Registration (McCarty Residence Hall Lobby)
- Pick out a t-shirt, fasten your name with tape and get autographs from the 19 other Phase I Scholars.
August 4, 1998 - August 14, 1998
DO-IT Summer Study is a chance the DO-IT Scholars to get together. The first year Scholars receive extensive online training and get a chance to see college life first hand while staying at McCarty Residence Hall. They attend sessions on a variety of topics such as
Phase II Scholars participate in focused workshops and receive computer training on more advanced topics such as
Registration (McCarty Residence Hall Lobby)
Introduction for Scholars and Parents (McCarty Library)
Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director
BBQ (McMahon Residence Hall Deck)
DO-IT Mentor/Ambassador Success Panel (McCarty Library).
McCarty Dorm activity options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Welcome (HUB 106B), Sheryl Burgstahler, Kathy Cook, DO-IT Counselor/Coordinator
DO-IT With Computers (HUB 106B), Dan Comden, DO-IT Technology Coordinator,
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
The Internet: What's it to Ya? (HUB 106B), Sheryl Burgstahler, Dan Comden
Lunch with Video Planning Groups (HUB Husky Den)
Then, choose:
Finding Your Rainbow (HUB 106B), Graham Allan, Professor, Forestry and Chemical Engineering
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Meteorites in the Northwest (HUB 200 AB), Tony Irving, Associate Professor, Geological Sciences
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Dinner (McMahon Cafeteria)
Group and Individual Pictures (McCarty Library)
Treasure Hunt (Meet in McCarty Lobby.)
McCarty Dorm activity options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
The Internet: It's a Wild Web World! (HUB 106B)
Sheryl Burgstahler, CJ, DO-IT Ambassador
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Planning for College (HUB 106B) Kathy Cook
Lunch With Video Discussion Groups (HUB Husky Den)
Then, choose:
Meet in HUB 106B to walk to Bagley 133
Science You Can Feel (Bagley 133), Jeanne Portelance, Chemistry Teacher
Snack Break (HUB 200A)
Let's DO-IT Together! (HUB 200A), Kurt Sahl, UW Center for Instructional Development and Research
Dinner (McMahon Residence Hall Cafeteria)
Meet at McCarty entrance lounge to walk to the Henry Art Gallery
Tour of Henry Art Gallery
Cool off with Ice Cream on the Ave (optional).
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Cafeteria)
Load Bus for Microsoft Tour (loading in front of McCarty Dorm)
Visit Microsoft, Stafford Mays, Microsoft employee
Lunch: At Microsoft!
Microsoft Museum
Load bus for return to 糖心原创
Searching the Web (HUB 106B), Kris, DO-IT Ambassador
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Dinner (McMahon Residence Hall Cafeteria)
Meet in HUB 106B to walk to Ski-For-All
Bicycling with Ski-for-All (meet in HUB 106B)
Feel the wind rushing through your eyelashes! Find your adventurous soul.
Then choose:
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Cafeteria, NOTE: Cafeteria closes at 8:30am)
Continental Breakfast (McCarty Small Lounge)
Meet in McCarty Residence Hall Entrance Lobby to load bus for Pacific Science Center.
Arrive Pacific Science Center (2nd Ave North entrance) Throughout the day, visit the exhibits and shows in groups (of three or more).
Arrive at IMAX Theater (upper level) for Alaska show that begins at noon.
Lunch (Pacific Science Center Cafe, upper level)
Arrive at Laser Arena (lower level) for Laser Space Odyssey show that begins at 2:00.
Phase II: Registration (McCarty Residence Hall Entrance Lounge)
Get Back in Touch Time (McCarty Entrance Lounge, Library, Small Lounge)
Meet at Dinosaur Pond (lower level) in Pacific Science Center.
Load bus for return to 糖心原创.
Phase II: Introduction for Scholars and Parents (McCarty Library) Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director
BBQ McMahon Residence Hall Deck)
Improv! (McCarty Library)
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (McMahon Cafeteria, NOTE: Cafeteria closes at 8:30am)
Continental Breakfast (McCarty Small Lounge)
Church (optional) - Let Kristin Otis know if you are interested in attending a church service.
