Snapshots 2010: A Yearbook for DO-IT Participants

Photo portrait of DO-IT director Sheryl Burgstahler
Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director

Welcome to DO-IT Snapshots 2010!

This publication facilitates communication among DO-IT participants. It was developed in July 2010. DO-IT Scholars are high school students with disabilities who are preparing for college and careers. They have interests in challenging fields that include science, math, engineering, technology, and business. They attend a Summer Study program at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in Seattle, participate in internships and leadership activities, and communicate via the Internet year-round. Additional high school students with disabilities, the DO-IT Pals, join this electronic community. When Scholars move on to college or employment, they become DO-IT Ambassadors, sharing their experiences with the younger Pals and Scholars. This electronic community is also supported by DO-IT Mentors. Most Mentors have disabilities themselves and are pursuing challenging postsecondary studies and careers.

Primary funding for DO-IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the State of ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, and the U.S. Department of Education. These and other investors, listed in the DO-IT Funding section on of this publication, sponsor the many activities that DO-IT undertakes. We appreciate their generous support. Those who wish to help fund continued efforts can submit the Support DO-IT: How Can You DO-IT form.

DO-IT has received many awards, including the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring. We also received the National Information Infrastructure Award in 1995, the Golden Apple Award in 1999, the AHEAD (Association for Higher Education and Disability) Exceptional Program Award in 2001, the Promising Practice Award in 2005, the Trace Research and Development Center's Catalyst Award in 2006, and the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ College of Engineering Team Innovator Award and the Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (COSD) Robert S. Greenberg Innovation Award in 2007. These awards document the achievements of the DO-IT participants. Together, they are changing the world, making it a more accessible place for all of us.

, Ph.D.
Director, DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology)
College of Engineering/UW Technology/College of Education

2010 DO-IT Trailblazers

The DO-IT Trailblazer awards highlight DO-IT community members who forge new pathways that will benefit others. We select individuals who, through their work and accomplishments, have changed the way the world views people with disabilities and have increased their potential to succeed in college, careers, and community life. Congratulations to this year's honorees!

Dr. Martha Bosma, Associate Professor of Biology at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, for her leadership in the inclusion of people with disabilities in science education and careers, outreach to ensure accessible science labs, and mentoring of DO-IT Scholars in their transition to postsecondary education.

Corinna (Lang) Fale, DO-IT Ambassador and '00 Scholar, for her work promoting self-advocacy for people with disabilities through her position as co-coordinator of the L.E.A.D. Coalition at the Arc of Snohomish County and as a representative for People First of ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´.

Dr. Sang-Mook Lee, Professor of Geophysics at Seoul National University, for promoting access to technology, education, and employment for people with disabilities in South Korea.

Noah Seidel, DO-IT Ambassador, '05 Scholar, UW student, and DO-IT student staff, for his disability advocacy and leadership on the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Seattle campus and in the Seattle community. He has organized disability awareness events and has spoken on numerous panels regarding inclusion, access, and transition to college and careers.

Priscilla Wong, DO-IT Ambassador and '95 Scholar, for her volunteer work serving people with disabilities at the Ronald McDonald House and Children's Hospital and ongoing dedication to advocating for accessible programs and environments.

[Picture of Noah snap10p07a.jpg goes here]

2010 Trailblazer Noah Seidel.

[Picture of Priscilla snap10p07b.jpg goes here]

2010 Trailblazer Priscilla Wong.

Previous DO-IT Trailblazer award winners:


Kim Borowicz, disability rights lawyer at Access Living and DO-IT Mentor, for contributions on a national level to the field of disability law and a commitment to tackling issues of access to transportation, media, and education for people with disabilities.

Loren Mikola, disability inclusion program manager at Microsoft and AccessSTEM team member, for contributions in making Microsoft an inclusive environment for employees with a wide variety of abilities and disabilities and for promoting the design of accessible technology.

Kris Rosenberg, DO-IT Ambassador and '94 Scholar, for contributing to the long-term success of DO-IT's college preview and technology program at Camp Courage by volunteering his time to provide lab set-up, technology support, instruction, and mentoring.

Jessie Sandoval, DO-IT Ambassador and '98 Scholar, for academic achievement and pursuit of a career in disability law.

Chris Schlechty, DO-IT Ambassador and '02 Scholar, for academic achievement, pursuit of a career in computing, and mentoring interns with disabilities nationwide in the workplace.


Daman Wandke, DO-IT Ambassador and '7 Scholar Sam, a Summer Study Intern, works in the lab on his computer. Phase II Scholars Brianna, Aaron, and Collin with Intern and 05 Scholar, for leadership in organizing disability awareness activities on a postsecondary campus.

Al Souma, Coordinator of Disability Support Services at Seattle Central Community College and AccessCollege team member, for responding to emerging issues of students with disabilities, including those related to people with mental health impairments and to veterans with disabilities.

Dr. Mamoru Iwabuchi, Associate Professor at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo and Assistant Director of DO-IT Japan, for promoting DO-IT practices internationally. b


Dennis Lang, an Associate Director of the Disability Studies program at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, persevered in promoting the adoption of a disability studies program at the University, which now resides in the School of Law. He has also mentored dozens of students pursuing the disability studies minor.

Anthony Arnold, a DO-IT Ambasssador and '94 Scholar, has made significant contributions to the field of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) through his advocacy and career. He has served as a powerful role model for the employment of individuals with disabilities that affect both mobility and speech.

Dr. Ray Bowen, when Dean of the UW College of Engineering, made contacts at the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 1992 that led to DO-IT's first grant funding. He mentored Dr. , Director of DO-IT, and facilitated collaborations with the College's award-winning programs for women and minorities. This created an expanded view of diversity that became a model for other departments and institutions.


Imke Durre, DO-IT Mentor, for accomplishments in earning a Ph.D. and pursuing a career in atmospheric sciences, increasing public awareness of the positive contributions of people with disabilities in science fields, and providing strong role modeling and mentoring to students with visual impairments.

Julie Peddy, NOAA Program Manager, for accomplishments in integrating youth with disabilities in service learning programs and promoting the employment of people with disabilities in science fields.


Karen Braitmayer, Architect and DO-IT Mentor, for accomplishments as a business owner and for progressing accessibility efforts within the field of architecture.

Mylene Padolina, Microsoft Senior Diversity Consultant, for accomplishments in the integration of disability in the diversity efforts of businesses and for success in programs encouraging youth to pursue high-tech career fields.

Jessie Shulman, DO-IT Ambassador, '98 Scholar, and ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ student, for accomplishments in increasing access and support on the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ campus and providing a strong role model to students with hidden disabilities.

Suzanne Weghorst, Assistant Director for Research at the UW Human Interface Technology Lab, for accomplishments in research and for providing numerous opportunities for students with disabilities to explore the field of human interface technology.


Cheri Blauwet Trek, DO-IT Ambassador, '96 Scholar, and Stanford University graduate student, for achievements in athletics and academics.

Mike Dedman, Education Specialist at the National Parks Service, for improving access in the national parks.

Charity Ranger, DO-IT student staff and ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ student, for improving access and support on a postsecondary campus.

Anna Schneider, DO-IT Ambassador, '93 Scholar, artist, businesswoman, and ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ graduate, for accomplishments in the combination of fine arts, business, and science.

Phase I Scholars

Group photo of 2010 DO-IT Scholars

Sixteen Phase I Scholars attended their first DO-IT Summer Study session at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in July 2010. They learned about college life and prepared for college and careers. Throughout the year, they communicate with each other, DO-IT participants, and DO-IT Mentors. They use the Internet to support their academic studies, and they complete projects in exciting fields that include science, engineering, mathematics, technology, and business. After completing Summer Study 2010, these participants graduated to Phase II.

Image of Shawn
Shawn, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Shawn, and I am blind. I will be a junior at Arlington High School. My favorite subject is history. My goal is to attend a four-year school and have a successful and enjoyable career. I enjoy wrestling, driving all-terrain vehicles and cars, playing sports, and doing other outdoor activities.

Image of Rosa'Lea
Rosa'Lea, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Rosa'Lea. My favorite classes are biology and art. I love art because it allows me to work with my hands. I would like to be an animator at Disney. I have a learning disability.

Image of Ryan
Ryan, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Ryan. I will be a senior at Cascade High School and am excited to attend college. I enjoy exploring my creativity with hands-on activities and challenging myself with math and architecture problem solving. I also enjoy designing and creating ceramic art. I have sickle cell disease.

Image of Damon
Damon, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Damon. I am a junior at Health Sciences and Human Services High School in Seattle. I am a member of the National Honor Society, French Club, and Club of Uncommon Knowledge. I am also captain of the J.V. soccer team and was selected Most Inspiring Player of the Year. I like different kinds of music and dancing. I am not a very good dancer but I try. I love animals, and I enjoy being outdoors. For fun, I hang out with my friends, go jogging, and play soccer. My long-term goal is to become a science teacher.

Image of Marlise
Marlise, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Marlise and I am a junior at Kamiak High School in Mukilteo. I enjoy literature, drama, and learning science trivia. I am currently writing a play that I hope will be published some day! I have Friedreich's ataxia

Image of Garrett
Garrett, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Garrett. I will be a junior at Ferndale High School, which is the same high school that football player Jake Locker attended. I like studying Spanish, world issues, and mathematics problem solving. I enjoy music, video games, movies and hanging out with friends. Bi-skiing and playing power wheelchair soccer are also some things I like to do. I hope to attend the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ to study business and economics.

Image of Angela
Angela, '10 Scholar

Hi! My name is Angela, and I live in Bothell. I am a junior at Holy Names Academy (HNA), an all girls Catholic high school in Seattle. I am a member of the National Honor Society and the Peace and Justice committee, received the Student Life award, was elected campus ministry and community representative for the coming school year, am the officer of Cards for Kids Club, and am a student ambassador. In the future, I will attend college and would like to major in pediatric medicine. Between my busy school life and lots of homework, I enjoy photography, hanging out with friends, cooking new recipes, watching movies, reading, and taking my dog for walks on Alki Beach.

Image of Maximo
Maximo, '10 Scholar

My name is Maximo, and I am a senior at Vashon High School. I enjoy art, writing, and music. I play the drums, and I compete in tennis, wrestling, and golf. I have dyslexia, so it is hard for me to read and spell. In the future, I would like to live in California and earn a business degree.

Image of Benjy
Benjy, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Benjy. I will be a senior at Mead High School in Spokane. I'm a manager for my high school's basketball team. My favorite things to do are listen to music and watch sports. I was on a wheelchair sports team for six years but had to stop because of back surgeries. My long-term goals are to go to college and become an air traffic controller.

Image of Eric
Eric, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Eric. I will be a senior at Liberty High School in Renton. I enjoy math and science, and I am a member of the National Honor Society. I hope to earn a master's degree in engineering from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I enjoy playing golf. I have Crohn's disease.

Image of Nicco
Nicco, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Nicco. I live in Seattle and will be a junior at Chief Sealth International High School. My academic interests are history and scientific fields with a special interest in physics. I am a proud member of my high school's marching and concert bands. I play clarinet and baritone sax for marching band, and bass clarinet for concert band. I am involved in many activities, including training dogs in service work; protection; and finding drugs, explosives, and people. I'm also on staff at an outdoor education and survival organization.

Image of Tatsuro
Tatsuro, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Tatsuro. I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy, live in Snohomish, and will be a junior at Glacier Peak High School. One thing I really enjoy studying and reading about is the creation versus evolution debate. I am a Christian and my faith is the driving force of my life. I also enjoy art and English classes. I would like to continue learning about these subjects in college and hope to become an artist and a writer. I love animals and have a snake, bearded dragon, and two cats.

Image of Niki
Niki, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Niki. I am looking forward to a great year as a senior at Jackson High School in Mill Creek. Some of my favorite subjects are science and biology, and I plan to pursue these subjects in college by studying medicine. I enjoy many types of music and go to concerts with my friends. I have amyoplasia arthrogryposis.

Image of Cristina
Cristina, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Cristina. I am a senior at Olympia High School. I have a skin condition, but I have not let it become an obstacle in my life. I love traveling, playing in my high school's orchestra, and doing community work for minority populations. In the future, I will go to law school and become an international human rights lawyer.

Image of Krysta
Krysta, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Krysta. I am a junior at Oroville High School. Science and math are my favorite subjects in school. I enjoy participating in physical science classes and doing lab work. My goal is to study biology or zoology in college and become a zookeeper. I am deaf, and for my senior project I started an ASL (American Sign Language) club at school for people to learn ASL and Deaf culture. I am the only deaf student so it is fun to teach others. I am also a cheerleader, and I have a lot of school spirit. I love to encourage people to do a great job in their sport and have fun. I just started playing tennis, and I love how challenging and fun it is to play.

Image of Jenica
Jenica, '10 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jenica. I am a senior at Monroe High School. I am excited about marketing and American literature. I hope to attend the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ and become a researcher. I have a visual impairment, and I love getting to meet new people!

Phase II Scholars

Group photo of 2009 DO-IT Scholars

Seventeen Phase I Scholars attended their first DO-IT Summer Study session at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in July 2009. They learned about college life and prepared for college and careers. Throughout the year, they communicate with each other, DO-IT participants, and DO-IT Mentors. They use the Internet to support their academic studies, and they complete projects in exciting fields that include science, engineering, mathematics, technology, and business. After completing Summer Study 2009, these participants graduated to Phase II.

Image of Vanessa
Vanessa, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Vanessa. I graduated from Eisenhower High School in Yakima. This year, I attended a mass media class at Yakima Valley Community College (YVCC) through Running Start. Next fall I will be at YVCC full time, and in two years I would like to transfer to Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. I enjoy music, writing, weaving, Sudoku, and reading. Currently, my favorite book is Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I play the violin, and I love to sing and hum. I have a great sense of humor and I am usually smiling. I have athetoid cerebral palsy and am mildly hard of hearing.

Image of Bilal
Bilal, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Bilal. I am a senior at Lynnwood High School. I'm also attending Edmonds Community College as a full-time Running Start student. I enjoy studying English. I have a learning disability. I like to play basketball, keep active, and learn new things. I would like to be an orthodontist some day.

Image of Reese
Reese, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Reese. I am a senior at Henry M. Jackson High School in Mill Creek. I have orthographic dysgraphia. I would like to study political science in college because I am interested in being a political talk show host. I would also like to study music production because I enjoy mixing and composing music. I love hanging out with my friends, being on the swim team, and going on vacations.

Image of Anna
Anna, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Anna. I attend Shoreline Community College. I have a brain tumor. Some of the side effects are loss of vision and partial paralysis. I named my dog after the type of tumor I have, Pilocytic or Pilo for short. I volunteer at Jet City Improv and would like to become a comedian someday. In my free time I like to sleep and write.

Image of Ryan
Ryan, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Ryan. I am a senior at Sultan High School. I am a member of the National Honor Society. I am now taking classes at Bellevue Community College through Running Start. I play timpani (kettle drums) in an orchestra, and I like many different kinds of music. I have been to five jazz camps, as far away as Yellowstone. I went on a three-week European tour with the group the Sound of America. Some fun things I have done are being a page in the Senate in Olympia, getting my Coast Guard boating license, and taking flying lessons. I would like to be a percussionist, an airplane pilot, a car wash salesman, or work as a film assistant.

Image of Louis
Louis, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Louis. I am a senior at Port Townsend High School. I have dyslexia and dysgraphia. My interests are soccer, rugby, history, writing, politics, sociology, and just about everything else under the sun. I would like to be a lawyer, writer, or economist someday.

Image of Shelby
Shelby, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Shelby. I graduated from Marysville Pilchuck High School and will be attending Brigham Young University in Utah in the fall. I plan to major in communications with an emphasis in public relations or print journalism. I would love to work in the fashion or design industry. This year I was in my school's musical as well as in Associated Student Body leadership, Knowledge Bowl, and the Nordstrom Fashion Board. I have spinal muscular atrophy.

Image of Allegra
Allegra, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Allegra. I graduated from Franklin High School and will be attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in the fall. My major is currently undecided, but I am leaning toward English or psychology. I love writing and just having fun. I have spinal muscular atrophy, which basically kills my muscles, so I use a wheelchair. I love meeting new people, so feel free to email me.

Image of Sean
Sean, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Sean. I graduated from Liberty High School in Renton. I will be a freshman at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, Seattle in the fall and would like to study computer science. I play guitar. I also like boating, driving, and camping. My Eagle Scout project was to create angled stretching platforms that I donated to Children's Hospital in Seattle. I have Becker muscular dystrophy.

Image of Leo
Leo, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Leo. I attend Skagit Valley Community College. I have a beagle. I like to listen to most music, with the exception of country. On the computer, I like to play video games that require building and strategy, like The Sims. I have a spinal cord injury that affects the movements of my body—my right side is more limited than my left. I enjoy mathematics and literature. Someday I would like to be a graphic artist.

Image of Josh
Josh, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Josh. I am a senior at Elma High School. I enjoy Spanish and world history. I play the trombone in the jazz, concert, marching, and pep bands. I play baseball and football for fun. I am a huge sports fan of all the Seattle teams. My Knowledge Bowl team placed ninth at the College Bowl at Greys Harbor College. I have muscular dystrophy and hereditary sensory motor neuropathy.

Image of Josh
Josh, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Josh. I graduated from Skyview High School in Vancouver. I enjoy studying science and English. I also enjoy art and drawing. I like to build things. I have two dogs. I have spina bifida and a learning disability. I would like to be a youth pastor or counselor.

Image of Kristin
Kristin, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Kristin. I graduated from Windward High School and will be attending Whatcom Community College this fall. In high school my favorite class was AP literature. For my senior project I learned how to weld and plan to continue welding in the future. My career goals include archeology or working in the mental health field. I like reading, traveling, hanging out with friends, and playing with my three dogs and my rabbit, Puck. I have dyslexia.

Image of Alex
Alex, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Alex. I graduated from Anacortes High School. I plan on attending either Bellingham or Renton Technical College for welding or maritime studies. I play basketball, baseball, badminton, swimming, and soccer. I love the outdoors and racing sailboats. I enjoy hanging out with friends, playing on the Internet, and fixing things. My friends say that I have a thing for making them laugh. I have cerebral palsy.

Image of Joey
Joseph, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Joey. I am a freshman at Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University where I am enrolled in the STEP program. I have Asperger's syndrome. My favorite classes are chemistry and computer science because they are concrete and hands on. I am currently very interested in retro video games (especially the 16-bit era). It's also notable that I've been a Pokéfreak (someone who plays Pokémon too much) and a Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG collector off and on. I've always been interested in computers and electronics, so I think computer science is my destined degree in college. I know how computers work, and I would like to develop skills in coding.

Image of Abby
Abby, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Abby. I graduated from ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State School for the Blind in Vancouver and will be working at the Instructional Resource Center in the fall. I enjoy French and math. I would like to go into the field of Braille transcription. I like music and musicals, reading and writing fan fiction, and books like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. I am blind with light perception.

Image of Chris
Christopher, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Chris. I like science and history and am good at math. I enjoy working in my school's greenhouse. I will graduate from Lewis and Clark High School in Vancouver in spring of 2011, and I would like to study horticulture in college. After college, I may work in a vineyard. I have two dogs: a big yellow lab and a small King Charles Cavalier spaniel. My favorite video game is Halo 3. My favorite color is orange. I have ADD and dyslexia.

Phase III Scholars

2008 DO-IT Scholars

Phase III Scholars are completing high school or transitioning to college. Throughout the year, they communicate with other Scholars, Ambassadors, and Mentors and participate in DO-IT activities. Some become Interns at DO-IT Summer Study and participate in other work experiences. Once Scholars complete Phase II Summer Study and graduate from high school they became DO-IT Ambassadors. DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Image of Yomara
Yomara, '08 Scholar

Hi. I am Yomara. Doing well in school has always been my number-one priority and it has paid off. I will be attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, Bothell in the fall. I have spinal muscular atrophy type 2, which is why I use a power chair to get around. I have a passion for chocolate and the color pink :). I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

Image of Mack
Mack, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Mack. I graduated from Global Connections High School in SeaTac. I have cerebral palsy. I have been working at my local YMCA. I am studying early childhood education at Highline Community College. Basketball, football, track, and baseball are my favorite sports. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

Image of Erica
Erica, '08 Scholar

Hi. I am Erica. I have Erb's palsy on my right arm. I graduated from Pateros High School. This fall, I will be attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ as a freshman. I am super excited about college! I am interested in studying oncology and becoming a doctor someday. I love tennis; it is my absolute favorite sport in the entire world! I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

Image of Russell
Russell, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Russell. I graduated from Liberty High School and am a freshman at Bellevue College. I plan to be involved with law enforcement or be a lawyer. I have Asperger's syndrome. I love driving my car. I enjoy video games and racing dirt bikes.

Image of Sam
Sam, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Sam. I study architectural design and drafting at a community college. I enjoy long-distance running, playing the trumpet, building with Legos, and playing video and computer games such as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Harvest Moon, Civilization, Rune Factory, and Trauma Center: Under the Knife. Even though I have dyslexia, which means I have trouble reading and writing, I am a huge fan of the Harry Potter book and movie series. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

Image of Collin
Collin, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Collin. I am attending Shoreline Community College on a soccer scholarship before I transfer to a four-year school. I would like to go into politics after college. I have dyslexia.

Image of Emily
Emily, '08 Scholar

Hi. I am Emily. I am attending Bellevue College and have just completed my second quarter of American Sign Language. I am a member of the National Ski Patrol. I have dyslexia and dysgraphia, which was diagnosed at a young age. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

Image of Derek
Derek, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Derek. I have a non-verbal learning disability and dysgraphia. During the summer, I am a youth camp counselor. Counseling helps prepare me for a career as a band teacher. I enjoy refereeing indoor and outdoor soccer games, playing video games, having a good time with friends, and playing a variety of instruments. I also enjoy manga and anime. I went to Olympia and lobbied a bill for financial education in math classes, and I hope to get involved in politics later in life.

