
Snapshots 2006: A Yearbook for DO-IT Participants

Photo portrait of DO-IT director Sheryl Burgstahler

Welcome to DO-IT Snapshots 2006!

This publication facilitates communication between DO-IT participants and was developed in July 2006. DO-IT Scholars are high school students with disabilities who are preparing for college and careers. They have interests in challenging fields that include science, math, engineering, technology, and business. They attend Summer Study programs at the 糖心原创 in Seattle, participate in internships and leadership activities, and communicate via the Internet year-round. Additional high school students with disabilities, the DO-IT Pals, join this electronic community. When Scholars move on to college or employment, they become DO-IT Ambassadors, sharing their experiences with the younger Pals and Scholars. This electronic community is also supported by DO-IT Mentors. Most Mentors have disabilities themselves and are pursuing challenging postsecondary studies and careers.

Along with the challenges and triumphs of DO-IT participants, in this edition of Snapshots, I have some sad news to report. '98 Scholar and DO-IT Ambassador Jeffrey K. passed away. He will be missed by everyone who knew him and his contributions to DO-IT will forever be felt. More about Jeffrey can be found on page 59.

Primary funding for DO-IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the State of 糖心原创, and the U.S. Department of Education. These and other investors, listed in the DO-IT Funding section of this publication, sponsor the many activities that DO-IT undertakes. We appreciate their generous support. Those who wish to help fund continued efforts can refer to the Support DO-IT! section on page 68.

DO-IT has received many awards, including the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring. We also received the National Information Infrastructure Award in 1995, the Golden Apple Award in 1999, and the AHEAD (Association for Higher Education and Disability) Exceptional Program Award in 2001, the Promising Practice Award in 2005, and the Trace Research and Development Center's Catalyst award in 2006. These awards document the achievements of the DO-IT participants. Together, they are changing the world, making it a more accessible place for all of us.

, Ph.D.
Director, DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology)
College of Engineering/Computing & Communications/College of Education

2006 DO-IT Trailblazers

Trailblazers from Summer Study 2006
Trailblaser Imke Durre (third from left) participates in a science lab.

The DO-IT Trailblazer awards highlight DO-IT community members who forge new pathways that will benefit others. We select individuals who, through their work and accomplishments, have changed the way the world views people with disabilities and their potential to succeed in college, careers, and community life. Congratulations to this year's honorees!

Imke D. DO-IT Mentor

For accomplishments in earning a Ph.D. and pursuing a career in Atmospheric Sciences, increasing public awareness of the positive contributions of people with disabilities in science fields, and providing strong role modeling and mentoring to students with visual impairments.

Julie P. NOAA Program Manager, DO-IT Partner

For accomplishments in integrating youth with disabilities in service learning programs and promoting the employment of people with disabilities in science fields.

Previous DO-IT Trailblazer award winners are listed below.


  • Karen B. (Architect, DO-IT Mentor). For accomplishments as a business owner and in progressing accessibility efforts within the field the architecture.
  • Mylene P. (Microsoft Senior Diversity Consultant, DO-IT Partner). For accomplishments in the integration of disability in the diversity efforts of businesses and programs encouraging youth to pursue high tech career fields.
  • Jessie S. (DO-IT Ambassador, 98 Scholar, and 糖心原创 student). For accomplishments in increasing access and support on the 糖心原创 campus and providing a strong role model to students with hidden disabilities.
  • Suzanne W. (Assistant Director for Research, UW Human Interface Technology Lab). For accomplishments in research and for providing numerous opportunities for students with disabilities to explore the field of human interface technology.


  • Cheri B. (DO-IT Ambassador, '96 Scholar, and Stanford University graduate student). For achievements in athletics and academics.
  • Mike D. (Education Specialist, National Parks Service). For improving access in the national parks.
  • Charity R. (DO-IT Student Staff, 糖心原创 student). For improving access and support on a postsecondary campus.
  • Anna S. (DO-IT Ambassador, '93 Scholar, artist, business woman, and 糖心原创 graduate student). For accomplishments in fine arts, business, and science.

Phase I Scholars

Group photo of 2006 Scholars

Twenty Phase I Scholars attended their first DO-IT Summer Study session at the 糖心原创 in July of 2006. They learned about college life and prepared for college and careers. Throughout the year, they communicate with each other as well as DO-IT participants and DO-IT Mentors. They use the Internet to support their academic studies, and they complete projects in exciting fields that include science, engineering, mathematics, technology, and business. After completing Summer Study 2006 these particpants graduated to Phase II.

Image of Brandon
Brandon, '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm Brandon A. I am going to be a junior at Mt. Tahoma High School in Tacoma. My favorite subjects are math, science, and Computer Aided Design (CAD), which is architectural and engineering design on computers. I am hard of hearing and have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which makes it hard to concentrate, and Dysgraphia, which makes it difficult for me to write. But, I do very well on a computer. I like to play video games, design things on the computer, eat, and hang out with friends. I plan on going to college or to a tech school to study engineering.

Image of Brittany
Brittany, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Brittany A. and I will be a junior at Mt. Tahoma High School in Tacoma. Writing is my pastime, and I want to become a writer of young adult fiction. I also like photography, hanging out with friends, and listening to music, mostly hard rock and metal-the kind of music that gives my parents a headache!

Image of Ryan
Ryan, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Ryan B. I'm a senior at Oak Harbor High School on Whidbey Island. I have a mobility impairment and get around in a power wheelchair. Videography and graphic design are my two favorite classes. When I graduate, I plan to attend IT Tech in Seattle and eventually become a video game designer. I like to DJ, and enjoy photography and playing video games.

Image of Alex
Alex, '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm Alex B. and I will be a junior at John F. Kennedy High School in Seattle. I have Turner Syndrome and a non-verbal learning disorder, which makes math and science difficult for me and sometimes causes me to need more time on tests. My favorite subjects are English and history, and I plan to study literature in college. I like listening to music and playing on my computer in my spare time. I live with my parents, brother, and twin sisters along with our dog and cat. I really enjoy DO-IT; it has been a great help to me.

Image of Jenny
Jenny, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jenny B. I live in Kennewick, WA, and I will be a junior at Kamiakin High School. My favorite subjects are science and English. I enjoy scrapbooking and Girl Scouts. During my senior year, I plan to take part of my classes at Tri-Tech Community College. I also hope to work in the daycare at Tri-Tech, because I would like to become either a para-educator for special needs children or a child therapist.

Image of Maria
Maria, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Maria C. I live in Bellevue, WA where I will be a junior at Interlake High School. My favorite subjects are physics and history. This summer I went to an all-girls leadership school where I went kyaking and rafting for three weeks. I got to kayak at night and saw a double sunset and an otter. I also learned more about the environment and saw people with different disabilities rafting and kyaking, which was really cool. I like to read, listen to all kinds of music, and play sports (but not watch them). I would love to race kyaks or race skulls in the future. I am interested in careers as a civil rights lawyer, a historian, an expedition guide, or a detective. I think DO-IT will give me a chance to know my disability and other people's disabilities better, which will help me become a stronger advocate for myself and others.

Image of Daniel
Daniel, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Daniel E. I will be a junior at Friday Harbor High School on Friday Harbor Island, one of the San Juan Islands where we often see Orca whales passing through. My favorite subject in school is math, and I also play trombone in my school band. I have only one finger on each hand but this does not stop me from doing anything. I enjoy playing soccer and basketball, making movies, and hanging out with my friends. I plan on going to college to possibly study engineering. DO-IT has been a good experience for me, and I think I will learn a lot from it.

Image of Oscar
Oscar, '06 Scholar

Hello. My name is Oscar F. I am going to be a junior at Liberty High School in Spangle, WA, and I live in the quiet little town of Fairfield. My disability is Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency (PFFD), which causes bone deformities. I was born with half a leg, so I have a right leg that is artificial and have had numerous surgeries on my hip. I enjoy music, jazz band, and choir. I also enjoy being part of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). I am interested in becoming a public relations officer or a corporate lawyer. I am very involved in my community and school and like spending time with my friends and family. I really enjoy the DO-IT program and know that I can take what I learn here and use it to enhance my future.

Image of Jennifer
Jennifer, '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm Jennifer G. I'm a junior at Auburn High School and I have Cerebral Palsy. My favorite subjects are biology and study skills. I'm also involved in a leadership group at school called Troy Crew where we help orient incoming freshmen and teach them leadership skills. I plan to go on to a two-year and then a four-year college to study psychology. In my free time I like to listen to music, explore the Internet, play on my computer, and hang out with friends.

