DO-IT Kids Go to Work

Michael Richardson

The DO-IT CAREERS/K-12 project is funded by the U.S. Department of Education (grant #H324M990010) to encourage the participation of middle and high school students with disabilities in work-based learning programs. As part of this project we created two new videos, one for young people with disabilities and one for parents, teachers, and mentors.

Learn and Earn: Tips for Teens
Students with disabilities show how they benefit from work-based learning experiences.

Learn and Earn: Supporting Teens
Parents, teachers, and mentors encourage and support teens with disabilities to participate in work-based learning.

Each of these videotapes can be purchased for $25, including shipping and handling. Or, you can purchase the two of them plus a third video for employers, Finding Gold: Hiring the Best and the Brightest, in a combination titled CAREERS/K-12 3-Pack for just $40. As with most of our DO-IT videotapes, DO-IT Scholars and other participants are the stars of the shows!

If you would like more information on the DO-IT CAREERS/K-12 project, contact Michael Richardson at 206-685-3648 or mike67@u.washington.edu