July 15, 2008 - July 25, 2008
DO-IT Summer Study is a time when the DO-IT Scholars meet in person. The first year (Phase I) Scholars receive extensive online training and get a chance to see college life first-hand while staying at McCarty Residence Hall. They attend sessions on a variety of topics such as
Second year (Phase II) Scholars participate in focused workshops and receive computer training on more advanced topics such as
Thanks for making Summer Study 2008 a success!
The following guidelines will help you move smoothly through the Summer Study program and gain the maximum benefit from the activities. This schedule lets you know what is planned and when to be ready!
Plan ahead for rest, personal care, and other needs so you can arrive promptly and participate in all activities. If you require an adjustment to your schedule, request approval from a DO-IT staff member.
On your schedule look for the following icons that highlight the major area of focus for each activity:
Show your appreciation for the people who are contributing their time and talents to this program by keeping an open and respectful attitude.
If you have suggestions for additional activities to add to the schedule, share your ideas with any DO-IT staff member.
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Computer Lab set-up (Tech Staff) (HUB 108, 1st Floor)
Program Set-up (Interns and Staff) (Meet in McCarty Hall Lobby, 3rd Floor, Lobby Level)
Lunch (HUB Food Court, Ground Floor)
Intern Rooms & Campus Orientation (HUB 108)
Phase I Scholar Registration (McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby, 3rd Floor, Lobby Level)
Welcome Meeting for Scholars and Parents (Haggett Hall Lounge, Plaza Level) , DO-IT Director
Welcome Dinner (Haggett Hall Patio, Plaza Level)
DO-IT Success Panel (Haggett Hall Patio, Plaza Level)
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Welcome (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) , DO-IT Director
Computer Lab/Email Set-up (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Doug Hayman, DO-IT Technology Specialist and , DO-IT Director
Snack Break (Outside HUB Room 108, 1st Floor)
Red Alert! Computer Hoaxes, Anti-virus Programs, Firewalls, and Online Safety (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Doug Hayman, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Red Alert! Computer Hoaxes, Anti-virus Programs, Firewalls, and Online Safety (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Doug Hayman, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Connect With Your Lunch Bunch
Lunch with Video Planning Groups (HUB Food Court, Ground Floor)
Taking Charge! (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Debra Zawada, DO-IT Program Coordinator
Disability Identity (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) ) Dennis Lang, Director, Disability Studies Development and Rebecca Cory, DO-IT Research Consultant
Open Computer Lab (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor)
Dinner (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
It Takes A Village
Meet in front of Blue C Sushi to return from U-Village to campus.
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Open Computer Lab (Optional) (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor)
Web Detectives: Search Strategies and Critical Thinking (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Doug Hayman, DO-IT Technology Specialist and Val Sundby, DO-IT Program Coordinator
Snack Break (Outside HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor)
Group Soup! (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) Kurt Sahl, UW Center for Instructional Development and Research
Staying Connected (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) , DO-IT Director
Lunch (HUB Food Court, Ground Floor)
The Wonderful World of Engineering (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) UW College of Engineering Faculty
Snack Break (Outside HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor)
Campus Navigation (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) Charity Ranger, DO-IT Mentor and Ashley Mog, DO-IT Staff
Open Computer Lab (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor)
Dinner (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Meet in McCarty Hall Lobby to depart for Physics/Astronomy Building.
Spaced Out! (Physics Astronomy Building A, 2nd Floor) Eric Hilton, UW Astronomy Graduate Student
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Meet in McCarty Hall Lobby, 3rd Floor to depart for Microsoft
Microsoft 101
Meet outside front entrance to load buses and return to ÌÇÐÄÔ´´.
Dinner (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
To Dye For! (Meet in McCarty Hall Main Lounge/Patio, 3rd Floor, Lobby Level)
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Meet in McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor) to load bus for Pacific Science Center.
Arrive at the Pacific Science Center and Tour Exhibits (Downtown Seattle, 2nd Ave North entrance).
Lunch (Box lunches provided at tables outside café in the center area of the second floor of the Pacific Science Center).
IMAX Movie: Dark Knight
Laser Show
Phase II Registration and Get Back in Touch Time (McCarty Hall Main Lounge, 3rd Floor, Lobby Level)
Load Bus at Pacific Science Center and return to UW (meet at the same location as you were dropped off).
Introduction for Scholars and Parents (Haggett Hall Lounge, Plaza Level) , DO-IT Director
Dinner and Phase II Scholar Welcome (Haggett Hall Patio, Plaza Level)
"I Scream" and KARAOKE! (McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby, 3rd Floor)
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Religious Service (optional)
Meet in McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor) to load bus for the Woodland Park Zoo
Arrive Woodland Park Zoo
Lunch in the North Meadow
Explore the Woodland Park Zoo
Meet at South Entrance of the zoo (where you were dropped off) to load buses to return to UW.
