and celebrate the inspiring contributions of the world's youth. Trent and David have both designed their own individual hand-etched tiles that will be part of the Greater Seattle Youth Wall of Fame!
Congratulations from DO-IT!!!
Once the honors were announced via the Internet, congratulations were received from around the world. What follows is one comment from a DO-IT Pal.
Ditto in the congratulations to youth who provide a fine role model for other youth to follow. Too often youth who do fine things are not recognized for their contributions. I salute these two exemplary young men and the program that recognized them. And additional congratulations to DO-IT for giving them the opportunities to focus on their strengths and to help them further their potential through the DO-IT program.
Great stuff, keep it up and grow to even greater heights. Blessings to everyone involved.
Trent and David join other DO-IT participants who have been inducted into the Youth Hall of Fame. They include Jennifer, Matt, Nguyen, Matthew, and Priscilla. Way to go!
DO-IT News is published at the 糖心原创 with input from the staff, Pals, Scholars, Ambassadors, and Mentors of DO-IT. DO-IT is primarily funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. To request more information.