Load bus at McCarty Residence Hall.
Lunch and Museum of Flight
Meet in Museum of Flight parking lot to load bus.
Dinner at McDonald's, tour of DO-IT offices and UW computer machine room. See if you can find "hawking."
DO-IT in the News - Video clips that are sure to entertain!
We Did It, So Can You! (McCarty Library)
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Phase II: Meet in HUB 106B to walk to workshops
Meet in HUB 106B to walk to Bagley 233
Genetics Workshop (Bagley 233), Cindy Long, Research Scientist
Snack Break (outside Bagley 233)
Phase II Workshops:
Genetics Workshop continued. (Bagely 233)
Lunch (HUB Husky Den)
Then, choose:
Meet outside HUB 106B to walk to Loew 113.
Phase II: Resume Writing (HUB 106B)
You Can DO-IT: Articulating your Needs and Communicating With Faculty - (Loew 113) Sheryl Burgstahler
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Make a choice:
Dinner (McMahon Residence Hall Cafeteria)
Meet in HUB 106B to walk to Virtual Reality Lab
Virtual Reality Lab Tour, (Fluke Hall 215), Suzanne Weghorst, Director , Interface Development
Take an actual tour of the virtual reality lab at the UW. Experience different types of virtual programs.
Then Choose:
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Work-based Learning Experiences (HUB 106B) Julie Smallman
Phase II Workshops:
Leave HUB 106B to walk to Mechanical Engineering Building
Snack Break (outside Mechanical Engineering 238)
Get to the Heart of It! (Mechanical Engineering 238), Laurie Clark, Science Instructor
Lunch - With Advisory Board Members and Guests (HUB 108)
More Internet Tools, plus Internet Scavenger Hunt (HUB 106B) Kris
Phase II: You Can DO-IT! (HUB 108) Interviewing Strategies
Julie Smallman, DO-IT Counselor/Coordinator
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Make a choice:
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
!!DO-IT Mentor/Ambassador Night!! (HUB 108)
Live entertainment: Al Foxx
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
More on the Internet (HUB 106B), Kris, Dan Comden
Phase II Workshops:
Snack Break (outside Smith 404)
Focus Group Discussion (HUB 106B), Norma Shelan, Professor, St. Martins College
Even more on the Internet (HUB 106B), Kris
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and file transfer issues.
Lunch (HUB Husky Den)
Then, choose:
Career Panel (HUB 108)
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Make a choice:
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Activity Options:
An ancient Chinese proverb says: "All work and no play makes a dull DO-IT Scholar." Let your creative juices flow out of your body and onto rice paper.
After painting for at least 1/2 hour you may choose:
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Academic Skills Workshop (HUB 106B) Lyla Crawford, DO-IT Counselor/Coordinator
Phase II Workshops:
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den, near 106B)
Cooking with Sunshine! (HUB 106B) Imke Durre, Graduate Student, Atmospheric Sciences
Lunch (HUB Husky Den)
Then, choose:
Meet in HUB 106B to walk to Seismology Lab
Phase II:聽We're Cookin'聽with Sunshine!聽(HUB 106B)
What's Shakin'? Geophysics (Atmospheric Sciences-Geophysics Building 146), Tony Irving, Bill Steele, UW Faculty/Staff
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Make a Choice:
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Meet in McCarty Lobby to walk to By George Cafe.
BBQ Dinner (By George Cafe)
DO-IT Dance (By George Cafe)
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Phase II Workshops:
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den, near 106B)
What Comes Next? (HUB Husky Den, near 106B), Sheryl Burgstahler
Lunch (HUB Husky Den)
Phase II Summer Study Reports (McCarty Library)
Testimonial Time! (McCarty Library)
Awards, good-byes.
See ya in Cyberspace!
Pizza for those staying over night (McCarty Entrance Lounge).
Scholars who are staying the night must be in McCarty Residence Hall.