Image of Nejowa
Nejowa, '08 Scholar

Hey! My name is Nejowa. I attend Highline Community College and would like to be a youth counselor. I have used a wheelchair for the past seven years and have had fun playing wheelchair basketball for the past three years. I hope to attend the University of Illinois and continue to play basketball. In high school, my favorite subjects were language arts and leadership. In my free time, I like to use the computer, go outdoors, and hang out with my friends in the sunshine. I am a Sounders fan and like to go to soccer games. I enjoy music and everyone knows I am obsessed with Lady Gaga. Overall, I am an outgoing person and like to make things interesting in my life. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

Image of Marco
Marco, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Marco. I graduated from high school. My goal is to earn an associate's degree at Highline Community College in chemistry and eventually study biochemistry at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I like to read and play computer games. I am working at a computer programming internship. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

Image of Chris
Christopher, '08 Scholar

Hi! My name is Chris and I am going to attend Pacific Lutheran University this fall. I really enjoy swimming, and I was on my high school swim team this past season. History is my favorite subject, and I am thinking of being either a historian or a political analyst. I also enjoy the sciences, especially studying animals and space. My favorite type of music is country, and my favorite country group is Lady Antebellum. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

Image of Carolyn
Carolyn, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Carolyn. I attend Spokane Falls Community College. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

Image of Christine
Christine, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Christine and I attend Spokane Falls Community College. I have cerebral palsy and learning disabilities. In high school, I participated in track-and-field, cross-country, and basketball. I hope to someday play in collegiate wheelchair sports at either the University of Arizona or Illinois. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

Image of Nate
Nate, '08 Scholar

Hi. I am Nate. I have a learning disability that affects my reading and writing. I use technology as an accommodation whenever I can. I attend California State University, Chico. I am majoring in business information systems with an emphasis in management. I plan to incorporate my love of language and continue studying Spanish and Mandarin.

Image of Aaron
Aaron, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Aaron. I live in West Seattle and graduated from Chief Sealth High School. I have dyslexia, which affects my word retrieval skills, and I have an auditory processing delay. I run cross country and play on the school's Ultimate Frisbee team, which I helped found. I am interested in computer programming, math, and science (especially biology), technical theater, and choral singing. I was a Microsoft intern last summer.

Image of Wesley
Wesley, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Wesley. I graduated from high school and am interested in attending Lower Columbia College. I use a wheelchair to get around because I have quadriplegia. I appreciate when people ask me questions directly instead of asking my nurse. Someday, I hope to be a psychologist working with children or families. One of my favorite things to do each day is watch Dr. Phil. In my spare time, I like to read.

Image of Erik
Erik, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Erik. I graduated from Burlington Edison High School where I participated in the debate team and was named as a Rotary student of the month. I will be attending Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University in the fall to pursue a degree in history and business. I would like to be an accountant. I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy. I am a New England Patriots fan and love watching sports. I also love watching the History Channel and playing strategy games.

Image of Brianna
Brianna, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Brianna. I graduated from Woodinville High School and will be attending Cascadia Community College in the fall. I hope to go to a four-year university after I finish community college. I would like to have a career working with children with special needs. I can walk, but I sometimes use a wheelchair because I have cerebral palsy. I also have some visual and hearing impairments. I use Pidgin Signed English (PSE) to communicate in large crowds or in a classroom. I love bowling and riding horseback. In my spare time, I like to read and knit.

Image of Shelby
Shelby, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Shelby. I graduated from Eisenhower High School. I attended Yakima Valley Community College (YVCC) for a semester before landing my dream job as an American Sign Language interpreter for the Sunnyside School District. I also have a freelance interpreting business. I plan to return to YVCC to study Spanish with the goal of becoming the only trilingual interpreter in the Yakima Valley. I am living in my own apartment. It can be a little lonely sometimes, but I am keeping busy. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

Image of Jeremy
Jeremy, '08 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jeremy. I attend Spokane Falls Community College. I plan to pursue pediatric psychology to work with children with physical disabilities. Currently, I am working in a paid internship at an occupational therapy office. I have cerebral palsy and play wheelchair rugby and basketball. I am also involved in weight lifting, archery, track-and-field, and table tennis. I enjoy reading fantasy and science fiction books. I am also learning Japanese. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

2010 Achievement Highlights

Yomara '08 Scholar

Crowned homecoming queen at LHS.

Shelby '08 Scholar

Interpreter for deaf athletes in the Yakima School District.

Joey '09 Scholar

Won Technology Superstar Award from Kent Mountain View Academy.

Priscilla '95 Scholar

Awarded Presidential Volunteer Services Award from Ronald McDonald House of Seattle.

Erica '08 Scholar

Graduated first in her class with a 3.96 GPA at Pateros High School.

Laura '97 Scholar

Awarded Walton Distinguished Doctoral Fellowship.

Jannette '95 Scholar

Crowned Ms. Wheelchair ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in 2009.

Megan '07 Scholar

Voted "Most Inspirational" by Bellevue Youth Link.

Vanessa '09 Scholar

Awarded a scholarship from the Yakima Speech and Hearing Center.

Makenna '04 Scholar

Secured first paid employment position as ARC Assistant Coordinator.

Sam '07 Scholar

Planned and led a rafting trip down the Black River in Olympia.

Blake '07 Scholar

Ranked top ten in high school graduating class with a GPA of 3.92.

Zachary '99 Scholar

Traveled to Taipei to study Mandarin Chinese at the Mandarin Training Center.

Reese '09 Scholar

Produced a talent show at his high school called "Cafe Night."

'07 Ambassadors

Group photo of 2007 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Image of Sam
Sam, '07 Scholar

Hi. My name is Sam. I am a sophomore at the University of Portland (UP) where I am studying business. I want to have a career related to sports. I am currently the manager of the baseball team at UP. Last summer I was involved in a 100-mile fund-raising bike ride for Friedreich's ataxia, the mobility impairment I was diagnosed with. I also play wheelchair rugby and am a huge sports fan. I love to play baseball, basketball, and football, as well as downhill ski. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Peter
Peter, '07 Scholar

Hi. My name is Peter. I was born and raised in Walla Walla. Although my disability can limit me at times, it has helped me gain strong computer skills. I attend Walla Walla Community College where I study computer networking and game design. I would like to work in the computer technology and video game testing fields. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Liz
Liz, '07 Scholar

I am Liz. I will begin my second year at Everett Community College in the fall. I have not declared a major, but I am thinking about doing something involving children or animals. In my spare time I like to hang out with my friends. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Blake
Blake, '07 Scholar

Hello. I am Blake. I am a sophomore at St. Martin's University where I made the dean's list last fall. I will probably major in business administration. This past summer I worked at Left Foot Organics while taking summer classes. I am an Eagle Scout. I have cerebral palsy. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Dylan
Dylan, '07 Scholar

My name is Dylan. I have left-side hemiplegia, which primarily affects my left hand and arm. I finished my first year at Skagit Valley College on South Whidbey Island. I am planning on transferring to one of three universities—UW, Southern Oregon, or Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. In the future I hope to work with sound, lights, or video, whether it be in theater, movies, or music. In my spare time I enjoy hanging out with my friends and using the computer for Internet, chatting, and music. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Robyn
Robyn, '07 Scholar

Hi. My name is Robyn and I have a bilateral high frequency hearing loss. I will be a junior at Chapman University, which is located near the Angels' Stadium, Honda Center (home of the Anaheim Ducks hockey team), and "the Happiest Place on Earth"—Disneyland. I am currently majoring in athletic training with an emphasis in physical therapy. On campus, I am involved in various clubs but spend most of my time with my sorority (Alpha Gamma Delta), ATSS (Athletic Training Student Society), and as the coxswain of the women's crew team. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Stefani
Stefani, '07 Scholar

Hello. My name is Stefani. I attend Spokane Falls Community College and plan to transfer to a four-year school. I love music. Piano is my favorite instrument, but I also enjoy playing trumpet, flute, and guitar. My goal is to be a high school music teacher. I have a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS).

Image of Joshua
Joshua, '07 Scholar

Hello! My name is Joshua. I attend Grays Harbor College and would like to become a video game designer. I enjoy reading and playing video games. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Ashlee
Ashlee, '07 Scholar

Hi. My name is Ashlee. I attend Olympic College. I am studying psychotherapy. I hope to earn a doctorate in psychology. I enjoy swimming, biking, and playing soccer. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Sam
Sam, '07 Scholar

Hi. My name is Sam. I am a student at Olympic College. I discovered DO-IT when I was in high school and have been part of the program ever since. It's a great experience, and I recommend it to anyone considering it. It has been mind broadening. DO-IT has helped me succeed with flying colors in both high school and college. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Cory
Cory, '07 Scholar

Hi. My name is Cory. I am currently teaching English in Shijiazhuang, China. Because my dad was in the Navy, I have lived many different places, including Hawaii, San Diego, Spain, and Italy. For most of elementary and middle school I was bullied and teased, but living in Europe during that time made up for that a little. In February 2004, I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, but it took me until junior year to begin socializing. Now, I am happy with the person I am and speak with people naturally. I have discovered a talent for languages, particularly Chinese. I enjoy listening to metal music, long-distance running, and I take great pride in my long hair, as a symbol of my individuality.

Image of Melissa
Melissa, '07 Scholar

Hi! My name is Melissa. I am beginning my second year at Cascadia Community College where I study English. My goal is to get an English degree and become an English teacher or a librarian. I have spina bifida, which affects my mobility and my motor skills. In my free time I like to watch television, use the computer, spend time with my friends, read books, and write. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Scott
Scott, '07 Scholar

Hi. My name is Scott and I am from Anacortes, WA. I am interested in math and physical education. I have a learning disability called dyspraxia, which makes it hard for me to take notes when instructors are speaking or writing on the board or an overhead, so they make a copy of those materials just for me. I attend Skagit Valley College and would like to major in outdoor recreation. My career goal is to be a park ranger, because I like the outdoors and working with my hands. I enjoy tennis, soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, hiking, cross-country running, hanging out with friends, and playing games.

Image of Megan
Megan, '07 Scholar

My name is Megan and I attend Bellevue College. I enjoy art, theater acting, singing, dancing, writing, and helping the environment and wildlife. I have a neurological condition called Tourette syndrome, which is characterized by repetitive, involuntary movements and vocalizations called "tics." In my case, my tics are more severe. Even though my tics can exhaust me, overall I am a positive and energetic person. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Shyla
Shyla, '07 Scholar

Hey! My name is Shyla, but you can call me Shy. I attend Yakima Valley Community College where I study computer-aided design. I'm considering pursuing a career in space and computer mechanics, web page design, or doing something with aqueducts. I like to take vacations on lakes and in the woods, hang out, and ride horses. I suffered a traumatic brain injury and a spinal cord injury in a car accident in 2004. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2010.

Image of Luke
Luke, '07 Scholar

My name is Luke. I am attending my second year at Tacoma Community College. I plan on transferring to the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ and eventually obtaining a Ph.D. in marine biology. I have attention deficit disorder (ADD) and difficulty with organization. I am usually shy, but I do socialize when I know someone, though I am nervous when talking to someone I don't know. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Sara
Sara, '07 Scholar

Hi, my name is Sara. I will be a junior at Evergreen State College. I hope to become a clinical psychologist. I am involved with the campus disability club, and I volunteer at the assistive technology lab. I have a visual impairment. I love to write stories, and I enjoy reading poems. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Heidi
Heidi, '07 Scholar

My name is Heidi and I have Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism. I am an aspiring writer and librarian. I attend Cascadia Community College. I plan to transfer to ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ (UW), Bothell for a degree in library sciences and eventually attend UW, Seattle for my graduate education. I am a Phi Theta Kappa member and have made faculty honors over three times. I have been published five times. I have visited Japan and have a wide variety of talents and interests: anime/manga, comedy, writing, books, Aspie/alternative/geek culture, music, art, etc. I also have an interest in autistic spectrum literature and like to share research. What I like best about DO-IT is that it encourages you to expand your horizons, develop leadership skills, and make tons of great connections. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

'06 Ambassadors


Group photo of 2006 Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Image of Brandon
Brandon, '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm Brandon. I will be starting my third year at Rochester Institute of Technology where I plan on earning a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. I enjoy math, science, and computer-aided design, which is architectural and engineering design software. I am hard of hearing and have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which makes it hard to concentrate. I also have dysgraphia, which makes it difficult for me to write. I do very well on a computer. I like to play video games, design things on the computer, and hang out with friends.

