DO-IT on the Wall of Fame

Kathy Cook, DO-IT counselor/coordinator

The Youth Hall of Fame (YHF) is a Seattle-based, non-profit organization whose mission is to inspire youth to become positive role models by recognizing and publicizing their positive contributions to the community. Selected YHF youth are provided an opportunity to leave a legacy in their community on a permanent Youth Wall of Fame. Walls are built with tiles designed by honorees and contain a personal message (in pictures and/or words) to inspire future generations. Since 1990, YHF has helped to recognize, celebrate, encourage and document more than 2,000 school-age youth who are trying to make a difference in their own way.

The following DO-IT Scholars were recognized in 1996 (the statements after their names are the messages written on their tiles). Their Youth Wall of Fame is located at the University Village QFC grocery store in Seattle:

Jeff: "The Lord's my strength and my refuge"

Matt: "Deaf people can do anything but hear. I believe it and plan to prove it."

Jennifer: "If everyone accepted everyone's difference then there would be no difference."

Matthew: "Technology: The great equalizer."

Priscilla: "Believe in your dreams...pursue your own destiny."

The following DO-IT Scholars were recognized in 1998. Their Youth Wall of Fame is located in the Pacific Place shopping center in downtown Seattle.

Minh: "Education is the key to success in the future."

David: "Stand tall in the face of adversity."

Trent: "A disability can only stop you if you let it."

Join us in congratulating these award winners. You can learn more about the YHF by sending a message to www.youthhall@msn.com.