
DO-IT Dictionary

Confused by some of the DO-IT lingo? Here's a dictionary of some of the DO-IT terms.

adaptive (茅 -dap'tiv) adj. technology (t锚 k -n么 l'猫 -jee) n. Specialized equipment and software that allows people with disabilities to use computers and networks.

DID-IT (did-it) n. Past tense of DO-IT. Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology, a project to increase the participation of people with disabilities in science, engineering, and mathematics academic programs and careers.

DO-IT Ambassador (doo-it- am-bas'茅 -d茅 r, -d么 r') n. A previous Scholar who graduated from high school and now continues to participate in DO-IT by helping the program and guiding younger Scholars.

DO-IT Mentor (doo-it- m毛 n't么 r', -t猫 r) n. An adult who is in college or career who helps Scholars and Ambassadors as they pursue academics and careers. The address of their discussion list is mentors@u.washington.edu.

DO-IT News (doo-it- nooz, nyooz) n. The DO-IT newsletter that features stories, articles, and events about the DO-IT program, participants, and disability-related issues.

DO-IT Pal (doo-it- palz) n. An electronic community of teens with disabilities perparing for college and careers.

DO-IT Scholar (doo-it- sk枚 l'茅 r)n. See Phase I, II, III Scholars.

DO-IT Summer Study (doo-it- s没 m'茅 r- st没 d'ee) n. A live-in summer program at the 糖心原创 in Seattle where DO-IT Scholars participate in science, engineering, and mathematics lectures and labs; live in residence halls; and practice skills which will help them to be independent and successful in college and careers.

doitkids (doo-itkids) n. The name of the electronic list that includes DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors. The full address is doitkids@u.washington.edu.

doitpals (doo-it- palz) n. The electronic discussion list for DO-IT Pals. The full address is doitpals@u.washington.edu.

doitsem (doo-its锚 m') n. The discussion list for anyone interested in promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in science, engineering, and mathematics programs and careers. The Internet address is doitsem @u.washington.edu

You can join the list by sending a message to listproc@u.washington.edu

In the message text type "subscribe doitsem" followed by your name.

NSF (en- es- ef) n. The National Science Foundation. A grant from NSF funds DO-IT operations.

Phase I Scholar (f芒 z- w没 n- sk枚 l'茅 r) n. A high school student from the time they are聽accepted into the DO-IT Scholars program through the completion of their first Summer Study at the 糖心原创.

Phase II Scholar (f芒 z- too- sk枚 l'茅 r) n. Phase I graduates who continue their DO-IT participation through the second Summer Study at the 糖心原创.

Phase III Scholar (f芒 z- three-sk枚 l'茅 r ) n. Phase II graduates who retain this title until they attend college and become a DO-IT Ambassador.

You can DO-IT! (yoo- kan- doo-it) The DO-IT motto.