Image of Jesus
Jesus, '06 Scholar

My name is Jesus G. I will be a senior at Highline High School in Burien. I am interested in languages and want to become a teacher for people speaking Spanish or English. At DO-IT, I saw sign language for the first time and am interested in learning that also. After I finish high school I plan to start at a two-year college and then transfer to a four-year school. I love music, especially ballads. I want to form my own band. I play both the guitar and drums.

Image of Joey
Joey, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Joey H. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and use a wheelchair to get around. I also have a service dog named Brigs who goes most places with me. I will be a senior at Juanita High School in Kirkland where my favorite subjects are history and math. I plan to go to community college or to UW Bothell to study the history of world cultures. I like reading and playing video games. Someday I would like to start a program similar to DO-IT to work with students with disabilities.

Image of KJ
K.J., '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm K.J. H. from Mt. Vernon, WA. I have a learning disability that makes it difficult to take notes and process information. I will be a junior at Mt. Vernon High School where my favorite classes are science and math. I plan to go to college to become a meteorologist because I have been interested in weather my whole life. I once saw a funnel cloud almost touch down when I lived on Camano Island, which was pretty cool. I like looking at maps and watching the Weather Channel. I also enjoy drawing maps and comics and traveling. I think DO-IT will really help me to get a jump start on what I need to know to be successful in college.

Image of Tony
Tony, '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm Tony I. I am going to be a junior at Seattle Lutheran High School. I enjoy history and engineering, but I like all my classes in general. I am one of those people that loves the whole academic experience. I run crosscountry and track and love drama; I was recently in the play The Taming of the Shrew. I also love movies and try to see everything that is out. My latest passion is robotics. For the last year, I have been involved in the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Program through my school, and I went to a leadership conference at Gonzaga University to represent my sophomore class. In a few weeks I am going to another youth leadership conference to represent the state of 糖心原创. When I graduate, I plan to go to college to pursue a career in the medical field. DO-IT is providing me with tools that will help me throughout college. The experience I am getting with all the different people at DO-IT is priceless.

Image of Taylor
Taylor, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Taylor L. and I will be a junior at Issaquah High School. I have Asperger Syndrome, which affects me socially and makes it difficult to interact with people. I'm interested in geography and math, and when I graduate I plan to go to college and continue studying both of these subjects. I am also on the crosscountry team at my high school.

Image of Amrit
Amrit, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Amrit M. I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and I will be a junior at Lakeside High School in Seattle. My favorite subjects are Chinese and jazz band where I play the piano. I like sports of all kinds and reading manga. I plan to go to a four-year college and possibly study psychology. I'm glad to be part of DO-IT because it offers me a variety of different connections that will help me in my future.

Image of Gabe
Gabe, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Gabe M. I will be a junior at Woodinville High School where my favorite subjects are music, English, and history. I also play snare drum in the marching band, which is a lot of fun. I am missing the radius and ulna in both arms and the fibia and femur are fused together in both my legs, so basically I cannot straighten them. I am also 45% deaf. In the 7th grade, I decided I wanted to play basketball and my school let me; even though my parents were skeptical. I did very well, and they did a piece about me on local TV news, which led to me throwing out a pitch at the Mariners game and an article in the Seattle Times. From that article, I was interviewed on the Oprah Winfrey Show and Good Morning America. When I was on Oprah, I got to meet my baseball idol Cal Ripkin who then flew me and my family to his baseball camp that I particpated in. I also met Kirsten Dunst and Tobey Maguire on the show and got to go to the premier of Spiderman II. When I graduate, I plan to attend the UW and become a history teacher. I think the DO-IT program will help me to advocate for myself and increase my communication skills with professors and people in general.

Image of Zachary
Zachary, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Zachary P. I will be a junior at Roosevelt High in Seattle. I have Cerebral Palsy, and sometimes my body does not respond the way I want it to and my motor skills do not always work as well as I would like. My favorite subjects in school are history and mathematics; I'm actually skipping to a higher math class next year to work on polynomials and other very difficult math concepts. When I graduate, I want to go to college to study math and have a career as a mathematician or in another math-related field. I also like to read and play video games.

Image of Sam
Samuel, '06 Scholar

Hi. I'm Sam R. I am going to be a senior at Dartmoor in Woodinville, WA. I enjoy the one-to-one support at Dartmoor, which is very different from my experience at a public high school. Math is one of my favorite classes. My hobby has been horseback riding for many years. I am also an active Eagle Scout with several Golden Palms, and I volunteer at the Seattle Marathon every year. I also love to travel. When I graduate, I would like to go to school to become a therapeutic riding instructor. DO-IT has given me a support system and a team of people to get help from if I need it.

Image of Kaitlin
Kaitlin, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Kaitlin S., but people call me Katie. I have a learning disbility and a seizure disorder. I will be a junior at Kamiakin High School in Kenniwick. Math, Spanish, and science are my favorite subjects. I plan to go to college to possibly study biology and eventually have a career working with animals. I like to play video games, listen to music, go to movies, and watch TV.

Image of Nicole
Nicole, '06 Scholar

Hi. My name is Nicole T. I will be a junior at Central Kitsap High School where my favorite classes are computer programming, math, and science. I am also a member of the Honor Society. I lost my sight when I was four, and I am hard-of-hearing, but these things don't stop me from doing anything I want to do. In fact, this summer, not only did I go to DO-IT Summer Study, but I also was part of the Vertical Mentoring Workshop at the UW for people with visual impairments. I have also particpated in the 糖心原创's Tactile Graphics Project. I want to study computer science in college because I would like to create accessible computer programs. I'm trying to get a guide dog and have enjoyed meeting the guide dogs at Summer Study. In my spare time I like to listen to music, play computer games, and ride horses. I also love to read books and am a big fan of the Harry Potter series.

Phase II Scholars

Group photo of 2005 Scholars

Phase II Scholars began participation in DO-IT in 2005 and attended their second Summer Study at the 糖心原创 in July of 2006. During that session, they worked closely with University faculty; in small groups, they studied the Game of Life (computer image processing), accessible design of web pages, virtual reality, and strategies for making science classes accessible. Throughout the year, they communicate via the Internet and participate in DO-IT activities, projects, and internships. After completing Summer Study 2006 these participants graduated to Phase III.

Image of Dulce
Dulce, '05 Scholar

Hi. My name is Dulce Maria A. I am originally from Mexico. I have one brother and three sisters, and I live in Seattle where I will attend Seattle Central Community College this fall. I graduated from high school at 糖心原创 School for the Deaf in Vancouver, WA. This summer I am attending a program for deaf students at Gallaudet University. My favorite classes are reading and English, and I plan to become a counselor or a computer support specialist. My favorite sport is soccer, which I used to play in Mexico. This year I played soccer and basketball in Special Olympics; our team played hard and won the silver medal! My hobbies are chatting with friends and family, reading fiction books, using the computer, and playing sports.

Image of Shavonne
Shavonne, '05 Scholar

My name is Shavonne B. I am 17 years old and will be starting my senior year at Hanford High School in Richland, WA. I was born with Spina Bifida. In my free time I like to read books and write stories. I also like to listen to music and talk on the Internet with my boyfriend and other friends. In the fall after school, I am the varsity football team manager. It is my hope to attend Central 糖心原创 University and study to become a podiatrist.

Image of Jen
Jennifer, '05 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jennifer B. I am 19 and have Cerebral Palsy. I will be a senior at Naches Valley High School. I lettered in choir last year and hope to letter again this coming year. This year I also made National Honor Society. I like to spend time with family and friends, and I love to go shopping and hang out with my grandma. My future plans are to attend Yakima Valley Community College, Yakima's local college, to get my Associate's degree, and then pursue a career in the computer technology field. I've gained a lot of knowledge and experience at DO-IT. I look forward to another year and meeting with old and new friends.

Image of Kayla
Kayla, '05 Scholar

Hello. My name is Kayla B. I will be attending Bellevue Community College in the fall studying psychology. Eventually, I would like to transfer to the 糖心原创. I took a vacation to Hawaii this summer and plan to work at Starbucks. My disability is Central Core Disease (Muscular Dystrophy). The DO-IT program has helped me become more independent.

Image of Daren
Daren, '05 Scholar

Hi. My name is Daren D. and I have Dyslexia. I will be a senior at Kentwood High School and I also attend Green River Community College. I plan to go on to a four-year college and major in biochemistry and perhaps obtain my Ph.D. at the 糖心原创. I like sports and anything in the sun, such as swimming, running, track, and going to the beach. I also enjoy putting a smile on peoples' faces. :]

Image of Bella
Bella, '05 Scholar

Hi everyone! My name is Bella F. and I have Cerebral Palsy, which affects most of my muscles, including my eyes. I use quad canes, a bugsy walker (only for aerobic exercise), or a wheelchair, and I need visual materials to be enlarged for me to read. I go to Nathan Hale High School where I'm going to be in the 12th grade. Art, language arts, and drama are my favorite classes, but I also like U.S. history. My hobbies include babysitting, acting, reading, playing with and walking my dogs, and playing the piano. This past spring, I performed in The Mouse that Roared at Nathan Hale. I'm part of the Seattle Public Theater summer youth program at the Bathhouse Theater and have acted in many plays. In August, I'm going to be in Macbeth. My career goals are to act in the theater, create art, and work in a day-care or a preschool I may attend North Seattle, Shoreline, or Edmonds Community College.

Image of Zach
Zachary, '05 Scholar

I'm Zach H., and I will be in the 12th grade at Camas High School in Camas, WA. I will be attending Clark Community College for half of my school day this coming year. My favorite classes are math and fire science. I also play football and wrestle for my high school. Outside of school, I like to work out and hang out with my friends. I am interested in a career as a firefighter and would like to study fire science in college. I plan to go to Lower Columbia Community College to get an Associate's degree in fire science. The disability I have is Dysgraphia, which means that I have trouble writing. In DO-IT I have accessed technology that assists me with writing.

Image of Marlen
Marlen, '05 Scholar

Hey, my name is Marlen I., and I have a learning disabilities that affect my spelling, grammar, reading, and math. I will be a senior this year at Orcas Island High School. My favorite subject is science and I would like to be a dentist. I enjoy swimming in the middle of the night at Cascade Lake and going to Mount Constitution. I also love all music (with the exception of country!).

Image of Logan
Logan, '05 Scholar

Hi. My name is Logan K. I graduated from Yelm High School this year and will start at DeVry University in the fall. One of my favorite classes in high school was weight lifting; there is just something about being in a weight room that makes me feel good as a person. I was one of the ten powerlifters from my school in 2005 who were invited to State. I was the second strongest male in the state for my weight category and the first paraplegic with Cerebral Palsy to compete. Some of my hobbies include playing my bass guitar, working out, and having a good time with friends. I plan to go into the networking field. I hope that DO-IT can help me achieve my college and career goals by allowing me to gain experience in my fields of interest and helping me get a feel for how life will be once I have achieved those goals.

Image of Andrew
Andrew, '05 Scholar

Hi. My name is Andrew L. I will be a senior at Nathan Hale High School this fall. My favorite classes are math, drama, and language arts. This year, I have learned the true meaning of responsibility from my U.S. history teacher who is a comical, reasonable, and a down-to-earth mentor. I also took part in a musical, Moby Dick. I enjoy hanging out with my friends and playing soccer. This summer, I will participate in the Youth Leadership Forum. At the moment, I am a dance intern at a Visual and Performing Arts Camp called Summer Fun. In college, I would like to study law, Spanish, acting, creative writing, and/or engineering. I hope to be fluent in Spanish and travel the world. I have Tourette Syndrome and I live life to the fullest and use it as a learning tool. DO-IT has helped me become more comfortable with not just my disabilities, but also the disabilities of others.

Image of Nate
Nate, '05 Scholar

Hello. My name is Nate M., and I live in Seattle. I am a graduate of Roosevelt High School. My favorite subjects are business, English, and American government. I like hanging out with friends and family. My learning disability has been a challenge, but I have kept my mind on the prize. My plan is to attend the Real Estate program at North Seattle Community College. I also want to take other classes that I need so that I can go to a four-year university and study business.

Portrait of Vishal
Vishal '04 Scholar

My name is Vishal S. I just completed my last year of high school where I was involved in journalism and radio production. Some accomplishments that I am proud of are being Associate Student Body President, speaking at school board meetings regarding school closures, and planning a canned food drive, two successful student dances, and a disability awareness week called "Understanding." I have also sold wristbands to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy, which I have. I like to play video games, watch TV, email, talk with people, and surf the 'Net. My career interests include being a sports journalist or broadcaster. Go Seattle sports teams!

Image of Jesse
Jesse, '05 Scholar

My name is Jesse S. and I am a senior at Ballard High School, located in Seattle. My disability is Asperger Syndrome, although "disability" is somewhat of an ironic term for it, as I feel that had I not been born with it, I wouldn't have as much potential as I do. My favorite classes in school are mathematics, physics, French, and American government. My senior project was a PowerPoint presentation about the nature of forensic science. Next year I will remain at Ballard as a 5th year senior, so I may complete the requirements for graduation. I will also participate in the Running Start program at North Seattle Community College. My career interest is to become a forensic scientist.

Image of Noah
Noah, '05 Scholar

My name is Noah S. I am 17 years old and go to Newport High School in Bellevue, WA. My favorite classes are U.S. history, world religion, video production, and photography. At school, I am in link crew and croquet club. Last year I was also involved in student government. Outside of school, I listen to a lot of music and go to concerts. I enjoy playing video games and basketball. I watch lots of sports on TV and know many sports facts. I also enjoy going to concerts and am on the Island Records Street Team. My disability is Cerebral Palsy. DO-IT is helping me get ready for college and live on my own, as well as meet new people.

Image of Sakina
Sakina, '05 Scholar

Hi. I'm Sakina S. I live in Spokane, WA, and I will be a senior at Mead High School. My favorite class is Leadership, and I like music and history. I have a learning disability that impacts my reading, writing, and spelling. I like to shop and support my high school teams; football and basketball games are my favorite because I like to socialize. Feel free to email me anytime; I'm a pretty cool person!

Image of Kayla
Kayla, '05 Scholar

My name is Kayla T., and my disability is Cerebral Palsy. I currently attend Kentwood High School in Kent, WA, where I will be a senior. I enjoy computers, listening to music, and hanging out with friends. My favorite subject in school is computer applications. I'd like to attend Green River Community College or ITT Tech and prepare for a career working with computers.

Image of Jesse
Jessie, '05 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jessie V. I live in Seattle, WA. I'm a little person; I have Morquio's Syndrome, which is a type of dwarfism, and I use a power wheelchair. I'm so proud of myself for graduating from Ballard High School. My favorite school is Bellevue Community College. They have a new program called Venture; it's for people with disabilities and has college classes that are taught at our own levels.

Image of Daman
Daman, '05 Scholar

Hi. My name is Daman W. and I will be a senior at Klahowya Secondary School in Silverdale, WA. I am the owner of a web design and hosting business, Daman Wandke's Web Services. I plan to go to the 糖心原创 and would like a career as a computer engineer. I have Cerebral Palsy and volunteer as a webmaster for many organizations, including United Cerebral Palsy of South Puget Sound. I have also been a keynote speaker at fundraising events and parent support groups.

Image of Cassie
Cassandra, '05 Scholar

My name is Cassie W. I was born with Spina Bifida and use a wheelchair 90% of the time. I am 18 years old and will be starting college in the fall. I will be attending Central 糖心原创 University in Ellensburg. Last year a film crew came out from ESPN to film me because I play tennis in my wheelchair.

Phase III Scholars

Group photo of 2004 DO-IT Scholars

Phase III Scholars are completing high school or transitioning to college. Throughout the year, they communicate with other Scholars, Ambassadors, and Mentors, and participate in DO-IT activities. Some become Interns in DO-IT Summer Study and participate in other work experiences. Once the 2006 Summer Study is over, those Phase III Scholars who have graduated from high school become DO-IT Ambassadors.

Image of Andrew
Andrew, '04 Scholar

Hey guys! My name is Andrew B. I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a learning disability in reading and writing. Accommodations, like extra time on tests, are helpful. My favorite subjects are theater and music. I will be a sophomore at Western 糖心原创 University (WWU) where I am majoring in musical theater. I have aspirations to be on Broadway someday, so keep your eyes and ears open! I was recently in WWU's mainstage production of Evita, and this summer I am traveling to Europe with my choir; after my choir tour, I will be traveling with my aunt to Italy, Ireland, and New York.

Image of Laura
Laura, '04 Scholar

My name is Laura B. I suffered a traumatic brain injury in the 7th grade in a car accident. Although the accident left me blind in my left eye, I most identify with other students with disabilities who might be struggling with learning issues, like losing vocabulary, trouble with memory, and difficulty making connections. I have attention issues that are treated with medication. I am looking forward to majoring in secondary education/math this fall at Seattle University. I am thinking of minoring in chemistry. I am a Summer Study intern this summer and have been working on American Sign Language.

Image of Lukas
Lukas, '04 Scholar

Hi. I am Lukas B. My birth condition is called Amyoplasia Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita. In the fall, I will be going to Whitworth University, studying business communications with a minor in music performance. In high school, I was in three year-round bands: Jazz Ensemble I, Wind Ensemble, and Symphonic Band. I'm an absolute band nerd! I breathe music. Outside of school, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing chess, going to the movies, playing my instrument, and hanging out with my mother and brother. Aside from surviving my senior year in high school and graduating, my greatest accomplishment is learning so much about myself. I've learned about my physical self (how to take care of my body) and my mental self (working habits and my best working environments). Without my friends backing me up, I would never be where I am today. This year I'm working as an intern at Summer Study.

Image of Kathleen
Kathleen, '04 Scholar

Hi. My name is Kathleen D. I recently graduated from Columbia River High School in Vancouver, WA. I did my senior project on the accessibility of the Vancouver School District. I am in the marching band where I play the E-flat alto saxophone, and I participate in several events in the Science Olympiad. I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). I would like to pursue a career in biology, maybe entymology or microbiology. I may attend the Science and Engineering Institute at 糖心原创 State University-Vancouver after I graduate.

Image of Carrie
Carrie, '04 Scholar

Hello all, my name is Carrie D. I hope to attend the Univeristy of 糖心原创-Extension in October to study audio production. After I complete the program, I hope to make a name for myself as a music producer.

Image of Tracy
Tracy, '04 Scholar

Hi. My name is Tracy F. I attend South Puget Sound Community College for culinary arts. One of my favorite hobbies is to play pool. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and going river rafting. I have a learning disability that makes reading and spelling difficult. I was an intern in Summer Study 2006.

Image of Amanda
Amanda, '04 Scholar

Hello. My name is Amanda G. I have been involved in the world of art for many years. I attend Columbia Basin College, working towards completing my Associate's degree in art. In the future I am looking forward to becoming an art teacher.

Image of Daniel
Daniel, '04 Scholar

Hi. My name is Daniel H. I'm a graduate of Shorewood High School, where I was a member of the National Honor Society and took classes in electronics and CAD (Computer Aided Design). Outside of school, I run cross-country, downhill ski, and play ultimate frisbee, golf, backpack (as a Boy Scout), and build things. I hope to become a mechanical engineer. I have a reading disability and am diabetic. Through DO-IT I have learned to use technology that reduces the time I spend on homework.

Image of Julie
Julie, '04 Scholar

Hello to all!!! My name is Julie J. I graduated from Cascade High School in Everett and was a member of the National Honor Society. I enjoy hanging out with friends, listening to music, playing on the computer, and reading. I plan to go to college at Everett Community College and study to become an elementary school teacher. I'm working this summer as an intern at Summer Study.

Image of Meg
Meg, '04 Scholar

J. I have Cerebral Palsy, which affects my balance and depth-perception. I recently graduated from Bellingham High School. This fall will be attending Whatcom Community College where I plan to major in marine biology.

Maryann, '04 Scholar

My name is Maryann M. I am 20 years old. I graduated with honors from Edmonds/Woodway High and am in the Principal's Hall of Fame. I will begin at Shoreline Community College this fall working towards an Associate's degree. I plan to transfer to the 糖心原创 in a few years. I am active in 4H with a dog group. I enjoy river rafting, water skiing, and snow skiing. I want to do it all! This summer I'm interning at Summer Study.

Image of Alex
Alex, '04 Scholar

My name is Alex M. I'm involved with Youth Group and听was part of Boy Scouts for seven years. One accomplishment that I'm proud of is taking the bus myself to the spring DO-IT Pizza Party. I am a continuing senior at Woodinville High School. I plan to go to a community college and work towards something in the field of writing. This summer I'm an intern at Summer Study.

Image of Makenna
Makenna, '04 Scholar

My name is Makenna Jo P., and I am a Running Start student at Whatcom Community College (WCC) where I will begin my third quarter this fall. While attending WCC, I am exploring different career options. Outside of school I like to hang out with my friends, listen to music, and read. This summer I will be volunteering and relaxing. I have Cerebral Palsy and a learning disability.

Image of Katie
Katie, '04 Scholar

Hi there, I'm Katie R.! I just graduated and will attend Western Washintgon University this fall. I am leaning towards a career in elementary education. I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Dyslexia. Consequently, I have trouble with reading, writing, and spelling. My thought process jumps from one idea to the next and things just seem to take me longer to figure out and communicate. I have a great family, a bundle of supportive crazy friends, and three furry cats. I love British literature and poetry. I am totally an art freak (minus the talent.) I'm Catholic, I have a passion for music, and I totally adore kids. I'm also totally psyched to go skydiving this summer! If ya'll have any question, email me, but please don't take it personally if it takes me a few years to respond. It has been really exciting to be an intern this year at Summer Study.

Image of Ashley
Ashley, '04 Scholar

My name is Ashley S. I am currently attending a community college in Florida. During my senior year I got numerous awards, including a silver cord for graduation, an unsung hero award from the Nova Middle/High Parents, and a recognition award from my drama/thespian society. I was Director of Costumes and Publicity for our last show of the year! At school I was also involved in the Student Government Association and organized the blood drives, pep rallies, elections, and other SGA activities. I like to volunteer at my local animal shelter (especially caring for and feeding all the cute cats), read, surf the web, talk on the phone, shop, dance, and listen to music. I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.

Image of Garrett
"Bud" '04 Scholar

My name is Garrett, or Bud, S. I have been visually impaired since I was in 4th grade. I will be a sophomore at Gonzaga University in Spokane, probably majoring in finance with a math minor. My favorite classes last year were economics, computer science, and statistics. This year I participated in a business plan competition where my group placed third. I enjoy sailing and watching baseball.

Image of Russell
Russell '04 Scholar

My name is Russell T. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and use a wheelchair. I am attending Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma and will begin my sophomore year this fall. My academic interests include history and Spanish, although I have not yet declared my major. In my spare time I enjoy watching Mariners baseball, drawing, reading, playing video games, and spending time with my family.

Image of Michael
Michael '04 Scholar

My name is Michael T. I enjoy computer, math, science, and band classes. I am a computer/console nerd; I love video games. I also like to go fishing, to Mariners games, swimming, to water parks, and camping. I really enjoy being with my family and I love playing golf. My career goal is to be an engineer involved in the use of nuclear fusion as an energy source. I attend Everett Community College. After I complete an Associate's degree, I would like to go on to the 糖心原创 and get a Ph.D. in engineering. I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which means I have trouble sitting still and focusing on the current task at hand. I also have small motor and large motor disabilities, so I have a difficult time writing. DO-IT helps me be more independent and find creative ways to type out homework, such as math and physics problems.

Image of Blanca
Blanca '04 Scholar

My name is Blanca V. I'm 18 years old and graduated from Connell High School near the Tri- Cities. I plan to go to Columbia Basin Community College for two years, then transfer to Eastern 糖心原创 University. I live with my parents, brother, and a sister. I am thinking of becoming a child psychologist because I enjoy working with children. I love to read, watch TV, and play on the computer. I was in an accident where I suffered a spinal cord injury, and I've used a wheelchair for four years. One of the things I enjoy about DO-IT is meeting people with similar and different disabilities who have gone on to do many creative and interesting things with their lives. I'm an intern this summer at Summer Study.

Image of Jessica
Jessica '04 Scholar

My name is Jessica W. I recently graduated from Bainbridge High School and am attending Central 糖心原创 University in the fall. I hope to have a career in education, possibly as a kindergarten teacher. I enjoy being with my family, playing with animals, and babysitting. This summer I'm an intern at Summer Study.

2006 Scholar Achievements

Brandon M., '01 Scholar

"I transferred to The Evergreen State College."

Justin D., '98 Scholar

"I graduated with my Associate's degree in Wilderness Recreation Leadership in May 2006 from North Country Community College in Saranac Lake, NY."

Stephanie M., '00 Scholar

"I have been working for the Bridge program for three years."

