Key Electronic Resources

  • Visit the project website at www.washington.edu/doit/programs/accessstem/overview to locate comprehensive AccessSTEM resources regarding AccessSTEM and, more generally, about promoting the success of individuals with disabilities in STEM.
  • Find answers to common questions, case studies, and promising practices on the AccessSTEM Knowledge Base at www.washington.edu/doit/programs/accessstem/knowledge-base.
  • Learn more about the AccessSTEM Team and how to join at www.washington.edu/doit/accessstem-team-application.
  • Learn about communities of practice that are open to STEM K-12 and postsecondary educators and administrators (STEMed CoP), NSF project and alliance administrators (Broadening Participation CoP), and disability services professionals and educators (Disability Services CoP), at www.washington.edu/doit/resources/communities-practice. To join, send an email to doit@uw.edu.
  • Subscribe to the doitsem discussion list to discuss issues pertaining to individuals with disabilities and their pursuit of science, engineering, mathematics (SEM), and other high-tech academic programs and careers.
  • Contact staff, request publications, ask questions about the programs, join the AccessSTEM Team, or become a Mentor, send an email to doit@uw.edu.