Summer Study 1995 - Tuesday, August 15

Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 07:30

Breakfast (Mahon Residence Hall Cafeteria)

Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 08:30 to 09:30

Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)

Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 09:30 to 10:30

Helpful or Harmful? The Ethics of Genetics Research - Robert Hansen, Genetics

  • (HUB 106B) Learn how to use a structured model to make decisions about ethical issues in genetics research.
Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 09:30 to 12:30

Phase II: Summer Study Projects

  • WWW Page Development
  • Genetics Research
  • Technical Communication
Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 10:30 to 11:00

Snack Break

Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 11:00 to 12:30

Ethics of Genetics Lab, continued

Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 12:30 to 14:00

Brown Bag Lunch Discussion with Maynard Olson, Medical Genetics

  • (HUB 108) Discuss the future of genetics research with someone who works in the thick of it and think about the impact that it might have on the lives of those you love.
Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 14:00 to 15:30

You Can DO-IT!

  • (HUB 106B) Learn how to set goals and manage your time in order to make them happen.
  • "If you can conceive it, and believe it, you can achieve it."
Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 15:30 to 16:00

Snack Break

Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 16:00 to 17:30

Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)

Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 18:00 to 21:30

!!Mentor Night!!

Introductions and pizza for all!- Sheryl Burgstahler

(HUB 200BC)

  • Drivers Ed for the Information Highway -Edward Lazowska, Computer Science
    (HUB 200BC) Learn about the changes that are taking place in information technology, and what the implications are for education, government, and commerce.
  • What's in a Mentor? Group activity
    (HUB 200BC) Here's your opportunity to meet one another, get to know each other's hopes and dreams, and figure out who can be what kind of a resource- in other words, it's non-Internet "Network" time!
Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 21:00

All Scholars must be in McCarty Residence Hall

Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 22:00 to 23:00

Dorm wind-down activities (videos, games, pool, etc.)

Tuesday, August 15, 1995 - 23:00

All Scholars must be in rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.