Image of Brittany
Brittany, '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm Brittany. I will be a junior at Rochester Institute of Technology where I am majoring in clinical psychology. I enjoy the study of criminology (which is my minor), researching topics of interest to me, and analyzing different types of art forms (such as film or books). I am hard of hearing and also have mild cerebral palsy (CP). I have a neurological disorder called mitochondrial disease, which, coupled with CP, can be very draining and tiring. I enjoy reading, playing video games, browsing the Internet, and spending time with animals and friends.

Image of Ryan
Ryan, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Ryan. I have a mobility impairment and get around in a power wheelchair. I am continuing my career as a DJ.

Image of Alex
Alex, '06 Scholar

Hi! I'm Alex and I am studying library sciences at Highline Community College. I plan to attend Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University in the fall. I have Turner syndrome and a nonverbal learning disorder. I like listening to music and playing on my computer in my spare time. I love working at the library and going to school. DO-IT has been a great help to me.

Image of Jenny
Jenny, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jenny. I live in Kennewick, WA. I plan to be a physical therapist or work with children.

Image of Maria
Maria, '06 Scholar

Hey everybody! It's me, Maria. I will be a junior at Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University in Bellingham. I love Western! I started a new club on campus called Student Coalition for Immigration Rights (SCIR). In SCIR, we are dedicated to bringing awareness to the community about the struggles of U.S. immigrants. Our goal is to help them obtain a higher education and build a better future through workshops and community involvement. I will continue my work with people and advocate for their rights through my double major: law, diversity, and justice concentration and Spanish. I plan to go to law school and be an immigration lawyer.

Image of Daniel
Daniel, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Daniel. I will be a junior at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ where I may study engineering. I have only one finger on each hand, but this does not stop me from doing anything. I enjoy math; playing the trombone, soccer, and basketball; making movies; and hanging out with my friends. DO-IT has been a good experience for me, and I think I will continue to learn a lot from it.

Image of Oscar
Oscar, '06 Scholar

Hello. My name is Oscar. I will be a junior at George Fox University in Oregon. I plan to study political science and music.

Image of Jennifer
Jennifer, '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm Jennifer. I attend Green River Community College. I hope to transfer to a four-year college to study psychology. In my free time I like to listen to music, explore the Internet, play on my computer, and hang out with friends.

Image of Jesus
Jesus, '06 Scholar

My name is Jesus. I'm from Mexico and I speak three languages: Purepecha, Spanish, and English. I'm attending Renton Technical College to study computers and network technologies. I plan to get an associate's degree and transfer to a university. I enjoy technology, and I see my future working in the field of computers. Music is my biggest passion. I like to listen to most kinds of music, but my four favorites are ballads, country, cumbias, and nortea romantica music. Some day I will have those four styles with my own songs. I would like to combine my love for music with technology.

Image of Joey
Joey, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Joey. I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy and use a wheelchair to get around. I have a service dog named Brigs who goes most places with me. I attend Cascadia Community College. I participated in a language immersion program in Costa Rica last summer. I like reading and playing video games. Someday I would like to start a program similar to DO-IT to work with students with disabilities.

Image of KJ
K.J., '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm K.J. from Mt. Vernon, WA. I have a learning disability. I am a student at Skagit Valley College. I hope to become a meteorologist. I have been interested in weather my whole life. I once saw a funnel cloud almost touch down when I lived on Camano Island, which was pretty cool. I enjoy drawing maps, comics, and traveling.

Image of Tony
Tony, '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm Tony. I will be a junior at the University of Idaho in the fall. I have dyslexia. I love sports, especially skiing. I have been involved in track and cross-country running. One of my favorite things to do is just hang out, but, unfortunately, I rarely have the time.

Image of Taylor
Taylor, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Taylor, and I will be a junior at the University of Idaho. I have Asperger's syndrome, which makes it difficult to interact with people. I enjoy geography and math.

Image of Amrit
Amrit, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Amrit. I have attention deficit disorder (ADD). I will be a junior at Haverford College (outside of Philadelphia) in the fall. I love playing jazz piano and listening to NPR's the Swing Years and Beyond radio music program. I'm glad to be part of DO-IT because it offers me connections that will help me in my future. I did an internship at the Department of Defense this summer.

Image of Gabe
Gabe, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Gabe. I will be a junior at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I would like to become a history teacher. I enjoy music, English, and history. I am missing the radius and ulna in both arms and the fibia and femur are fused together in both my legs, so basically I cannot straighten them. I am also 45% deaf. I have been featured in many news and television shows over the past five years. DO-IT has helped me advocate for myself and increase my communication skills with professors and other people in general.

Image of Zachary
Zachary, '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm Zachary. I attend Bellevue College. I have cerebral palsy, and sometimes my body does not respond the way I want it to and my motor skills do not always work as well as I would like. I enjoy history and mathematics. In college I am studying teaching and hopefully one day will become a sixth grade math teacher. I also like to read and play video games.

Image of Sam
Sam, '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm Sam. I graduated from Shoreline Community College. I would like to become a therapeutic riding instructor. Horseback riding has been my hobby for many years. I am an active Eagle Scout with several Palms. I am in the Sea Scout program in the Mount Baker Council, and I volunteer at the Seattle Marathon every year. I also love to travel. DO-IT has given me a support system for help when I need it.

Image of Kaitlin
Kaitlin, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Kaitlin, but everyone calls me Katie. I attend ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State University and am studying accounting. I am focusing on my education, with my parents happily paying for my bachelor's degree. I like anime and playing video games. My strongest suit is math.

Image of Nicole
Nicole, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Nicole. I lost my sight when I was four, and I am also partially hearing impaired. Last summer, I was an intern on the accessibility team at Microsoft. This summer, I will be a research intern in the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´'s computer science department. In the fall, I will return to Stanford University as a junior. My major is computer science. I have a guide dog named Lexia; she is a female black lab and my first guide dog. Some of my favorite activities include listening to music, programming computers, playing computer games, and riding horses.

'05 Ambassadors

Group photo of 2005 Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Image of Dulce
Dulce, '05 Scholar

Hi. My name is Dulce. I attend Seattle Central Community College. My favorite classes are reading and English, and I plan to become a counselor or a chef.

Image of Shavonne
Shavonne, '05 Scholar

My name is Shavonne. I was born with spina bifida. I am currently in my third year studying criminal justice at Columbia Basin College, with the intent to work for the federal government once I finish my degree. In my spare time, I love to watch sports, read, and write stories—most recently for various disability groups I am connected with.

Image of Jen
Jennifer, '05 Scholar

Hi, my name is Jenny. I have cerebral palsy and use an electric wheelchair to get around. I attend Yakima Valley Community College. My plan is to earn an associate's degree and transfer to a four-year college. In my career, I hope to work as a public relations advocate for people with disabilities. I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience at DO-IT and hope to pass on what I have learned to others.

Image of Kayla
Kayla, '05 Scholar

Hi! My name is Kayla. I currently attend Bellevue College and City University and plan on transferring to the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, where I would like to study psychology and disability studies. Last year, I had the pleasure of working for DO-IT as an AccessSTEM Intern and now I work as a student assistant in the DO-IT office.

Image of Daren
Daren, '05 Scholar

My name is Daren. I graduated from Green River Community College. I plan to attend a four-year college and major in business administration. I'm very athletic and enjoy swimming, rock climbing, and putting a smile on people's faces. I recently tried skydiving and loved it. If the sun's not out, you'll find me up in the mountains boarding down. I work for Chase Bank as an assistant branch manager in sales.

Image of Bella
Bella, '05 Scholar

Hi! My name is Bella and I have cerebral palsy. I use quad canes, a bugsy walker (for aerobic exercise), or a wheelchair, and I also need enlarged visual materials. I have attended Shoreline Community College for two years and am majoring in child development. I volunteer in the college's preschool program. My career goals are to act in the theater, create art, and work in a daycare or preschool. My hobbies include babysitting, acting, reading, walking and grooming my dog, and singing.

Image of Zach
Zach, '05 Scholar

I'm Zach. I received an associate's degree in Fire Science from Portland Community College and am now studying to be a paramedic. Outside of school, I like to work and hang out with my friends. I have dysgraphia, which means that I have trouble writing. Through DO-IT, I have access to technology that assists me with writing.

Image of Marlen
Marlen, '05 Scholar

Hey. My name is Marlen, and I have learning disabilities that affect my spelling, grammar, reading, and math. I am currently in college and working. I would like to be a dentist. I enjoy swimming in the middle of the night at Cascade Lake and going to Mount Constitution. I love all music (with the exception of country!).

Image of Logan
Logan, '05 Scholar

Hi. My name is Logan. My hobbies include playing bass guitar, working out, and having a good time with friends.

Image of Andrew
Andrew, '05 Scholar

Hi. I'm Andrew, a fourth-year Spanish and social justice undergraduate at the University of Portland (UP). Last fall, I studied in Spain. I am a member of UP's Foreign Language House and the creator and president of the International Academic Theme House with eighteen member-residents; I also compete in Oregon's Professional League as club goalkeeper. This summer, I am a student at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ and work as an intern at several schools and community organizations in Seattle. Next year, I will study in Rome, Italy at John Cabot University, where I will spend my last semester before graduation learning Italian. I look forward to continuing to be involved in DO-IT. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Image of Nate
Nate, '05 Scholar

Hello. My name is Nate. I attend North Seattle Community College but am transferring to Bellevue College to study physical fitness. My learning disability has been a challenge, but, at the same time, it has made me aware of labels put on people. Our differences make us very special people in life! Love who you are. Be what you want to be. Make your destiny! Life for me is discovery with an open heart to hear and learn. I am thankful for, blessed by, and learn from those around me. There is something that everyone and everything in life has to offer. I have many goals in life but try doing one thing at a time with accuracy and consistency.

Image of Jesse
Jesse, '05 Scholar

My name is Jesse. My disability is Asperger's syndrome, although disability is somewhat of an ironic term for it, as I feel that had I not been born with it, I wouldn't have as much potential as I do. I will be a senior at Seattle University and am pursuing a bachelor's degree and career in forensic psychology.

Image of Noah
Noah, '05 Scholar

My name is Noah. I attend the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ (UW) and will be a senior this fall. I am studying political science with a focus in disability studies. I am involved with DASA (Disability Advocacy Student Alliance), which is a group of students who promote advocacy at the UW and provide a social setting for students with disabilities. I listen to music, go to concerts, and am on the Island Records Street Team. I enjoy playing basketball and video games and attending events around Seattle. My disability is cerebral palsy. DO-IT has helped me get ready for college and live on my own.

Image of Sakina
Sakina, '05 Scholar

My name is Sakina. I attend ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State University. I love to paint and take photos. Fashion is a passion of mine.

