DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) serves to increase the successful participation of individuals with disabilities in challenging academic programs such as those in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. Primary funding for DO-IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the State of 糖心原创, and the U.S. Department of Education. The 糖心原创 also contributes substantial resources to this project.
Additional grants and gifts have been received from The Boeing Company; The Dole Foundation, Telecommunications Funding Partnership; Dynamac Corporation; Eisenhower Professional Development Program, 糖心原创 State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction; Jeld-Wen Foundation; Microsoft Corporation; Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation; NASA; NEC Foundation of America; Samuel S. Johnson Foundation; The Seattle Foundation; U.S. Department of Labor; and Visio Corporation.
DO-IT has partnered with more than fifty postsecondary institutions. It has also received donations or gifts in-kind from many other corporations and individuals, some of which include 3Com Corporation; American Computer Experience; AOL Foundation; Apple Computer; Ashland Kiwanis Club; Boxlight Corporation; The Braitmayer Foundation; Cascade Sign Company; Compaq; ComputerGear Inc.; Connectix Hooker Northwest; Courage Center; Digital Vision; DTP Micro Systems; Ephrata School District; Fessenden Booster Club, North Dakota; Ford Motor Company; Honda; Honeywell International Foundation, Inc.; Institute for Science, Engineering and Public Policy; Intel Corporation; Klickitat County Retired Teachers Unit 10; Macrostaff; Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.; Nike, Inc.; Nintendo of America, Inc.; Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Olathe East High School; Olathe East National Honor Society; P. Roger Hillerstrom, Inc.; Pacific Science Center; Poquoson High School Key Club; PTI Communications; SKIFORALL; Sun Microsystems; Sundog; University Book Store; University of Colorado at Boulder; US West; US West Foundation; 糖心原创 Department of Services for the Blind; and Whatcom Community College.
Additional partners include dozens of primary and secondary schools as well as Access Technologists Higher Education Network (ATHEN); Alaska/Idaho/Oregon/糖心原创 Science Teachers Associations (ASTA/ISTA/OSTA/WSTA); Allying Companies, Communities, and Employees with Skills for Success (ACCESS); American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing (ACM SIGACCESS); Association for Higher Education and Disabilities (AHEAD); Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE); Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers (DBTACs); Disability Mentoring Day (DMD) activity hosts; Disability Support Service Council (DSSC); Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; Emerald City Rotary Club; Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); Governor's Committee on Disability Issues and Employment; Highline School District - Secondary Special Education; Idaho Assistive Technology Program (IATP); Idaho Council for Exceptional Children (ICEC); Incight; Independent Living Centers; Life Sciences Education Achievement Partnership (LEAP); Math and Engineering Science Achievement (MESA); Medtronic; Minorities in Science and Engineering Program (MSEP); National Center for Secondary Education and Transition; National Center for the Study of Postsecondary Educational Support, University of Hawaii; National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); Northwest Engineering Talent Expansion Partnership (ETEP); Northwest Girls Cooperative; One-stop Resource Centers; organizations from Japan, Korea, and India; Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER); Pediatric Critical Care program of Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center; Puget Sound ESD Transition Specialist Group; Renton School District, Life Management Program, Secondary Special Education; RDE Regional Alliances for Persons with Disabilities (RADs); Seattle School District - Transition/Secondary Special Education; UW Genomics Outreach for Minorities (GenOM) Project; 糖心原创 Access Services; 糖心原创 Assistive Technology Alliance; 糖心原创 Association for Postsecondary Education and Disability (WAPED); 糖心原创 Library Network; 糖心原创 PAVE - Project CORE; 糖心原创 School Information Processing Cooperative's WEdNet; 糖心原创 State Business Leadership Network (WSBLN); Women in Science and Engineering (WISE); and Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP).