Registration (McCarty Residence Hall Lobby)
- Pick out a t-shirt, fasten your name with tape and get autographs from the 19 other Phase I Scholars.
August 5, 1997 - August 15, 1997
DO-IT Summer Study is a chance the DO-IT Scholars to get together. The first year Scholars receive extensive online training and get a chance to see college life first hand while staying at McCarty Residence Hall. They attend sessions on a variety of topics such as
Phase II Scholars participate in focused workshops and receive computer training on more advanced topics such as
Two of the DO-IT Interns (Shawn Latham and Mike Kuntz) have been assigned the task of summarizing the day's events. Here they are so far. We'll add new info each day.
Yesterday, the Phase I Scholars arrived in Seattle from all over country. After the Scholars were picked up at the airport or dropped off by their parents, they registered and were given a DO-IT treasure--the DO-IT T-shirt. DO-IT Staff, Interns, Mentors, and Scholars and their parents spent several hours getting to know one other.
After the introductions and a brief meeting, we went to the annual barbecue and participated in a exciting activity where the Scholars and Interns were paired up. The groups were given a list of quotes. They had to go around and ask questions to determine which Scholar, Intern, or staff had made the quote. Several examples were, "I have a pierced bellybutton," and " I accidentally shaved off my eyebrows."
After dinner, we went up to the dorm and the DO-IT Interns talked about their success in the community and college. By then, most of us were tired and were ready for bed. 糖心原创 half of the Scholars stayed up a little longer to watch a movie or chat with their new friends. At 11 pm, the lights were out!
Registration (McCarty Residence Hall Lobby)
Introduction for Scholars and Parents (McCarty Library)
Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director
BBQ (McMahon Residence Hall Deck)
Intern/Mentor/Ambassador Success Panel (McCarty Library).
Movie (McCarty Library).
All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Residence Hall.
Today was one of the funniest days for the Scholars. The highlight of the day was the Ski-For-All. First of all, the kids had breakfast and then they went down to the computer lab for the first of many classes. The first class was a beginning look at the Internet. After lunch the Scholars had a class on improving your mind for college. The professor ( Mr. Graham Allen) talked about how the kids must have a positive outlook on college. He also said that the average person only thinks about five minutes a day. We all thought that was kind of interesting.
After that we then went down to eat dinner before going out and doing Ski-For-All. Ski-For-All is a program that lets disabled kids ride special bikes for them. For example blind kids ride tandem bikes, which is where one person will direct the bike, and another person will just peddle. For one student (Justin) it was probably one of the funniest days of his life. He rode five different bikes and enjoyed all of them. Then we did our evening activities and went to bed.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Welcome (HUB 106B), Sheryl Burgstahler, Darin Stageberg
DO-IT With Computers (HUB 106B), Dan Comden, Janis Funk Adaptive Technology Specialists
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
The Internet: What's it to Ya? (HUB 106B), Kris, Sheryl Burgstahler
Lunch with Video Planning Groups (HUB Husky Den)
Then, choose:
Finding Your Rainbow (HUB 106B), Graham Allan, Forestry and Chemical Engineering
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
What is Science? Is This Science? (HUB 106B) Patty Chastain
Dinner (McMahon Cafeteria)
Bicycling with Ski-for-All (meet in HUB 106B)
Feel the wind rushing through your eyelashes! Find your adventurous soul. We have the bicycle for you - modified to fit your every need.
Then choose:
McCarty Dorm activity options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Residence Hall.
Thursday we started the day with a talk on the World Wide Web. The Interns showed us a couple of neat pages. For example, Matthew Porter showed us his home page which has interesting Java effects and has a lot of links to other sights. After that Sheryl Burgstahler talked about how kids with disabilities communicate with faculty. For the work based learning experiences the Scholars learned about how to find internships. After lunch John Smith talked about how earthquakes form, and how Seattle might go under someday. Then when Kurt Sahl took the floor the kids learned about working in groups; when they formed groups they where given a problem to solve as a group. Last but certainly not least was the treasure hunt. The treasure hunt is where you read the clue, and then you have to find the right building for that clue. The Scholars did the treasure hunt in groups. After that we all took a break for the night.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
The Internet: It's a Wild Web World! (HUB 106B)
Sheryl Burgstahler, Kris
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
You Can DO-IT: Articulating your Needs and Communicating With Faculty - Sheryl Burgstahler
Work-based Learning Experiences - Darin Stageberg, Julie Smallman
Lunch With Video Discussion Groups (HUB Husky Den)
Then, choose:
Where's It Shakin' and Why? (HUB 106B), John Smith, U.W. Science Education
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Let's DO-IT Together! (HUB 106B), Kurt Sahl, UW Center for Instructional Development and Research
Dinner (McMahon Residence Hall Cafeteria)
Treasure Hunt (Meet in McCarty Lobby.)