Pizza Dinner (McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby, 3rd Floor)
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Open Computer Lab (Optional) (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor)
Phase II: Meet in McCarty Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor, Lobby Level) to depart for Phase II Workshops.
·¡³æ±è±ô´Ç°ù²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô– (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Michael Richardson, DO-IT Program Manager
Phase II Workshops:
Snack Break (Outside Foege Building-Breezway)
A Whole New World! Foege, 1st Floor North Lobby) UW Bioengineering Department
Lunch (Vista Cafe, Foege South Tower, Breezeway Level)
Phase II: LunchÌý(HUB Food Court, Ground Floor)
Oh, the Nerve! (Kincaid Hall Annex, A023D, Basement) Dr. Marti Bosma, UW Biology Professor
Phase II: First Impressions Count! (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) Tami Tidwell, DO-IT Program Coordinator
Phase II: Snack Break (Outside HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor)
Phase II: Biotechnology (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) Dhileep Sivam, Seattle Biotechnology Research Institution
Phase II: Open Computer Lab (Optional) (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor)
Dinner (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Meet in front of McCarty Hall to depart for the Tour de UW.
Tour de UW (Parking Lot C-10 near Anderson Hall)
Phase II: Activity Choice:
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Open Computer Lab (Optional) (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor)
Phase II: Meet in McCarty Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor, Lobby Level) to depart for Phase II Workshops.
It's Your Career (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Scott Bellman, DO-IT Program Coordinator
Phase II Workshops:
Snack Break (Outside HUB 108, 1st Floor)
College: You Can DO-IT! (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) Dyane Haynes, Director, UW Disability Resources for Students
DO-IT Mentoring, Career Panel, and Lunch with DO-IT Advisory Board Members/Guests, and Summer Academy Presentation (HUB East Ballroom, 2nd Floor)
Snack Break (Outside HUB East Ballroom, 2nd Floor)
"We Did It, So Can You!" (HUB East Ballroom, 2nd Floor and HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor)
Open Computer Lab (Optional) (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor)
Phase II: Staying Connected (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) , DO-IT Director
Dinner (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Meet at McCarty Hall Main Entrance to depart for Kane Hall.
Celebrate Good Times! (Walker-Ames Room, Kane Hall)
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Open Computer Lab (Optional) (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor)
Phase II: Meet in McCarty Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor, Lobby Level) to depart for Phase II Workshops.
Web Design (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Terry Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Phase II Workshops:
Snack Break (Outside HUB 108, 1st Floor)
Web Design (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Terry Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Staying Connected (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) , DO-IT Director
Lunch (HUB Food Court, Ground Floor)
Scholarship Junkies! (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) Sam Lim, Scholarship Expert
Snack Break (Outside HUB 106B, 1st Floor)
College Life - What Helps and Where to Find It (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) Rebecca Cory, DO-IT Research Consultant
Open Computer Lab (Optional) (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor)
Phase II: Staying Connected (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) , DO-IT Director
Dinner (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Meet in McCarty Hall Entrance Lobby to depart for the Tour de UW.
Get Your Game On! (HUB Game Room, Basement)
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Open Computer Lab (Optional) (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor)
Phase II: Meet in McCarty Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor, Lobby Level) to depart for Phase II Workshops.
Web Design (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Terry Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Phase II Workshops:
Snack Break (Outside HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor)
Web Design (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Terry Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Staying Connected (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) , DO-IT Director
Lunch (HUB Food Court, Ground Floor)
Phase II: Our Take on Intake (HUB Room 200ABC, 2nd Floor) Al Souma, Disability Services Director, Seattle Central Community College
Phase II:ÌýSnack BreakÌý(Outside HUB 200ABC, 2nd Floor)
Writing for Success (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Tami Tidwell, DO-IT Program Coordinator
Snack Break (Outside HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor)
Phase II: You Can DO-IT! Practicing Your Interviewing Skills (HUB 200ABC, 2nd Floor) Tami Tidwell, DO-IT Program Coordinators
You Can DO-IT: Articulating Your Needs and Communicating with Faculty (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor) , DO-IT Director
Meet in McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby to depart for South Campus Center.
BBQ Dinner (South Campus Center, 2nd floor Terrace)
DO-IT Dance (South Campus Center, 2nd floor Terrace)
Depart South Campus Center to return to McCarty Hall at 9:00, 9:30, or 10:00
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.
Breakfast and Begin Pack-up (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Phase II: Meet in McCarty Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor, Lobby Level) to depart for Phase II Workshops.
Pack Up (McCarty Hall)
Phase II Workshops:
Meet in McCarty Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor, Lobby) to depart for HUB.
What Comes Next? (HUB Room 310, 3rd Floor), , DO-IT Director
Lunch (HUB Food Court, Ground Floor)
Begin moving upstairs for Closing Ceremonies
Closing Ceremonies (HUB Room 310, 3rd Floor)
Finish Packing and Dorm Check-out (McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby)
See ya in Cyberspace!