Image of Kayla
Kayla, '05 Scholar

My name is Kayla, and my disability is cerebral palsy. I am preparing for a career working with computers through the Transitions Program in Kent. I am also a student at Highline Community College. I have worked at the Kent Commons and volunteered at the Library for the Blind, Kent Phoenix Academy, and Kent Commons. I enjoy computers, listening to music, and hanging out with friends.

Image of Jesse
Jessie, '05 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jessie. I'm a little person; I have Morquio's syndrome, which is a type of dwarfism, and I use a power wheelchair. I attend Bellevue College and am living in an apartment with a roommate. I keep busy with work and school.

Image of Daman
Daman, '05 Scholar

Hi. My name is Daman. I am a senior at Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University (WWU) where I founded an organization called Students for Disability Awareness. I am majoring in business administration-management information systems. I work remotely for the U.S. Department of Agriculture on IT accessibility and for PAVE, a nonprofit, on disability health care for youth. This summer, I am interning with NASA at their headquarters in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, DC. I have found internships through AccessSTEM and AccessComputing projects at DO-IT. I have cerebral palsy.

Image of Cassie
Cassie, '05 Scholar

My name is Cassie. I was born with spina bifida and use a wheelchair 90% of the time. I am currently attending Interface College in Spokane, WA. I am in the computer repair/technical support program, and I will graduate with a certificate in October. Once, I graduate, I will apply for the college's network administration program. I am enjoying the college experience because of the small class sizes and hands-on activities.

'04 Ambassadors

Group photo of 2004 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Andrew, '04 Scholar

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and a learning disability
Graduated from Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University with a degree in musical theater.

Laura, '04 Scholar

Traumatic brain injury
Attends Seattle University and is a majoring in secondary education and math.

Lukas, '04 Scholar

Amyoplasia arthrogyposis multiplex congenita
Attends Whitworth University and studies speech communications and leadership.

Kathleen, '04 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder
Fulfilled requirements for a major in biology and a minor in zoology at ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State University; working on completing second minor in psychology. Works in a neuro-electophysiology lab.

Carrie, '04 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Graduated from a music business school in Hollywood. Interned at the film and television placement department at Chrysalis Music Group.

Tracy, '04 Scholar

Learning disability
Attended classes at South Puget Sound Community College for culinary arts.

Amanda, '04 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Studying to be a medical receptionist. Uses art to express her experiences as a person with a disability.

Daniel, '04 Scholar

Graduated from Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. Member the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Plans to pursue a master's degree in mechanical engineering.

Julie, '04 Scholar

Spina bifida
Graduated with honors from Cascade High School.

Meg, '04 Scholar

Taking online classes in library-information science while on leave from Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University.

Maryann, '04 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Graduated from Shoreline Community College and was in the process of transferring to the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ to study social work and disability law when she died after surgery in July 2010. She was involved with the Arc of Snohomish County, Disability Rights ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, and competed in the Special Olympics.

Alex, '04 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attends Cascadia Communtity College, taking computer programming classes. Worked at the Seattle Mountaineers office.

Makenna, '04 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Works as an assistant volunteer coordinator at the Arc of Whatcom County. Volunteers at the American Museum of Radio and Electricity, Whatcom County Future Search Committee, and Parent to Parent.

Katie, '04 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder and dyslexia
Attends Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University and studies special education. Participated in three mission trips to Kolkata, India.

Ashley, '04 Scholar

Asperger's syndrome
Attends community college in Florida. Volunteers with the Special Olympics and is learning sign language.

Vishal, '04 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Attends Cascadia Community College. Completed an internship with the UW Athletic Department/Women's Crew.

"Bud", '04 Scholar

Visual impairment
Graduated from Gonzaga University, with degrees in economics and math. Enrolled in a Ph.D. program in finance at the University of Southern California. Interned at Boeing, NASA, and NOAA.

Russell, '04 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Graduated from Pacific Lutheran University with a major in history and a minor in Spanish.

Michael, '04 Scholar

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Earned an associate's degree. Attends ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State University, pursuing a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. Would like to be an engineer involved in the use of nuclear fusion as an energy source.

Blanca, '04 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Attends Columbia Basin College. Plans to transfer to Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University to study child psychology.

Jessica, '04 Scholar

Earned associate's degree from Olympic College. Enrolled in an early childhood and family studies program at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´.

'03 Ambassadors


DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Patrick, '03 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Died in spring 2010, after earning a bachelor's degree in information technology from Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University.

Crystal, '03 Scholar

Traumatic brain injury
Graduated from Columbia High School.

Justin, '03 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Attends the University of Arizona in Tucson, studying business, economics, and accounting. Swam for the U.S. at the Paralympics in China.

Zachary, '03 Scholar

Short-term memory loss
Graduated from Stanwood High School. Has worked at a food bank and an animal shelter.

Jamie, '03 Scholar

Learning disability
Graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor's degree in special education from Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University.

Shaun, '03 Scholar

Low vision
Attended Spokane Community College.

Skylor, '03 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attends Centralia Community College, majoring in early childhood education. Would like to study psychology.

Vanessa, '03 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attends Walla Walla Community College, studying computer technology.

Joshua, '03 Scholar

Spina bifida
Passed away in May 2008, after a sixteen-month battle with cancer. Received an honorary degree from Landmark College.

Matt, '03 Scholar

Cerebral palsy, learning disabilities
Working in real estate land development.

Joshua, '03 Scholar

Attends Clark College, studying broadcasting. Interested in novel writing and becoming a DJ.

Annemarie, '03 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Earned degrees in English, Spanish, and political science from the University of Portland. Attends law school at Willamette University. Coordinated three DO-IT Summer Study Phase II workshops as AccessSTEM Intern for NOAA.

Tressa, '03 Scholar

Learning disability
Senior at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, majoring in social science with a focus on environmental studies. Works as a photographer part time.

Conrad, '03 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy
Graduated summa cum laude from Seattle Pacific University. Participated in the American Association of People with Disabilities Congressional Internship in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, DC and the Heritage Foundation's Young Leaders internship. Involved in charity fund-raising and youth outreach.

Andrew, '03 Scholar

Bilateral radial club hand
Attended ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State University and majored in hospitality business management.

Jesse, '03 Scholar

Earned bachelor's degree in computer science from Goshen College. Taught basic computer skills to adults who are homeless in San Francisco for a year. Interned at NASA (Kennedy Space Center), Microsoft, and IBM.

Senait, '03 Scholar

Health and vision impairment
Attends the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Spent time in Ethiopia working in local hospitals as an independent study.

Jamie, '03 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Earned an associate's degree in accounting from Big Bend Community College. Works as an office administrator for Blue Sky Management.

Natasha, '03 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Attends Yakima Valley Community College. Plans to transfer to Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University and earn a degree in special education with a minor in deaf education.

Scott, '03 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder
Attends Bellingham Technical College, with the goal of becoming a machinist.

'02 Ambassadors

Group photo of 2002 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Amy, '02 Scholar

Learning disability, attention deficit disorder
Works as a dental assistant.

Silvia, '02 Scholar

Osteogenesis imperfecta, syringomyelia
Attends Big Bend Community College with a major in business accounting.

Rebecca, '02 Scholar

Learning disability
Worked at a nursing home.

Ian, '02 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Attends the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ studying applied and computational mathematical sciences. Interested in software engineering, website construction, or other computer-related occupation.

Saroj, '02 Scholar

Learning disability
Attends Bellevue College. Would like to pursue a career as a social worker.

Gimmie, '02 Scholar

Learning disability
Attends Clark College and is pursuing an associate's degree in business administration.

Scott, '02 Scholar

Asperger's syndrome
Earned bachelor's degrees in political economics and history at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Attending UW Bothell's Master of Arts in Policy Studies program. Worked at the Defense Contract Management Agency this summer.

Leon, '02 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Pursuing a master's degree in library and information science at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Information School. Plans to be a public librarian. Works as an editor at the UW's Disability Resources for Students office.

Alexandra, '02 Scholar

Low vision
Earned a bachelor's degree in biochemistry from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Works in a UW lab.

James, '02 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Earned a political science degree from the Evergreen State College.

Jared, '02 Scholar

Health impairment
Graduated from Columbia Basin College with an associate's degree in liberal arts.

Andrew, '02 Scholar

Learning disability
Studies design at Cornish College of the Arts. Works in abstract painting.

Rima, '02 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Graduated from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ with degrees in political science and communications. Completed internships at NOAA and the ACLU.

Chris, '02 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy
Earned a computer science degree from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. After several successful internships at Microsoft in high school and college, is now a full-time employee.

Carson, '02 Scholar

Graduated from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Lives in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, DC and works in new media, analyzing user behavior for a news magazine's website. Would be happy to be a resource for any Scholars interested in working in new media.

Dale, '02 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Graduated from ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State University with a major in political science and minor in criminal justice. Studies law at Gonzaga University and works at the university's legal assistance clinic.

Ryan, '02 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Studies environmental sciences and technology at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, Bothell.

Angela, '02 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attends Edmonds Community College and studies psychology to become a social worker or counselor for teenagers.

'01 Ambassadors

Group photo of 2001 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT AmbassadorsÌýare pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences withÌýDO-IT ScholarsÌýandÌýPals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Brandon, '01 Scholar

Died April 3, 2003, from a respiratory infection. He looked forward to earning a college degree and becoming a software engineer.

Brad, '01 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder and learning disability
Graduated from Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University with a bachelor's degree in sociology. Currently works as a website reviewer.

Chris, '01 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Died in his dorm room on February 18, 2004, after achieving his childhood dream of attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´.

Elizabeth, '01 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Graduated from Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University with a master's degree in social work.

Jeff, '01 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder
Attends college in Spokane, WA.

Caleb, '01 Scholar

Visual and mobility impairment
Attends Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University studying human services.

Raechell, '01 Scholar

C7 quadriplegic, profoundly deaf, and respiratorily fragile
Graduated from South Puget Sound Community College. Transferred to Evergreen State College to earn an elementary school teaching degree. Currently studying Spanish.

Lauren, '01 Scholar

Graduated from Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University with a bachelor's degree in social services. Will be attending Highline Community College's library and technology certificate program.

Matt, '01 Scholar

Dyslexia and short-term memory defect
Attends Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University, majoring in safety and health management to pursue a career as disaster consultant. Works in emergency management field.

Brandon, '01 Scholar

Pursuing a master's degree in the psychology of counseling at the University of Puget Sound.

Alexandra, '01 Scholar

Graduated from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Works in accounts payable at Holland America Lines.

Jacob, '01 Scholar

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and bilateral clubfeet
Earned a bachelor's degree in archeology at the University of West Florida.

Jacob, '01 Scholar

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and bilateral clubfeet
Earned a bachelor's degree in archeology at the University of West Florida.

Amy, '01 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Studies special education and elementary education at Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. Teaching a special education course as part of degree requirements.

Mike, '01 Scholar

Asperger's syndrome
Pursuing two associate's degrees at Shoreline Community College in computer animation and photography.

Sarah, '01 Scholar

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
Graduated from Seattle Pacific University. Studied to be a Spanish–English interpreter and translator.

Brandi, '01 Scholar

Attends the University of Minnesota, Crookston, majoring in equine science and minoring in flight aviation. Works with people with disabilities at Connections of Moorhead.

Trisha, '01 Scholar

Learning disability
Would like to become a history or science teacher.