Dulce A., '05 Scholar

"I graduated high school this year from 糖心原创 School for the Deaf in Vancouver, WA -yeah, I did it!!!!"

Nicole T., '06 Scholar

"This summer I participated in the Vertical Mentoring Workshop for people with visual disabilities held at the 糖心原创."

Vishal S., '04 Scholar

"This year I was the Associate Student Body, President-I also spoke at school board meetings regarding school closures, planned a canned food drive, two successful student dances, and a disability awareness week called 'Understanding'."

Maryann M., '04 Scholar

"I graduated with honors from Edmonds/Woodway High and am in the Principal's Hall of Fame."

Silvia A., '02 Scholar

"I have been working really hard, and got my legal immigration status straightened out!! I have managed to keep my grades up while getting really sick and losing the sensitivity on the right side of my body....all this during finals, which still went well!"

Daman W., '05 Scholar

"I met with educators from South Africa about accessibility for people with disabilities in that country."

Anthony A., '94 Scholar

"I have started to perform a Research and Development function where I work at the Prentke Romich Company! This is in addition to my regular duties as a remote troubleshooter. I can't tell you about the cutting edge ideas I am involved with-but stay tuned for future announcements!"

Gabe M., '06 Scholar

"I have been on Good Morning America and the Oprah Winfrey Show and got to meet my baseball idol Cal Ripkin and go to his baseball camp."

Amy S., '01 Scholar

"I graduated from Everett Community College and have been accepted into Central 糖心原创 University in the fall!"

Tony I., '06 Scholars

"For the last year I have been involved in the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Pogram through my school, and I went to a leadership conference at Gonzaga University to represent my sophomore class. In a few weeks I am going to another youth leadership conference to represent the state of 糖心原创."

'03 Ambassadors


DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Image of Patrick
Patrick, '03 Scholar

My name is Patrick B. I am a sophomore at Central 糖心原创 University majoring in computer science. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which weakens my muscles over time. Useful accommodations are a lift, a wheelchair, and a shower chair.

Image of Crystal
Crystal, '03 Scholar

Howdy y'all. My name is Crystal Bear. I graduated from Columbia Junior/Senior High School. I like to play on the computer and watch old movies and Country Music Television. I use a wheelchair to get around.

Image of Justin
Justin, '03 Scholar

Hi. My name is Justin F. I attend the University of Arizona in Tuscon where I was accepted in the Honors Pre-Business Major program. I enjoy swimming and keeping in touch with you online.

Image of Zach
Zachary, '03 Scholar

My name is Zachary F. This year I've been volunteering at a local foodbank. I've also discovered a love for detailing cars; it might be a career path for me. I like playing computer games. My disability is short-term memory loss and some fine motor skill loss in my hands due to an anoxic brain injury in 2002. I am very patient with any situation and am a good friend. Feel free to email me. I was an intern at Summer Study 2005.

Image of Jamie
Jamie, '03 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jamie G. My extra curricular activities are tennis and community service. I have learning disabilities in the areas of math, reading, and writing. I attend Central 糖心原创 University and major in special education. I can type faster than I can write; a computer helps me get my thoughts written down. DO-IT has helped me get a better understanding of what college is like and how to succeed in that environment.

Image of Shaun
Shaun, '03 Scholar

My name is Shaun H. I attend Spokane Community College. I like to lift weights, wrestle, play video games, go to drag races, and hang with friends. Some of my interests are conservation and wildlife, hotrods, tattoos, and body piercings.

Image of Skylor
Skylor, '03 Scholar

My name is Skylor L. I attend Centralia Community College. I enjoy working with people and plan to major in either psychology or earth science. I was an intern at Summer Study 2005.

Image of Vanessa
Vanessa, '03 Scholar

My name is Vanessa L. I attend Walla Walla Community College. After I obtain my Associate's degree, I'd like to go on to Lewis-Clark State College and earn a degree in social work. I'm very involved in the children's ministry team at my church. I work with kindergartners. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my DO-IT journey. I was an intern at Summer Study 2005.

Image of Joshua
Joshua, '03 Scholar

My name is Joshua N. I will be attending Landmark College in Vermont in the fall. I enjoy baseball, swimming, wheelchair basketball, and track. I was born with Spina Bifida and use a wheelchair, but I can walk with forearm crutches. I would like to study for a career in elementary education. This summer I'm an intern at Summer Study.

Image of Matt
Matt, '03 Scholar

My name is Matt P. I am studying business in college. I am interested in the stock market and real estate land developing. Some of the career fields I would like to be involved in are engineering and video editing. I was an intern at Summer Study 2005.

Image of Joshua
Joshua, '03 Scholar

My name is Joshua P. I come from La Push, WA. I am interested in video game programming. I joined my school track team and achieved personal records in three events.

Image of Annemarie
Annemarie, '03 Scholar

Hi. My name is Annemarie P. I have Cerebral Palsy, which limits my mobility as well as fine motor skills. I am a sophmore at the University of Portland and am pursuing a major in biology and a minor in Spanish. I may also add a minor in English. I intend to go on to graduate school, perhaps at the 糖心原创, to pursue a degree in neurobiology. I was an intern at Summer Study 2005.

Image of Tressa
Tressa, '03 Scholar

My name is Tressa R. and I am interested in dolphin communication. DO-IT has created a support system that makes the real world successful for me and my disability. I have specific language disabilities, which affect my comprehension and processing abilities, and I have chronic headaches. I plan to major/minor in psychology and biology at the UW and eventually study and interact with dolphins for my career.

Image of Conrad
Conrad, '03 Scholar

My name is Conrad R. I am a student at Seattle Pacific University. My favorite subjects in school are biology, Spanish, and history. My career interests include employment as a political analyst, defense analyst, or linguist. I am actively involved in political campaigns and voter registration. In my spare time, I enjoy hanging out with friends, going to movies, and reading. I was an intern at Summer Study 2005.

Image of Andrew
Andrew, '03 Scholar

My name is Andrew S. and I am a sophomore at 糖心原创 State University where I am majoring in hospitality business management. I loved my first year of college and have a lot of amazing memories and new friends to show for it. I really enjoyed intramural sports, and my soccer team made it to the playoffs.

Image of Jesse
Jesse, '03 Scholar

My name is Jesse S. I just finished my freshman year at Goshen College in Indiana majoring in computer science. I was a Microsoft intern, and this summer I am back in Seattle at GraniteEdge Networks, which makes a network security tool. I also enjoy choir, opera, technical theater, and audio recording. Feel free to drop me an email. I am an intern this year at Summer Study.

Image of Senait
Senait, '03 Scholar

Hi! My name is Senait T. I just completed my second year at the 糖心原创. In my free time I love to listen to music and travel. I am planning to major in health administration and pharmacy.

Image of Jamie
Jamie, '03 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jamie V. I am finishing up my last quarter this fall to earn my Associate's degree in accounting at Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake. I am interested in working for a local business after I receive my degree in December. Feel free to email me to chat anytime. I was an intern at Summer Study 2005.

Image of Natasha
Natasha, '03 Scholar

Hi! My name is Natasha W. I attend Yakima Valley Community College in Yakima, WA. I am taking classes towards earning a degree in elementary education. I plan to transfer my junior year to Central 糖心原创 University and graduate with a degree in special education and a minor in deaf education. The DO-IT program has taught me that it easy to interact with other people with disabilities and helped me stay focused on school. I was an intern at Summer Study 2005.

Image of Scott
Scott, '03 Scholar

My name is Scott W. I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). I am attending Bellingham Technical College in Bellingham, WA. I am working on my Associate's degree, which will allow me to become a machinist. I tried going to a regular college (Henry Cogswell in Everett, WA) to become a mechanical engineer. I could have done it; however, I found out that that was not the field for me at this time in my life. I have learned a valuable lesson from this, and that is to make sure you know what you are getting into before it is too late to get out.

'02 Ambassadors

Group photo of 2002 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Image of Amy
Amy, '02 Scholar

My name is Amy A. I graduated from dental assistant college and am planning to attend a four-year college to pursue dentistry.I have a learning disability that interferes with my reading and writing. I also have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), which interferes with many things at school and home.

Image of Silvia
Silvia, '02 Scholar

My name is Silvia A. I was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone or glass bones), which means that my bones break easily. I'm attending Eastern 糖心原创 University and pursuing a Bachelor's degree in business. I enjoy listening to all sorts of music and hanging out with friends. I have managed to do well in school with all the obstacles that I have, not just physically, but also financially, and with immigration to worry about.

