- Depart McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby between 7:00 and 8:00.
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Meet outside McMahon Hall Lobby to depart for Johnson
Phase I: Welcome (Johnson Hall, Room 111) , DO-IT Director
Phase I: Computer Lab/Email Set-up and Staying Connected (Johnson Hall, Room 111) Doug Hayman, DO-IT Technology Specialist and , DO-IT Director
Phase I:Snack Break Snack Break(outside Johnson Hall, Room 111)
Phase I: Web Search, Red Alert and Accessible Tech Options (Johnson Hall, Room 111) Doug Hayman, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Phase I: Connect With Your Lunch and Lunch Bunch Introduction (Johnson Hall, Room 111) , DO-IT Director
Phase I: Lunch with Planning Groups (all groups eat in By George, Odegaard Undergraduate Library, Lower Level, Glass Room)
Phase I: Killing Killer Organisms: Part 1 (Mary Gates Hall, Room 241) Theresa Britschgi, Seattle Biotechnology Research Institution BioQuest Science Education Director
Phase I: Snack Break (Outside Mary Gates Hall, Room 241)
Phase I: Killing Killer Organisms: Part 2 (Mary Gates Hall, Room 241) Theresa Britschgi, Seattle Biomedical Research Institution BioQuest Science Education Director
Phase I: Staying Connected (Mary Gates Hall, Room 241) , DO-IT Program Director
Phase I: Dinner (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Phase I Meet in front of McMahon Hall to depart for U Village.
Phase I: Village People!
Phase I: Meet in front of Ravenna Gardens to return from U-Village to campus. Riders who want to ride back to the dorm in the van, meet at Ravenna Gardens.
Evening Dorm Activities / Go To Bed
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.