Steven, '01 Scholar

Transverse myelitis
Attends the University of Arizona, majoring in marketing. Competed in several events at the 2008 Bejing Paralympics.

Matt, '01 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Earned an associate's degree from Clark College. Studying digital technology and culture at ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State University.

'00 Ambassadors

Group photo of 2000 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 2001. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Ryan, '00 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Earned a bachelor's degree in political science from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Completed three internships at the Department of Defense.

Nora, '00 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attends Eastern Oregon University, majoring in education.

Israel, '00 Scholar

Earned an associate's degree from Wenatchee Valley College. Attends Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University, majoring in public relations.

Brian, '00 Scholar

Mild static encephalopathy and patella femoral syndrome
Graduated with a bachelor's degree in political science from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´.

Benjamin, '00 Scholar

Learning disability
Graduated with honors with a bachelor's degree in political science from University of Oklahoma. Currently is a partner at a hedge fund in New York.

Andrea, '00 Scholar

Earned a bachelor's degree in architectural studies. Currently works as CAD drafter and architectural assistant.

Corinna, '00 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Works as a self-advocacy presenter through People First at Arc.

Kasey, '00 Scholar

Learning disability
Graduated from ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State University with a bachelor's degree in political science.

Susanna, '00 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attended Gonzaga University for a master's degree. Married with a little girl, Lily, who is almost three.

Deke, '00 Scholar

Earned bachelor's degree from Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University in information technology and administrative management. Works at Nordstrom as the help desk knowledge manager and training coordinator.

Stephanie, '00 Scholar

Visual impairment
Earned a bachelor's degree in social work from Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. Works at Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Francisco.

Nick, '00 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Earned a certificate in culinary arts from North Seattle Community College.

Nathan, '00 Scholar

Dyslexia and other learning differences
Attends Shoreline Community College. Pursuing photography professionally. Lifeguard at Dale Turner Family YMCA.

Nohemi, '00 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attends Yakima Valley Community College studying computer engineering and website design.

Crystal, '00 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Earned bachelor's degree in social work from Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. Has a son.

'99 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1999 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1999. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Roy, '99 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Earned a degree in computer science from Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. Works as a developer for Microsoft.

Crystal, '99 Scholar

Speech and learning disabilities
Earned a bachelor's degree in parks and recreation from Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University.

Kathy, '99 Scholar

Spina bifida and attention deficit disorder
Working on an associate's degree in arts and sciences at Tacoma Community College (TCC) with plans to continue studies in social welfare. Works in TCC's enrollment services office.

Danielle, '99 Scholar

Mobility, speech, and hearing impairments
Earned a bachelor's degree from Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University with a major in English and a minor in creative writing.

David, '99 Scholar

Attended Seattle Central Community College.

Oscar, '99 Scholar

Attended Yakima Community College.

J.W., '99 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy
Passed away March 2005. Graduated from Big Bend Community College and was interested in a career in computer-aided design or video game programming.

Buffy, '99 Scholar

Graduated with a degree in physical education from Western Oregon University. Pursuing a master's degree in deaf education at Western Oregon University with plans to work as a coach and teacher.

Pat, '99 Scholar

Learning disability
Earned associate's degree in computing from Spokane Falls Community College. Works in the IT department of Numerica Credit Union.

Ryan, '99 Scholar

Learning disability
Earned an associate's degree from Grays Harbor College.

Zachary, '99 Scholar

Freeman-Sheldon syndrome
Attended Seattle Central Community College, majoring in web design; plans to complete an associate's degree and transfer to a four-year college. Travelled to Taipei to learn Mandarin Chinese at the Mandarin Training Center at National Taiwan Normal University.

Stuart, '99 Scholar

Larsen syndrome, double amputee, and two artificial legs
Graduated from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ with a major in European studies and a minor in political science. Works at NOAA Fisheries Science Center as an IT specialist.

Lacey, '99 Scholar

Cerebral palsy and language and processing disabilities
Attends Shoreline Community College. Would like to develop a club where people who have physical disabilities can gather, socialize, and participate in events. Writes about disability and advocacy issues at .

Nate, '99 Scholar

Visual impairment
Graduated from the University of Portland with a degree in political science and philosophy. Has been working in volunteer and non-profit environments, including a homeless shelter in Uganda. Plans to begin Peace Corps service in sub-Saharan Africa.

Wolfgang, '99 Scholar

Learning disability
Attended Skagit Valley College.

Kelci, '99 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attends ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State University. Works as a substitute teacher.

Tynesha, '99 Scholar

Spina bifida
Attends the Evergreen State College in Tacoma to complete a bachelor's degree in liberal arts and become a child life specialist. Works at the Langston-Hughes program for youth.

Ali, '99 Scholar

Osteogenesis imperfecta
Graduated with an associate's degree from Edmonds Community College. Interested in computer engineering.

'98 Ambassadors: National Ambassadors

Group photo of 1998 National DO-IT Scholars

National Ambassadors

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1998. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Blair, '98 Scholar

Brain injury
Completed a bachelor's degree in applied math and a master's degree in industrial technology from the University of Idaho.

Emily, '98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attended Valencia Community College.

Kimberlee, '98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attending Mesa Community College. Interested in exercise and dance and is taking classes in hip hop, salsa, pilates, and yoga.

Amy, '98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Graduated from secretarial school. Attends business courses at Anoka Technical College. Manages her own business.

Maggie, '98 Scholar

Learning disability
Graduated with a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering. Currently teaches high school math.

Brian, '98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ and a master's degree in sports management from the University of San Francisco. Pursuing a career in college recreation.

Landon, '98 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Attended South Puget Sound Community College.

Jessica, '98 Scholar

Attended Santa Fe Community College and the University of New Mexico. Studying dance in Spain.

Nick, '98 Scholar

Visual impairment
Earned bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Notre Dame.

David, '98 Scholar

Congenital stationary night blindness and some motor deficiencies
Graduated from Grinnell College with a bachelor's degree in political science. Attends Portland State University's Public Administration and Policy Ph.D. program.

Jeffrey, '98 Scholar

Ataxia telangiectasia
Died on April 25, 2006. Graduated from Northeastern University with a bachelor's degree in biology and geology.

Buddy, '98 Scholar

Graduated from University of Phoenix with a bachelor's degree in business management.

Wesley, '98 Scholar

Earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, with a major in information systems and a minor in computer science. Works for Nebraska's Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) as an Internet applications developer.

John Paul, '98 Scholar

Earned a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Montana.

Jessie, '98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Graduated magna cum laude from Arizona State University with a bachelor's degree in political science. Completed law school at the University of San Francisco. Works as a lawyer in the Bay Area.

Ivan, '98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy and learning disability
Earned a bachelor's degree from St. Mary's College of Maryland (magna cum laude) and a law degree from University of Maryland School of Law. Works as a lawyer.

Ronald "Hank", '98 Scholar

Hopes to attend computer or radio broadcasting college.

Dustin, '98 Scholar

Earned a degree in physical education from Ball State University. Married and works as a high school physical education teacher and head volleyball coach; also head coach of the Minnesota One Junior Olympic Volleyball Team.

Isaiah, '98 Scholar

Spinocerebellar degeneration
Attended Pacific University to pursue a degree in education.

'98 Ambassadors: ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Ambassadors

Group photo of 1998 ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ DO-IT Scholars

ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Ambassadors

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1998. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Katrina, '98 Scholar

Traumatic brain injury
Earned an associate's degree in integrated studies at Cascadia Community College. Attends the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, Bothell, pursuing a bachelor's degree in global studies with an emphasis on human rights. Works part-time for the Army Corps of Engineers in Seattle.

Eddie, '98 Scholar

Graduated from Spokane Falls Community College in mechanical engineering.

Shavonne, '98 Scholar

Earned a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of New Orleans.

Matt, '98 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Attends Spokane Falls Community College. Hopes to become a Network Security Analyst.

Chris, '98 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, and dysgraphia
Co-owner of Faded Karma Productions and night auditor at the Hotel Max.

Chanon, '98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Studied social work at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.

Marissa, '98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Earned two associate's degrees and works full time at the Federal Aviation Administration as an office administrator.

Crystal, '98 Scholar

Visual impairment
Interested in attending a community college in the Portland area.

Reginald, '98 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder
Graduated with a bachelor's degree from Fort Valley State University.

Khrystal, '98 Scholar

Full-time mother and wife.

Michael, '98 Scholar

Learning disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Completed a bachelor's degree at the University of Alberta with majors in physics and mathematical sciences. Pursuing a bachelor's degree in economics and Christian theology, while working at the University of Alberta as associate vice president of Student Life.

Silas, '98 Scholar

Visual impairment
Interested in programming or designing video games.

Jesse, '98 Scholar

Dyslexia and attention deficit disorder
Graduated from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ with a bachelor's degree in informatics and a minor in dance. Interested in business intelligence and information management. Works as a website and database analyst at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, Bothell.

Todd, '98 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder
Musician. Loves video games.

Arnell, '98 Scholar

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and communication disorder
Worked in retail.

Nichole, '98 Scholar

Scoliosis and kyphosis with metatrophic dwarfism, dysplasia, and condrodystrophy
Graduated from the Evergreen State College with a bachelor's degree in communication. Works as a small business and national accounts coordinator for Verizon Wireless and acts in independent films.

Corey, '98 Scholar

Tourette syndrome, attention deficit disorder, and panic disorder
Earned a degree in mechanical engineering from Seattle University.

Abraham, '98 Scholar

Visual impairment
Plans to pursue a career in music.

'97 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1997 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1997. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Andrew, '97 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Attended the Rochester Institute of Technology to study physics.

Amanda, '97 Scholar

Graduated with honors from the University of Great Falls with a major in communications and a minor in computer systems integration. Works as a freelance writer.

Jennifer, '97 Scholar

Graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University of North Dakota. Owns a health and wellness business.

Cynthia, '97 Scholar

Graduated from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ with a bachelor's degree in economics.

Trent, '97 Scholar

Attended Bellevue Community College.

Brad, '97 Scholar

Studied business at Northern Arizona University. Worked at Pima Community College as a business mathematics tutor.

Ben, '97 Scholar

Earned an associate's degree in design drafting and a mechanical design certificate from Green River Community College; working towards an architectural and civil drafting degree.

Justin, '97 Scholar

Attended college.

Michael, '97 Scholar

Spina bifida with upper motor neuron dysfunction
Graduated with a doctorate from the University of Denver's Graduate School of International Studies in political theory and international politics.

Alexi, '97 Scholar

Profoundly deaf
Graduated from the University of Connecticut with English and publishing degrees. Works for a survey sampling service supporting market research companies.

Karyn, '97 Scholar

Works as a sales manager at Verizon Wireless. Married.

Shakethia, '97 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Earned a bachelor's degree in accounting from Mississippi State University.

Steven, '97 Scholar

Severe hearing loss
Graduated from the University of Connecticut with a bachelor's degree in economics. Earned an MBA from the University of New Haven. Lives in San Fransisco and works for a hedge fund administrator as a senior fund accountant.

Laura, '97 Scholar

Ischemic spinal cord injury
Earned a master's degree and Ph.D. in micro-electronics and photonics at the University of Arkansas. Received Walton Distinguished Doctoral Fellowship.

Keaton, '97 Scholar

Attended University of Utah and was pursuing a career in engineering when he died in 2001 after a battle with cancer.

