Friday, August 7, 1998 - 07:30 to 09:00
Breakfast (McMahon Cafeteria)
Breakfast (McMahon Cafeteria)
Load Bus for Microsoft Tour (loading in front of McCarty Dorm)
Visit Microsoft, Stafford Mays, Microsoft employee
Lunch: At Microsoft!
Microsoft Museum
Load bus for return to 糖心原创
Searching the Web (HUB 106B), Kris, DO-IT Ambassador
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Dinner (McMahon Residence Hall Cafeteria)
Meet in HUB 106B to walk to Ski-For-All
Bicycling with Ski-for-All (meet in HUB 106B)
Feel the wind rushing through your eyelashes! Find your adventurous soul.
Then choose:
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.