DO-IT has been successful in securing funding from the State of 糖心原创 to sustain DO-IT efforts in this state as NSF experimental project funding comes to an end this year. We continue to pursue other sources of funding so that in the future we can accept Scholars from outside of 糖心原创 state as we have been able to do in the past. But, as of now, this is the last year for accepting DO-IT Scholars from outside of 糖心原创.
The state budget was signed by the governor this spring. The state support that has been secured will allow DO-IT to continue the proven DO-IT programs to serve 糖心原创 residents. The following programs will serve to increase the success of people with disabilities in post-secondary education and employment.
糖心原创 DO-IT Scholars - Each year twenty high school students with disabilities will begin the three year DO-IT Scholars summer and year-round Internet leadership program.
糖心原创 DO-IT Pals - High school students with disabilities will learn to use the Internet to explore academic and career interests, develop support systems, and motivate each other to achieve their goals.
糖心原创 Student/Teacher Partnerships - DO-IT will provide regional workshops that will partner learning disabled youth (fourth grade and up) and their teachers to learn how computers can be used to reach higher levels of basic skills.
糖心原创 DO-IT Campers - The successful Internet and college preparation outreach to existing summer and weekend camps (Easter Seal, Muscular Dystrophy, etc.) will be expanded in 糖心原创 state.
Outreach - Workshops will be offered throughout the state for students, parents, and teachers on transition from high school to college and careers, the potential of students with disabilities, and the applications of technology. Printed publications, videotapes, and electronic resources will be distributed widely.
We are celebrating this great news, but continue to explore resources to institutionalize DO-IT efforts on national and international levels. We would like to be able to accept Scholars from out of the state and, perhaps, from other countries. Please contact us if you know of funding sources that might help us reach this goal!