Image of Rebecca
Rebecca, '02 Scholar

Hello. My name is Rebecca B. I have a learning disability. I have worked at a nursing home in Stanwood, WA. I really like anime/manga (Japanese cartoons and comics). I also enjoy reading, playing the computer, and baking.

Image of Ian
Ian, '02 Scholar

My name is Ian C. I am a junior at the 糖心原创. I'm interested in software engineering, image processing, and other computer-related occupations.

Image of Saroj
Saroj, '02 Scholar

Hello! My name is Saroj D. I am a sophomore at Bellevue Community College. I have a learning disability. I am interested in becoming a social worker. I like working out, listening to music, dancing, hanging out with friends, and snowboarding. DO-IT has been a really good experience for me. I was an intern at Summer Study 2004.

Image of GImmie
Gimmie, '02 Scholar

Hi. My name is Gimmie D. and I have a learning disability. I attend Clark College. I'm working on getting my Associate's degree in business administration. I want to be in business, but I also love animals and am thinking of becoming a vet. I was an intern at Summer Study 2004.

Image of Scott
Scott, '02 Scholar

My name is Scott F. I graduated from Shoreline Community College and now attend the 糖心原创 majoring in political science, with side interests in economics and history. I was an intern at Summer Study 2004.

Image of Leon
Leon, '02 Scholar

Hi. I am Leon K. I attend Western 糖心原创 University. I like to play on the computer, hang out with friends, read, and watch TV. My favorite subject in school is English. I'm interested in criminal psychology and working for the federal government.

Image of Mackenzie
Alexandra, '02 Scholar

Hi. My name is Alexandra M. I'm a junior at the 糖心原创 where I am majoring in biochemistry. I plan to get my Ph.D. and become a research scientist. I have a visual impairment, and in class I use an assistive device called a JORDY, which is basically a set of digital binoculars that helps me see the lecture, overheads, PowerPoint slides, etc. I also get large print for my textbooks and get extra time for tests. I currently work in a research lab on the UW campus studying gene expression and Muscular Dystrophy. In four years, I have never missed a DO-IT dance. I've made some really good friends and helped connect a few people to the program. DO-IT has also helped me make professional connections, such as my Microsoft internship.

Image of James
James, '02 Scholar

Hi. My name is James O. I just finished my third year at The Evergreen State College. I am focused on history.

Image of Jared
Jared, '02 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jared P.. I use my DO-IT laptop in all my classes at Columbia Basin College where I am majoring in computer science.

Image of Andrew
Andrew, '02 Scholar

Hi. My name is Andrew R. and I attend Cornish College of the Arts. I found that I am more interested in fine arts than graphic art. I enjoy being with friends and watching wrestling on TV.

Image of Rima
Rima, '02 Scholar

My name is Rima S. I am a junior at the 糖心原创. I am a political science major, but I also enjoy Classics class. I have Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegia. I love reading, watching movies, and playing on the computer. I was an intern at Summer Study 2004.

Image of Chris
Chris, '02 Scholar

My name is Chris S., and I am a junior at the 糖心原创 majoring in computer science. In the past years I have participated in a number of internships; I was a Microsoft High School intern working on BizTalk Server 2004, a Workforce Planner Assistant, and this year I will be working with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration in 糖心原创, D.C. doing some web-based development.

Image of Carson
Carson, '02 Scholar

Hi! My name is Carson S. I am writing this bio from the middle of Turkey. Last quarter I studied abroad with a UW program in the Czech Republic. This summer I am traveling, meeting lots of interesting people, and learning more about the world and myself at the same time. When I get back, I will be starting my 3rd year at UW in the Business School. If you want a personal tour of the UW campus, email me. My advice to all of you is to take risks and enjoy life. I was an intern at Summer Study 2004.

Image of Dale
Dale, '02 Scholar

I'm Dale S. I have Cerebral Palsy. I attend 糖心原创 State University where I am majoring in political science and managed to make the President's Honor Roll. I hope to be a lawyer someday. Last fall I was a peer advisor to five incoming freshmen who were interested in political science.

Portrait of Ryan
Ryan, '02 Scholar

Hi. My name is Ryan. I am working on my communications degree at Bellevue Community College. I hope to someday be in human resources. I participate in the Youth Leadership Forum, and I am looking forward to some good job-shadowing experiences. I was an intern at Summer Study 2004.

Image of Angela
Angela, '02 Scholar

Hey everyone! I am Angela W. I have a mild case of Cerebral Palsy. I am attending Edmonds Community College where I am studying psychology to become a social worker or counselor for teenagers. I was an intern at Summer Study 2004.

'01 Ambassadors

Group photo of 2001 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Image of Brandon
Brandon, '01 Scholar

On April 3, 2003, Brandon A. died from a respiratory infection. A high-energy kid, many of us will remember him racing around campus in his power wheelchair. Brandon's favorite school subject was mathematics. He looked forward to earning a college degree and becoming a software engineer.

Image of Brad
Brad, '01 Scholar

Hello, my name is Brad B. I attend Central 糖心原创 University in Ellensburg and will graduate next spring with a Bachelor's degree in sociology. I enjoy computers, books, and people and try to enjoy them all when not working or studying.

Image of Chris
Chris, '01 Scholar

Chris B. graduated from Kelso High School and reached his childhood dream of attending the 糖心原创. Chris, who had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, died in his dorm room on February 18, 2004.

Profile of Elizabeth
Elizabeth, '01 Scholar

My name is Elizabeth C. I have Cerebral Palsy. In the fall, I will start my senior year at Central 糖心原创 University. I am majoring in family studies and minoring in creative writing with hopes of becoming a social worker or counselor while pursuing a love of writing. I hope to go on to graduate school. I enjoy writing short stories and poetry, reading, listening to music, watching the Mariners, and hanging out with friends. GO WILDCATS!

Image of Jeff
Jeff, '01 Scholar

My name is Jeff C.. I attend college in Portland, OR. I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). I also have an auditory processing disorder, which makes it hard for me to figure out the meaning behind things I hear. I like engineering, math, and technology. I like using math and computers to make art, and I want a career working with computers and electronics. DO-IT helps me a lot.

Image of Caleb
Caleb, '01 Scholar

I'm Caleb E. I attend Skagit Valley Community College in Mt. Vernon, WA. I use adaptive technology because I am visually impaired and physically disabled. A career working with these technologies would be interesting to me. I enjoy reading email messages from DO-IT participants.

Image of Raechell
Raechell, '01 Scholar

I'm Raechell H. I am a C7 quad, profoundly deaf, and respiratorily fragile. I speak English as well as American Sign Language. I love math and science; it's all logical and there's always an answer. I love art! I'd like to be either an elementary school teacher or a math teacher. I love kids.

Image of Lauren
Lauren, '01 Scholar

Hey there, my name is Lauren J. I'm in my third year at Central 糖心原创 University, working on a degree in fashion merchandising. In my free time I love going shopping and going to movies with friends.

Image of Matt
Matt, '01 Scholar

Hi. My name is Matt L. I attend Central 糖心原创 University majoring in administration management. My hobbies include snow mobiling, running, working, and participating in the Future Farmers of America. I work for Bishop Sanitation, applying Class B sewage in wheat fields. I also work in a mobile kitchen feeding firefighters on the line. My disabilities are Dyslexia and short-term memory defect.

Image of Brandon
Brandon, '01 Scholar

Hi. My name is Brandon M. I am a senior at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA. I am study psychology and hope to be a school counselor.

Image of Alex
Alex, '01 Scholar

My name is Alexandra R. I attend the 糖心原创. I am deaf and use interpreters in class. A computer allows me to talk to my friends over email. DO-IT has helped me prepare for college. I love to have fun, dance, snowboard, and be with my friends.

Image of Jacob
Jacob, '01 Scholar

Hello, my name is Jacob R. I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and bilateral clubfeet. I would like a job in a science field. DO-IT is helping me decide what my career should be and prepare for college.

Image of Amy
Amy, '01 Scholar

Hi, my name is Amy S. I have Cerebral Palsy. I recently completed my Associate's degree in education at Everett Community College in Everett, WA. I graduated with honors (3.57 GPA), will transfer to Central 糖心原创 University in Ellensburg and plan to get my teaching degree in special education. This summer, I volunteered at Sherwood Learning Center.