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
Today we started the day with a talk on how to subscribe to a mailing list. The Scholars learned that mailing lists differ on not only on their subjects, but also on how to subscribe to them. Then they got a talk on what career is right for them. They learned to keep their interests to a couple, because one interest or career might not work out so then they can try there interests. After the afternoon activity, we got ready for the Mariners game. We all saw Randy Johnson (The Mariners pitcher) throw 19 strikeouts in a 5 to 0 victory for the Mariners. After the game we all went back to the dorm and hit the hay.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Internet Netiquette and Electronic Discussion Lists (HUB 106B)
Sheryl Burgstahler, Kris
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Career Choices (HUB 106B), Diane Martin
Lunch (HUB Husky Den)
Then, choose:
Meet in HUB 106B to walk to Seismology Lab.
What's Shakin'? Geophysics (Atmospheric Sciences-Geophysics Building 146), Tony Irving, Bill Steele, UW Faculty/Staff
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Load bus for Mariners' game (in front of McCarty Residence Hall).
Take Me Out to the Ballgame!
Load bus for return to McCarty Residence Hall.
Load bus for return to McCarty Residence Hall.
All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Cafeteria)
Meet in McCarty Residence Hall Lobby to load bus for Pacific Science Center.
Arrive Pacific Science Center (2nd Ave North entrance)
Arrive at IMAX Theater (upper level) for Special Effects show that begins at noon.
Lunch (Pacific Science Center Cafe, upper level)
Arrive at (Laser Arena, lower level) for Celestial Odyssey Laser show that begins at 2:00.
Phase II: Registration (McCarty Residence Hall Entrance Lounge)
Get Back in Touch Time (McCarty Entrance Lounge, Library, Small Lounge)
Meet at Dinosaur Pond (lower level) in Pacific Science Center.
Load bus for return to 糖心原创.
Phase II: Introduction for Scholars and Parents (McCarty Library) Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director
BBQ (McMahon Residence Hall Deck)
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
Sunday was a restful, but exciting day. We first started the day with people either going to church or sleeping in. Then came the main event the zoo. In groups we saw bears, garaffs, tigers, and of course the mighty elephants. We also got to tour the zoo store. They had posters, stuffed animals, and collectible jewelry.
After we ate at McDonalds we went back to the dorm and the Phase II Scholars gave their summer reports. One report was about how a woman raced in a wheelchair, another one was about how a guy used a talking device to talk. Last but not least we had an unbelievable talent show. One act was Justin, Jesse, and Jennifer (all blind) singing and playing the guitar. In another act Laura (mobility impairment) did a sit down comedy. After that we went to bed.
Breakfast (McMahon Cafeteria)
Continental Breakfast (McCarty Small Lounge) for those Scholars who want to sleep in.
Church (optional) - Let Kristin Otis know if you are interested in attending a church service.
Meet in McCarty Residence Hall Lobby to load bus (in front of McCarty Residence Hall).
Arrive Woodland Park Zoo (with box lunches).
Meet in Zoo parking lot to load bus.
Dinner at McDonald's tour of DO-IT offices and U.W. computer machine room. See if you can find "hawking".
DO-IT in the News -Video clips that are sure to entertain!