Veronica, '97 Scholar

Earned a bachelor's degree from Harvard and a juris doctorate from Georgetown University. Worked in the United States Senate. Currently practices corporate law in New York.

Sharon, '97 Scholar

Visual impairment
Graduated from Portland State University (PSU) with a bachelor's degree in social science and teaching credentials to teach students with visual impairments. Teaches at the Utah School for the Blind and is pursuing a master's degree in special education at PSU.

'96 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1996 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1996. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

David, '96 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, and dysgraphia
Graduated from Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University with a bachelor's degree. Majored in microbiology and minored in computer science and chemistry. Works as a research associate.

Cheri, '96 Scholar

Earned a bachelor's degree in molecular and cellular biology from the University of Arizona. Graduated with a medical degree from Stanford University. Internal medicine resident at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Competitor in many wheelchair racing events, including the 2008 Beijing Paralympics. Maintains a website at .

Daniel, '96 Scholar

Brain tumor
Earned a degree in computer science from Eastern Connecticut State University.

David, '96 Scholar

Albinism and low vision
Attended Eastern Oregon State College.

Chris, '96 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Graduated magna cum laude with a degree in graphic communications from Minnesota State University. Works for NASA. Co-author of several books and articles.

Lucas, '96 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Studied public policy and administration at Western Oregon University. Works for the Oregon Department of Justice and Benton County Sheriff's Office.

Maria, '96 Scholar

Earned a bachelor's degree in social work from the Rochester Institute for Technology. Currently pursuing a master's degree in social work from Wesleyan College. Has a daughter.

Mike, '96 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder
Attended Pacific Lutheran University.

Rebecca, '96 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attended San Diego State University, studying political science and interior design with an interest in designing accessible homes. Mentor for the Center for Emerging Leadership.

Katrina, '96 Scholar

Earned a bachelor's degree in English and art from Augustana College and a master's degree in teaching from City University. Returned to ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State to pursue a career as a middle school teacher.

Jodi, '96 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Earned a Ph.D. from Iowa State University and completed first postdoctoral fellowship in exercise physiology. Completed second postdoctoral fellowship at the University of California San Diego in phospholipase C-mediated signal transduction. Continuing research of Ras-mediated signal transduction in cancer cells as an Assistant Professor of Biology at Morningside College in Iowa.

Anh, '96 Scholar

Larsen syndrome
Earned a bachelor's degree in economic finances and information technology management and a master's degree in city and regional planning from the University of California, Berkeley.

Travis, '96 Scholar

Graduated from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln with a bachelor's degree in computer science. Specializes in software and web accessibility consulting.

James, '96 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attended Community College of Allegheny County in Pittsburgh, PA.

Dana, '96 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder
Earned a degree in graphic design from University of Massachusetts. Works as a graphic designer.

Joshua, '96 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy
Earned an associate's degree in horticulture science from Hawkeye Community College. Owns a nursery and garden shop, specializing in water gardens and hostas and does landscape design and freelance web design. Has written several articles for the Hosta Journal, published by the American Hosta Society (AHS). Serves as web editor on the Board of Directors for AHS.

'95 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1995 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1995. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Jesse, '95 Scholar

Graduated from University of Minnesota Crookston with a bachelor's degree in information technology management. Certified vision rehabilitation therapist. Currently is working on master's degree in instructional design and technology at the University of North Dakota. Works as an assistive technology specialist for Minnesota State Services for the Blind.

Bror, '95 Scholar

Learning disability
Helped build Toyota pickups.

CJ, '95 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder and learning disability
Has worked in a technical support role.

Andrew, '95 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy
Had a strong desire to go to college and open his own computer drafting business when he died of complications from pneumonia in 1996.

Jeffrey, '95 Scholar

Psoriatic arthritis
Attended Shoreline Community College.

Wes, '95 Scholar

Attended both Central and Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University.

Michael, '95 Scholar

Attended college courses and is interested in architecture.

Jorja, '95 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Earned a bachelor's degree in therapeutic recreation from Southern Illinois University. Received master's degree in social work at Grand Valley State University. Worked as a graduate assistant for the School of Social Work and in program development at a child abuse prevention agency.

Aimee, '95 Scholar

Learning disability
Completed college coursework and works in the medical field.

Shawn, '95 Scholar

Earned a bachelor's degree in social services at Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University and a web design certificate from the Art Institute online. Works as a small business owner providing web design services. Active member in disability rights groups, including the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Developmental Disabilities Council.

Matt, '95 Scholar

Worked at ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Energy. Attended college classes.

Jeremy, '95 Scholar

Brain injury
Has a successful career as door maker.

Bridget, '95 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Earned a bachelor's degree in biology and speech and hearing sciences from Whitman College. Earned a doctorate in audiology from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Works as a pediatric audiologist at Children's Hospital in Seattle.

Matthew, '95 Scholar

Epidermolysis bullosa
Attended the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ with an interest in technical communication.

Jannette, '95 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Earned a bachelor's degree from Arizona State University and a master's degree from the University of San Diego. Worked for the U.S. Army at Fort Lewis. In 2009, served as Ms. Wheelchair ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, and was first runner up for Ms. Wheelchair America.

Bill, '95 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Attended college courses. Interested in computers.

Todd, '95 Scholar

Spinal cord injury and quadraplegia
Entrepreneur and founder of the Todd Stabelfeldt Foundation.

Rachel, '95 Scholar

Spinal cord injury and quadraplegia
Entrepreneur and founder of the Todd Stabelfeldt Foundation.

Priscilla, '95 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Worked as a web accessibility specialist, a disability advocate, and personal care assistant. Received Presidential Volunteer Services Award in 2010.

'94 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1994 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1994. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Anthony, '94 Scholar

Cerebral palsy and learning disabilities
Works in research and development for the Prentke Romich Company. Guest lecturer at universities about augmentative and alternative communication. Participated in writing the book Transition Strategies for Adolescents and Young Adults Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication by David McNaughton and David Beukelman.

Ben, '94 Scholar

Spinal muscular dystrophy
Earned a bachelor's degree in English from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ and a law degree from Pepperdine School of Law. Passed the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Bar Exam. Works as a lawyer in Kennewick, WA.

Jen, '94 Scholar

Undiagnosed severe neuropathy
Founder and co-director of GimpGirl Community (). Married.

Maria, '94 Scholar

Lives in Vancouver, WA, with her husband and child. Works for a utility company and enjoys being a mother.

Daniel, '94 Scholar

Learning disability
Earned an associate's degree from Pierce Community College. Works as a sales technician for Pacific Office Automation. Married with three children.

Travis, '94 Scholar

Health and orthopedic impairments and dwarfism
Graduated with a bachelor's degree in computer science from Utah State University. Works for 21st Century Technologies as a software engineer. Receiving a kidney transplant. Married.

Takuya, '94 Scholar

Health impairment, nervous system dysmorphia, and congenital scoliosis
Studied physics, biology, mathematics, and computers at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Lives in Japan, pursuing a technology career.

Sherri, '94 Scholar

Visual impairment
Earned a degree in psychology from Southern Oregon University.

Shawnna, '94 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy
Worked at Columbia Industries in Kennewick, WA. Died in October of 2003.

Nguyen, '94 Scholar

Paralysis from brain injury
Participates in various volunteer positions in the community.

Sara, '94 Scholar

Graduated from University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Married and has a child.

Carolyn, '94 Scholar

Cerebral palsy and low vision
Studied science in college.

Kris, '94 Scholar

Visual impairment
Graduated from Oregon State University and is currently working on an MBA in Information Technology Management at Western Governors University. Works as Chief Information Officer for the University of Western States. Lives with his wife Elaine, in Wilsonville, OR.

Megan, '94 Scholar

Chronic lyme disease
Earned a bachelor's degree in biology from Pacific Lutheran University and a master's degree and PA-C from Pacific University. Works in Seattle as a physician assistant in emergency care.

'93 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1993 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1993. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Rachel, '93 Scholar

Stroke and partial paralysis
Completed a bachelor's degree in social work with a minor in applied psychology at Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. Works for Shelter Care with mentally ill homeless adults and at the Child Center with children who are mentally ill or emotionally disturbed.

Mark, '93 Scholar

Attended Big Bend Community College and Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. Was developing plans for an Internet-based business when he died peacefully in his sleep in 2001.

Katie, '93 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Completed a bachelor's degree in biology from ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State University and earned a master's degree in physical therapy from Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. Works at Providence Hospital in Portland, OR, as an acute care physical therapist and takes care of her two sons. Received a cochlear implant.

Nhi, '93 Scholar

Multiple sclerosis
Works for Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind as an office assistant.

Ryan, '93 Scholar

Learning disability
Earned a bachelor's degree in business from Seattle University. Started an auto detailing company, which he sold. Owns a holiday lighting company, which is one of the largest in the state. Married and lives in West Seattle.

Lloyd, '93 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Married to a woman who is deaf. Works at a hotel front desk and offers technical support. Plans to attend Missouri Southern State University.

Randy, '93 Scholar

Earned a bachelor's degree from the Evergreen State College and a master's degree in technology management from City University of Seattle. Works as a manager of enterprise services at Transaction Network Services. Married with two children.

Nadira, '93 Scholar

Health and mobility impairment
Graduated with computer information technology degree.

Rodney, '93 Scholar

Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
Attends North Seattle Community College with plans to go into pre-law studies.

Eric, '93 Scholar

Visual impairment
Earned an associate's degree in computer applications from Mt. Hood Community College and bachelor's degree in business administration and marketing information technology from Portland State University. Interned at the Oregon Department of Transportation. Currently attending Portland Community College. Pursuing volunteer and paid positions in information technology.

Anna, '93 Scholar

Earned a bachelor's degree in cell and molecular biology at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Was an artist, consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics, and black belt in Aikido when she died from cancer in June of 2004.

Hollis, '93 Scholar

Cerebral palsy
Starting own business selling adaptive equipment for wheelchairs.

Matt, '93 Scholar

Works as a software developer and is pursuing a second degree in international political economy (IPE). Plans to use IPE and computer science degrees to reduce global poverty. Lives with his wife in Tacoma.

Mitch, '93 Scholar

Spina bifida, Homer's syndrome, and thalamic pain syndrome
Earned associate's degree from Wenatchee Valley College and has worked as a professional recording artist.

In Memory

Profile of Patrick
Patrick, '03 Scholar

Patrick Baldwin passed away this spring. We will always remember how Patrick refused to let Duchene muscular dystrophy interfere with living a full and productive life.

When we first met Patrick, he was attending Eisenhower Senior High School where he received several academic awards and was a member of the National Honor Society. Patrick graduated magna cum laude in spring 2009 from Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University with a Bachelor of Science degree in information technology (IT) and administrative management. After finishing an IT internship last summer, he had begun working independently as a web designer. He developed the website, From Where I'm Seated: A Lame Blog from a Christian Perspective, where he shared his personal spiritual journey with others.

His faithful service dog, a black Labrador named Asheni, will also dearly miss Patrick.

Profile of Maryann
Maryann, '04 Scholar

Maryann Matsuka passed away this summer. Maryann had a fabulous attitude, a wonderful smile, and a great laugh. Although able to speak (and she typically had a lot to say), it was a challenge for strangers to understand her. Since she was determined to be independent, Maryann advocated for herself and obtained a speech device, which she chose to use when necessary.