Image of Mike
Mike, '01 Scholar

Hi. My name is Mike S., and I attend Shoreline Community College. I am interested in computer programming, which I learned more about at Shoreline. My favorite subjects are math and Japanese. My goal is to work in the computer gaming industry. I enjoy reading, golf, and playing games (even though I am trying to study as much as possible).

Image of Sarah
Sarah, '01 Scholar

My name is Sarah S. I am a senior at Seattle Pacific University. I am studying to be a Spanish/English interpreter or translator. My disease, Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP), causes bone to form in my muscles. I cannot walk because my hips and knees are locked. My arms are also locked, almost in front of my face. I use an electric wheelchair for mobility, an iPAQ to write essays and other work, a computer with a special mouse and mini keyboard to print assignments from my iPAQ , and the Internet for research and email. I also like to play games.

Image of Brandi
Brandi, '01 Scholar

My name is Brandi S. and I'm deaf. The last three years I put college on hold and traveled. It was a great experience but this year it is time for me to "settle" down and go to college. Email me anytime! :)

Image of Trisha
Trisha, '01 Scholar

My name is Trisha T. My disability is a learning disability. I'm interested in science, engineering, math, history, and technology. I would like to become a history or science teacher. DO-IT helped me use computers in college.

Image of Steven
Steven, '01 Scholar

My name is Steven Toyoji, and I will be a junior at the University of Arizona in Tucson this fall, majoring in business. Last summer, I competed in the European Championships for wheelchair track in Finland and placed 2nd in the 800m and 3rd in the 1500m.

Image of Matt
Matt, '01 Scholar

My name is Matt W. and I go to Clark College in Vancouver, WA. I would like a career in computer graphics. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and use a wheelchair. In my free time I like to play computer games, watch movies, surf the 'Net, and make 3-D art on the computer. I am a huge Star Trek fan. I also collect die-cast 1:18 scale cars with my uncle. I currently have 35 cars in my collection; my favorite car is a 1948 Woody Wagon.

'00 Ambassadors

Group photo of 2000 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 2000. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Jeffrey B., '00 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Attending the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

Ryan B., '00 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Senior at the 糖心原创, majoring in political science. Completed two interships at the Department of Defense.

Nora C., '00 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attending Eastern Oregon University majoring in education.

Israel E., '00 Scholar

Attending Wenatchee Valley College. Planning to transfer to 糖心原创 State University and major in computer programming.

Brian F., '00 Scholar

Mild Static Encephalopathy and Patella Femoral Syndrome
Attends the 糖心原创, with plans to graduate in 2007 with a degree in political science.

Ben G., '00 Scholar

Learning disability
Attending the University of Oklahoma and majoring in political science and economics with honors distinction.

Jamie H., '00 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Received Dental Assistant certificate in February 2006. Now working at a dental office in Bainbridge Island, WA.

Andrea K., '00 Scholar

Graduated听with a Bachelor's degree in architectural studies. I was an intern at Summer Study 2004.

Corinna L., '00 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Working as People First Coordinator at the ARC of Snohomish County.

Kasey L., '00 Scholar

Learning disability
Attends 糖心原创 State University and is one year away from receiving degree in political science.

Susanna M., '00 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Graduated from the 糖心原创 with a degree in communications and minor in disability studies. Will attend graduate school at Gonzaga University.

Deke M., '00 Scholar

Attending Central 糖心原创 University.

Stephanie M., '00 Scholar

Visual impairment
Attends Eastern 糖心原创 University. Interested in a career in vocational rehabilitation for persons who are visually impaired. Works for the Bridge program.

Nick P., '00 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attends North Seattle Community College in the culinary arts school.

Nathan P., '00 Scholar

Graduated from Edmonds Cyber-school and attended Landmark College in Putney, VT. Has been the Director of Photography on several short films and programs. Is a Scout Master in Edmonds, WA.

Nohemi R., '00 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Currently a sophomore at Heritage University located in Toppenish, WA majoring in computer programming and web design.

Crystal S., '00 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Attending Eastern 糖心原创 University with a major in social work and a minor in alcohol and drug studies. Married and has one son.

Gretchen V., '00 Scholar

Bilateral profound hearing loss
Attends Central 糖心原创 University and is a volunteer firefighter.

'99 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1999 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1999. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Roy A., '99 Scholar

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Attended Central 糖心原创 University majoring in computer science and minoring in math.

Crystal B., '99 Scholar

Speech and learning disabilities
Attended Central 糖心原创 University to study criminal justice.

Kathy B., '99 Scholar

Spina Bifida, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Attended Tacoma Community College; majored in accounting and worked in the Admissions office.

Danielle C., '99 Scholar

Mobility and speech impairments
Graduated from Central 糖心原创 University with a Bachelor's degree in English and a minor in creative writing.

David D., '99 Scholar

Attended Seattle Central Community College.

Oscar G., '99 Scholar

Attended Yakima Community College.

J.W. H., '99 Scholar

Muscular Dystrophy
Graduated from Big Bend Community College and was interested in a career in computer-aided design or video game programming. Passed away in March, 2005.

Buffy H., '99 Scholar

Graduated with a degree in physical education from Western Oregon University. Pursuing a Master's degree in deaf education at Western Oregon University; planning to work in coaching, teaching, and administration.

Pat J., '99 Scholar

Learning disability
Earned a PC specialist Associate's degree from Spokane Falls Community College in WA. Currently working at Numerica Credit Union.

Ryan M., '99 Scholar

Learning disability
Earned an Associate's degree from Gray's Harbor Community College.

Zachary M., '99 Scholar

Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome
Attended Seattle Central Community College, majoring in web design. Currently completing an Associate's degree and planning to transfer to a four-year college.

Stuart O., '99 Scholar

Larsen Syndrome
Double amputee, with two artificial legs
Attends the 糖心原创 as a senior, pursuing a degree in European studies and a minor in political science. Works at the UW Access Technology Lab.

Lacey R., '99 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy and learning disabilities
Attends Shoreline Community College, WA; would like to run a social club for people with physical disabilities.

Nate S., '99 Scholar

Visual impairment
Graduated from the University of Portland with a degree in political science and philosophy. Participates in a variety of volunteer opportunities in Uganda and Africa and attends graduate school.

Wolfgang S., '99 Scholar

Learning disability
Attended Skagit Valley College.

Kelci W., '99 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Received Bachelor's degree in education from Eastern 糖心原创 University. Currently employed as a summer school teacher in the Lind School District, teaching kindergarten and first grade.

Tynesha W., '99 Scholar

Spina Bifida
Attending The Evergreen State College in Tacoma and completing a Bachelor's degree in liberal arts. Studying to become a child life specialist. Working at Langston-Hughes program for youth.

Ali Z., '99 Scholar

Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Attended Edmonds Community College. Planning to transfer to the 糖心原创 to study computer engineering.

'98 Ambassadors: National Ambassadors

Group photo of 1998 National DO-IT Scholars

National Ambassadors

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1998. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Blair C., '98 Scholar

Brain injury
After a two-year mission for his church, plans on attending the University of Idaho for a degree in physics.

Emily C., '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attends Valencia Community College.

Kimberlee C., '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Taking classes at Mesa Community College. Interested in exercise and dance.

Amy F., '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Graduated from secretarial school. Taking college business classes at Anoka Technical College. Manages her own business.

Maggie G., '98 Scholar

Learning disability
Graduated with a Bachelor's degree in chemical engineering. Currently teaching high school math.

Brian G., '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Graduated from the 糖心原创 with a Bachelor's degree in mathematics. Currently working towards a Master's in sports management at the University of San Francisco.

Landon H., '98 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Attended South Puget Sound Community College majoring in accounting.

Jessica H., '98 Scholar

Attended Santa Fe Community College.

Nick I., '98 Scholar

Visual impairment
Attended the Indiana School for the Blind and the University of Notre Dame with majors in economics and computer applications.

David J., '98 Scholar

Congenital stationary night blindness and some motor deficiencies
Graduated from Grinnell College with a Bachelor's degree in political science. Attending Portland State University's Public Administration and Policy Ph.D. program this fall.

Jeffrey K., '98 Scholar

Ataxia Telangiectasia
Graduated from Middlesex Community College and from Northeastern University with a Bachelor's degree in biology and geology. Passed away on April 25, 2006.

Buddy K., '98 Scholar

Attended the University of Alaska with strong interests in computers and science.

