Transition to College

Debra Zawada, DO-IT staff

DO-IT, in collaboration with three Seattle community colleges (South Seattle, North Seattle, and Seattle Central), hosted a series of transition to college events. More than 200 high school students with disabilities along with family members and teachers participated during the 2009-2010 academic year. Part of each event's success was due to the close collaboration between the disability services office and the campus outreach office.

From disability documentation requirements to managing their own accommodations, students glimpsed the adult world that is college. In addition to learning about DO-IT resources, students heard first-hand about the college system. The Disability Services Coordinator explained how to request and receive accommodations. Outreach Service Directors relayed information on the benefits of community colleges, programs offered, and social opportunities. During a campus tour, students were able to see the campus in full swing, viewing in-session classes in both associate and technical programs and visiting the cafeteria, library, and athletic facilities.

The highlight of the session was a panel of college students with disabilities who discussed their college experiences. Panelists shared some of the mistakes they made and described how they found success at college. They recommend registering with the disability services office before starting classes and letting others know what you can do instead of what you can't do. DO-IT plans to continue these successful events in the 2010-2011 school year.