Maryann graduated from Shoreline Community College and was accepted into the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, Seattle, where she planned to begin classes in the fall. Maryann was interested in studying social work and law, especially disability law. She was involved with the Arc of Snohomish County and Disability Rights ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´.

Maryann was also an athlete who competed in the Special Olympics in volleyball, bowling, basketball, track-and-field, and swimming.

DO-IT Pals

DO-IT Pals are high school students with disabilities who form an electronic community on the Internet. They communicate year-round with each other and with DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, Mentors, and staff members. They are supported in their efforts to explore and pursue postsecondary programs and career interests. The Internet is their door to the information and resources they need for success.

DO-IT Mentors

Mentors encourage DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, and Pals as they pursue academic programs and careers. Most Mentors have disabilities themselves. They share valuable experiences, insights, and resources with younger participants.

Sean Barrett
Mobility impairment
Region Manager
Rehabilitation Services Administration

Kevin Berg
Cerebral palsy
Nonprofit Director

Anindya "Bapin" Bhattacharyya
Supervisor of Technology Department
Helen Keller National Center

Kim Borowicz
Disability Rights Lawyer
Access Living

Karen L. Braitmayer, AIA
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Architect, Business Owner
Studio Pacifica

Belinda Brandon
Retired research economist

Ben Brynildsen
Learning disability
Career Advisor

Wendy Chisholm
Senior Accessibility Strategist

Rebecca Cory
Learning disability
Manager of Disability Services
North Seattle Community College

Frank Cuta
Electrical Engineer
Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs

Don Daughtry
Visual impairment
Assistant Professor
University of North Dakota

Jennifer Diedrich
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College

Imke Durre
NOAA National Climatic Data Center

Samantha Estrada
Physical disability
Student of Applied Mathematics and Psychology
University of Texas at El Paso

Cheryl Field
Occupational Therapist
Mukilteo School District

Kathryn Finton
Myasthenia gravis
Ph.D. candidate, Biomolecuar Structure and Design

John Gardner
President and CEO
ViewPlus Technologies

Kajari Ghosh Dastidar
Ph.D. candidate, Computer Science
University of Iowa

Marni Goldman
Spinal muscular atrophy
Education Director for Science Research
Stanford University

Julie Grant
Paraplegic, L4 spinal cord injury
Counselor/Coordinator Intern

Steve Harper
Cerebral palsy
Student and Web Developer

Roger Harris
Stroke, kidney failure
Associate Professor Emeritus, Retired
Biological Structure
ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ School of Medicine

Mamoru Iwabuchi
Associate Professor
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
University of Tokyo

Sungeeta Jain
The Orphan Project, India

Douglas Lefever
Cerebral palsy
Life Instructor

Joshua Lessing
Ph.D. Candidate, Physical Chemistry
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sara Lopez
Program Administrator and Lecturer
ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership Program

Robert F. McKellar
Spina bifida
Author of An Accident of Birth,
Educator, and Counselor

Theresa Mina
Learning disability
Graduate Student

Jennifer Mundl
C1-ventilator dependent, quadriplegia
Assistive Technology Specialist
Courage Center Rehabilitation Facility

Bruce Parks
Hearing impairment
School Improvement Coordinator
Vermont Department of Education

Tracy Peterson
Mobility impairment
Computer Science, Spanish Major
Southwest State University

Gay Lloyd Pinder
Program Director and Speech Language Pathologist
Children's Therapy Center

Ed Pottharst
Neighborhood District Coordinator
City of Seattle, Department of Neighborhoods

Tracy Rackensperger
Cerebral palsy
Research and Information Coordinator
University of Georgia

Charity Ranger
Friedreich's ataxia
Independent Living Program Staff
Alliance of People with disAbilities

Sally Richards
Workforce Specialist: Disability Program
Northwest Employment and Training Center

Michael Richardson
Assistant Director/Counseling Services Coordinator
Disability Resources for Students

Andrew Riggle
Cerebral palsy
Graduate Student

Keith Routley
Park Ranger

Marcia Sipe-Dan
PTSD and brain damage
Master's Candidate Rehabilitation Counseling
Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University

Greg Smith
C-5 quadriplegia
Software Design Engineer

Carole Snyder
Cerebral palsy
Software Developer Engineer

Keith Stegbauer

Vicki Stemper Allen
Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Coordinator

Virginia Stern
American Association for the Advancement of Science

Val Sundby
Disability Services Coordinator
Clover Park Technical College

Aimee Verrall
Research Coordinator
Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center

Vasanth Williams
Software Engineer

Paul Zaveruha

Staff Mentors

Sheryl Burgstahler

My name is , and I am the founder and director of DO-IT. I have a husband, Dave, and a son, Travis, who are both dedicated DO-IT volunteers. Dave is a professor at the UW and Travis just finished his freshman year here. I have a masters degree in mathematics, with a strength in computer science, and a Ph.D. in higher education. I am the Director of the Accessible Technology division at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ (UW) and an Affiliate Associate Professor in Education. DO-IT combines my personal, academic, and professional interests.

Scott Bellman

I'm Scott Bellman. I work as a counselor/coordinator for DO-IT. I help students find challenging internships and jobs throughout the year. I completed a master's degree in 1996. I am currently a licensed mental health counselor in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State. My discipline is cognitive behavioral psychology. I enjoy my work at DO-IT, which includes career counseling, writing, planning events, coordinating projects, supervising interns, mentoring, and of course Summer Study! My interests include performance art, camping and hiking, carpentry, and travel.

Dan Comden

I'm Dan Comden. When not serving as a technical nerd for DO-IT, I manage the Access Technology Center (ATC) at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. At the ATC we work directly with students, faculty, and staff with disabilities who need to access computing resources.

Lyla Crawford

My name is Lyla Crawford. I am a counselor/coordinator for DO-IT. I work in the Spokane office. I have a master's degree in developmental psychology. I have a husband, Shawn, and a son, Joshua.

Profile of Marvin

My name is Marvin Crippen. I help with technical support, work on DO-IT websites, and support the UW Access Technology Center.

Doug Hayman

My name is Doug Hayman. I'm the technology specialist for DO-IT. When not at work, I play guitar, hike, and hang out with friends.

Terry Thompson

My name is Terry Thompson. I am a technology specialist for DO-IT. In this position I help to educate K-12 and postsecondary educational institutions, technology vendors, government agencies, and others on how to ensure that technology is accessible to individuals with disabilities. I live in Bellingham and work most of the time from an office at Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. When I am not working, you can usually find me hiking in the mountains, playing guitar, or spending quality time with my family.

Tami Tidwell

Hi! My name is Tami Tidwell. I work as a counselor/coordinator for DO-IT. My main role is to help students and employers create quality work-based learning experiences, including internships, informational interviews, and job shadows. I enjoy working closely with DO-IT Scholars during Summer Study and beyond. I was born and raised in Cowtown (a.k.a. Ft. Worth, TX). I have my degree in psychology from Texas Christian University.

Debra Zawada

My name is Debra Zawada. I started working at DO-IT in 2004. My background is as a high school teacher and transition counselor. Outside of work, when not spending time with friends and family, I love to garden, create things, and take my dog Lena for walks.

Key Electronic Resources

  • To contact staff, request electronic copies of DO-IT NEWS, request publications, ask questions about the program, join DO-IT Pals, or become a Mentor, send an email to doit@uw.edu.
  • Parents of DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, and Pals can join a discussion list for parents by sending a request to doit@uw.edu.
  • Anyone who wishes to discuss issues pertaining to individuals with disabilities and their pursuit of science, engineering, and mathematics (SEM) and other high-tech academic programs and careers can subscribe to the doitsem discussion list at .
  • For information resources related to DO-IT, disabilities, adaptive technology, science, engineering, mathematics, and post-secondary education, access the DO-IT website at http://www.uw.edu/doit/.

DO-IT Funding

DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) serves to increase the successful participation of individuals with disabilities in challenging academic programs such as those in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. Primary funding for DO-IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the State of ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, and the U.S. Department of Education. The ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ also contributes substantial resources to this project.

Additional grants and gifts have been received from The Boeing Company; The Dole Foundation, Telecommunications Funding Partnership; Dynamac Corporation; Eisenhower Professional Development Program, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction; Jeld-Wen Foundation; Microsoft Corporation; Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation; NASA; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); NEC Foundation of America; Samuel S. Johnson Foundation; The Seattle Foundation; U.S. Department of Labor; and Visio Corporation.

DO-IT has partnered with more than fifty postsecondary institutions. It has also received donations or gifts in-kind from many other corporations and individuals, some of which include 3Com Corporation; American Computer Experience; AOL Foundation; Apple Computer; Ashland Kiwanis Club; Boxlight Corporation; The Braitmayer Foundation; Cascade Sign Company; Compaq; ComputerGear Inc.; Connectix Hooker Northwest; Courage Center; Digital Vision; DTP Micro Systems; Ephrata School District; Fessenden Booster Club, North Dakota; Ford Motor Company; Honda; Honeywell International Foundation, Inc.; Institute for Science, Engineering and Public Policy; Intel Corporation; Klickitat County Retired Teachers Unit 10; Macrostaff; Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.; Nike, Inc.; Nintendo of America, Inc.; Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Olathe East High School; Olathe East National Honor Society; Outdoors for All; P. Roger Hillerstrom, Inc.; Pacific Science Center; Poquoson High School Key Club; PTI Communications; Sun Microsystems; Sundog; University Book Store; University of Colorado at Boulder; US West; US West Foundation; ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Department of Services for the Blind; and Whatcom Community College.

Additional partners include dozens of primary and secondary schools as well as Access Technologists Higher Education Network (ATHEN); Alaska/Idaho/Oregon/ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Science Teachers Associations (ASTA/ISTA/OSTA/WSTA); Allying Companies, Communities, and Employees with Skills for Success (ACCESS); American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing (ACM SIGACCESS); Association for Higher Education and Disabilities (AHEAD); Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE); Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers (DBTACs); Disability Mentoring Day (DMD) activity hosts; Disability Support Service Council (DSSC); Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; Emerald City Rotary Club; Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); Governor's Committee on Disability Issues and Employment; Highline School District – Secondary Special Education; Idaho Assistive Technology Program (IATP); Idaho Council for Exceptional Children (ICEC); Incight; Independent Living Centers; Life Sciences Education Achievement Partnership (LEAP); Math and Engineering Science Achievement (MESA); Medtronic; Minorities in Science and Engineering Program (MSEP); National Center for Secondary Education and Transition; National Center for the Study of Postsecondary Educational Support, University of Hawaii; Northwest Engineering Talent Expansion Partnership (ETEP); Northwest Girls Cooperative; One-stop Resource Centers; organizations from Japan, Korea, and India; Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER); Pediatric Critical Care program of Seattle Children's; Puget Sound ESD Transition Specialist Group; Renton School District, Life Management Program, Secondary Special Education; RDE Regional Alliances for Persons with Disabilities (RADs); Seattle School District – Transition/Secondary Special Education; UW Genomics Outreach for Minorities (GenOM) Project; ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Access Services; ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Assistive Technology Alliance; ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Association for Postsecondary Education and Disability (WAPED); ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Library Network; ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ PAVE – Project CORE; ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ School Information Processing Cooperative's WEdNet; ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Business Leadership Network (WSBLN); Women in Science and Engineering (WISE); and Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP).

Support DO-IT: How Can You DO-IT

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