Photos/We Did It, So Can You! (McCarty Library)
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
It's the Image That Counts! (HUB 106B), Steve Tanimoto, U.W. Computer Science Professor
Phase II Workshops:
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
It's the Image That Counts!, cont. (HUB 106B)
Lunch (HUB Husky Den)
Then, choose:
What is YOUR Learning Style??? (HUB 200B) Tanya Sorenson, Director, Learning Styles Project, Columbia Basin College
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Planning For College (HUB 200B), Kathy Cook, Counselor, U.W. Disabled Student Services
Phase II: Resume Writing (HUB 106B)
Dinner (McMahon Residence Hall Cafeteria)
Activity Options (Meet in HUB 106B):
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
On Tuesday the 12th of August, we started with the Phase II Scholars going to their special workshops. Phase I Scholars went to an astronomy lab where they learned how far stars are away from the planet earth. Then they went to a lab to do bypass surgery on a sheep heart. The biggest story of that lab was Justin ripped off a sheep heart. When we all came back for lunch we got to meet the members of the DO-IT Advisory Board. Danny Delcombre was a speaker for us. Danny Delcombre talked about how you can never give up no matter what disability you have. Danny is deaf and blind. His speech was voiced by a sign language interpreter. The Phase II'ers listened to Darin & Julie talk about interviewing strategies. they practiced their skits with employers. At the same time Phase I had an on-line treasure hunt. After that we ate pizza, talked to Mentors, & listened to the Trench Coats. Finally we had our evening activities.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Leave from HUB 106B to go to Physics-Astronomy Building.
"Light and Color" (Physics-Astronomy Building 210) Woody Sullivan, Professor, Astronomy Department
Phase II Workshops
Snack Break (outside Mechanical Engineering Building 249)
Get to the Heart of It! (Mechanical Engineering Building 249), Laurie Clark, Science Instructor
Lunch - "If I Can, You Can" (HUB 108)
Internet Scavenger Hunt (HUB 106B)
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Make a choice:
Phase II: You Can DO-IT! (HUB 108) Interviewing Strategies
!!DO-IT Mentor/Ambassador Night!! (HUB 200ABC) Pizza for all!
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
We started today with a talk on which search engine is the best one. Dan Comden talked about how some search engines have a lack of information while others have way too much. While that was going on, the Phase II Scholars were in their workshops. One class the Game of Life is a class about how you program little dots to do different stuff. While the Phase II Scholars were doing that and more the Phase I Scholars were in a class about how to download programs. They downloaded programs using ftp ( File Transfer Protocol), and Netscape.
After lunch both groups learned about how to run a human-powered submarine. Then they had open computer lab for the rest of the afternoon. After dinner people got to paint pictures in a Sumi painting class. Then we did our evening activities.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
More on the Internet (HUB 106B), Kris, Dan Comden Networking overview, Telnet, Gopher.
Phase II Workshops
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Focus Group Discussion (HUB 106B), Norma Shelan, Professor, St. Martins College
Even more on the Internet (HUB 106B), Kris File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and file transfer issues.
Lunch (HUB Husky Den) Then, choose:
The Sea Dawg (HUB 200AB), Bruce Adee,聽UW Professor
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Make a choice:
Dinner (McMahon Residence Hall Cafeteria)
Activity Options:
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
We started the day with an interesting talk on note taking, test taking, and test anxiety management for Phase I. For the Phase II it was back to work on their weekly assignment. Next for Phase I was a talk on how hurricanes form, and how they can be so destructive. After lunch all the Scholars went to talk about the Mars launch. The highlight of the day was the dance we had at the By George cafe. Everybody learned the Macarena, The Three Step, and of course the Congo. Justin, one of the Scholars, sang two songs. After that we were ready for lights out.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Academic Skills Workshop (HUB 106B) Yie-Wen Kuan, Clinical Psychologist
Phase II Workshops
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Up, Up, and Away into the Atmosphere! (HUB 106B) Imke Durre, Graduate Student, Atmospheric Sciences
Lunch (HUB Husky Den) Then, choose:
Meet in HUB 106B to walk to (name of building)
Pathfinder Mars workshop (HUB 200AB), Tony Irving, UW Affiliate Associate Professor
Make a Choice:
Dinner (McMahon Residence Hall Cafeteria)
Meet in McCarty Library to walk to dance.
DO-IT Dance (By George Cafe)
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Phase II Workshops
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den, near 106B)
What Comes Next? (HUB Husky Den, near 106B), Sheryl Burgstahler
Lunch (HUB Husky Den)
Phase II Summer Study Reports (McCarty Library) Pay attention! You'll be doing this next year.
Testimonial Time! (McCarty Library) All Scholars share future plans for college and careers.
Awards, goodbyes.
See ya in Cyberspace!
Pizza for those staying over night (McCarty Entrance Lounge).
Scholars who are staying the night must be in McCarty Residence Hall.