Have you ever heard the expression, "a picture is worth a thousand words?" If you have a blog, images are a great way to show your readers what you are up to, what your environment looks like, or what you look like. Images can give your blog character and help create a sense of personality and style.
How do you convey those same elements to someone who is not able to see the images? Sometimes people on mobile phones don't download images because it takes too long, and some of your friends may use screen readers to access your blog. This article will give you a few tips on how to make the images on your blog accessible.
I'm using WordPress as an example in this article because wordpress.org hosts blogs for free; it produces standardized, accessible HTML by default; and there are tricks you can use to edit blog posts via the keyboard only. Unfortunately, the toolbar buttons in the "Visual" interface are not accessible to someone using a screen reader. (WordPress is aware of the issue and looking for someone to work on it.) If you are comfortable learning a little bit of HTML, you can include images in your blogs.
If you use a mouse or other pointing device, click on the "Add an image" icon in the editing toolbar (the first icon to the right of the text "Add media").
If you do not use a mouse and use Firefox without a screen reader:
If you want to edit the HTML directly (this is a good option for someone using a screen reader and knows some HTML), select the "HTML" link at to the top of the edit area. Or you can use this keyboard shortcut: ALT + SHIFT + e to toggle between the visual and HTML editing interfaces.
The cool thing about WordPress is that part of this dialog is to prompt you for an "Image Caption." This is the text that will be used as a text equivalent to the image. In other words, when someone using a screen reader encounters this image, the image caption will be read as text.
How do you know what to write? Writing alternative text (alt-text) is an art, and there is a lot of debate about how to write good alt-text. As with other arts, it is up to you to determine how you want the alt-text to affect someone's experience of your blog. Here are some questions to consider:
Here are some examples:
<p>Calico cats have spots. In this example, the cat is white with black spots.</p>
<img src="/doit/calico.jpg" alt="Calico cat"/>
<p>Siamese cats typically have blue eyes, an obstinate personality, and silver and black fur. This is a photo of my cat, Tippy.</p>
<img src="/doit/siamese.jpg" alt="Tippy"/>
When I use an image, I include as much information as is reasonable about the image directly in the body text so that the alt-text can be short, preferably one or two sentences.
More examples and information about writing good text equivalents can be found at these resources:
The above instructions are for using the preview view, which doesn't show you any of the HTML that is being created for your blog entry. If you are comfortable editing HTML, determine what the alt-text should be. Then add the following code to your blog entry:
<img src="/doit/%3Ca%20href%3D"http://example.com/image.jpg"">http://example.com/image.jpg" alt="example text equivalent">
Adding text equivalents to images is one of the easiest things you can do to increase the accessibility of your blog, yet it is one of most commonly forgotten things to do.
For more information, check out Tim Noonan's article at .
I am on a search for the best blogging platform for someone using a screen reader. If you have suggestions, please email me at chiswa@uw.edu.