Wesley M., '98 Scholar

Earned a Bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, with an emphasis on management information systems and a minor in computer science. Currently works as an IT Applications Developer and Software Accessibility Consultant for the State of Nebraska.

John Paul R., '98 Scholar

Attended the University of Montana majoring in psychology. Would like to be a neuropsychologist.

Jessie S., '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Studied abroad in Dublin and Paris; graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor's degree in political science (Magna Cum Laude). Now in third year of Law School at the University of San Francisco and working at the San Francisco City Attorney's Office.

Ivan S., '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy, learning disability
Graduated with a Bachelor's degree from St. Mary's College of Maryland (Magna Cum Laude). Currently a 3rd year student at University of Maryland School of Law.

Ronald "Hank", '98 Scholar

Hopes to attend computer or radio broadcasting college.

Dustin, '98 Scholar

Graduated from Ball State University with a degree in physical education. Married and working as a high school physical education teacher and head volleyball coach; also head coach of the Minnesota One Junior Olympic Volleyball Team.

Isaiah Z., '98 Scholar

Spinocerebellar Degeneration
Attended Pacific University to pursue a degree in education.

'98 Ambassadors: 糖心原创 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1998 糖心原创 DO-IT Scholars

糖心原创 Ambassadors

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1998. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Katrina C., '98 Scholar

Traumatic Brain Injury
Completed an Associate's degree in integrated studies at Cascadia Community College in Bothell, WA. Currently attending the 糖心原创, pursuing a major in anthropology with a minor in disability studies.

Eddie C., '98 Scholar

Graduated from Spokane Falls Community College in mechanical engineering.

Shavonne D., '98 Scholar

Attended the University of New Orleans to pursue a degree in psychology.

Matt E., '98 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Plans to either attend an institute of higher learning or seek gainful employment.

Chris F., '98 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Dyslexia, and Dysgraphia
Attended Muskingum College in Ohio.

Chanon, G. '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Lives in Neenah, WI.

Marissa G., '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Graduated with double Associate's degrees and works full-time at the Federal Aviation Administration as an office administrator.

Crystal T., '98 Scholar

Visual impairment
Interested in a community college in the Portland area.

Reginald M., '98 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Attended Fort Valley State University majoring in biology.

Khrystal M., '98 Scholar

Full-time mother and wife whose husband is in the military.

Michael S., '98 Scholar

Learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Completed Bachelor's degree at the University of Alberta with majors in physics and mathematical sciences. Currently pursuing another Bachelor's degree in economics and Christian theology, while working at the University of Alberta as Associate Vice President of Student Life. Attended World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany.

Silas S., '98 Scholar

Visual impairment
Graduated from LaConnor High School in WA. Would like to program or design video games.

Jessie S., '98 Scholar

Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Attending the 糖心原创, pursuing a degree in informatics. May join the Peace Corps before attending graduate school.

Todd S., '98 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Attends Edmonds Community College studying music.

Arnell T., '98 Scholar

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), communication disorder
Plans to attend Olympic College to study integrated multimedia.

Nichole T., '98 Scholar

Scoliosis and Kyphosis with Metatrophic dwarfism, Dysplasia, and Condrodystrophy
Graduated from The Evergreen State College with a Bachelor's degree in theater and English literature. Seeking a teaching position in Milano, Italy.

Corey T., '98 Scholar

Tourette Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and Panic Disorder.
Majoring in mechanical engineering at Seattle University. I was an intern at Summer Study 2004.

Abe W., '98 Scholar

Visual impairment
Plans to pursue a career in music.

'97 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1997 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1997. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Jennifer K., '97 Scholar

Graduated with a Bachelor's degree in general studies from the University of North Dakota. Pursuing a career in blindness skills education.

Amanda J., '97 Scholar

Graduated with honors from the University of Great Falls with a degree in communications and a minor in computer systems integration. Works as a freelance writer.

Cynthia L., '97 Scholar

Graduated from the 糖心原创 with a Bachelor's degree in economics, 2004. Currently working at NOAA Fisheries Science Center.

Brad M., '97 Scholar

Attended the University of Arizona. Currently a senior at Northern Arizona University studying business management. Working at Pima Community College in Tucson as a business mathematics tutor.

Justin M., '97 Scholar

Attended St. Pete Junior College.

Michael N., '97 Scholar

Spina Bifida with Upper Motor Neuron Dysfunction
Graduated with a Ph.D. from the University of Denver's Graduate School of International Studies in Political Theory and International Politics. Enjoys spending time with his family and dogs.

Alexi P., '97 Scholar

Profoundly deaf
Graduated from the University of Connecticut with English and publishing degrees. Pursuing a career in editing.

Karyn P., '97 Scholar

Manager at Verizon Wireless.

Steven T., '97 Scholar

Severe hearing loss
Graduated from the University of Connecticut with a degree in economics and pursuing an Master's of Business Administration at the University of New Haven.

Laura W., '97 Scholar

Ischemic spinal cord injury
Completed a Bachelor's degree in physics and philosophy at Hendrix College; pursuing graduate studies in physics at the University of Arkansas.

Keaton W., '97 Scholar

Attended University of Utah and was pursuing a career in engineering. Passed away in 2001 after a battle with cancer.

Veronica W., '97 Scholar

Graduated from Harvard in 2003. Working as a legislative staffer in the United States Senate and attending the Georgetown University Law Center at night. Plans to continue working in 糖心原创, D.C. upon graduation from law school.

'96 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1996 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1996. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

David B., '96 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Dyslexia, and Dysgraphia
Graduated from Eastern 糖心原创 University with a Bachelor's degree in microbiology and minors in computer science and chemistry. Working for Midwest Research Institute as a molecular microbiologist in Florida.

Cheri B., '96 Scholar

Graduated with a Bachelor's degree in molecular and cellular biology from the University of Arizona. Attending medical school at Stanford University with a goal to practice rehabilitation medicine and to continue work on international disability rights issues.

Daniel C., '96 Scholar

Brain tumor
Attended Eastern Connecticut State University and was majoring in computer science with plans to pursue a career in computer programming.

David D., '96 Scholar

Albinism and low vision
Attended Eastern Oregon State College.

Chris F., '96 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Attended Minnesota State University Moorhead majoring in graphic communications with an emphasis in multimedia design. Co-author of several books and articles.

Lucas F., '96 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Attended Western Oregon University majoring in public policy and administration. Working for the Oregon Department of Justice and Benton County Sheriffs Office. Interested in the Peace Corps.

Maria H., '96 Scholar

Attended the National Technical Institute for the Deaf and aspires to be a veterinarian, doctor, or marine biologist.

Mike J., '96 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder
Attended Pacific Lutheran University.

Rebecca K., '96 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attending San Diego State University, majoring in political science and minoring in interior design. Hopes to design accessible homes.

Katrina M., '96 Scholar

Earned a Bachelor's degree in English and art from Augustana College and a Master's in teaching through City University. Worked at a youth center through the AmeriCorps program. Currently married and teaching 7th grade at I.S. 303 in Brooklyn, NY, and applying to Ph.D. programs for fall of 2007.

Jodi M., '96 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Completed a Bachelor's degree in biology and microbiology from Idaho State College and is now pursuing a Doctorate at Iowa State University with focus in genetics and molecular biology.

Anh N., '96 Scholar

Larsen Syndrome
Enrolled in a Master's program in City and Regional Planning at the University of California-Berkeley.

Travis R., '96 Scholar

Graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a Bachelor's degree in computer science and now is production manager for TecAccess LLC, an accessibility consulting firm that specializes in software and web accesibility.

James R., '96 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attended Community College of Allegheny County.

Dana S., '96 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), learning disability
Completed an Associate's degree at Landmark College. Attends the University of Massachusetts-Lowell and is close to completing a graphic design program. Works as a freelance deco designer for clubs in the greater Boston area.

Joshua S., '96 Scholar

Muscular Dystrophy
Associate's degree in horticulture science, Hawkeye Community College. Owns nursery and garden shop, specializing in water gardens and hostas and does landscape design as well as freelance web design.

'95 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1995 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1995. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Jesse A., '95 Scholar

Earned a Bachelor's degree in information technology and a minor in scientific and technical communications from the University of Minnesota-Crookston. Pursuing a career in assistive technology. Currently working on an AmeriCorps project.

Bror B., '95 Scholar

Learning disability
Helps build steel and Toyota pick-ups.

CJ B., '95 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder, learning disability
Works in a technical support position at Diamond Multimedia.

Andrew C., '95 Scholar

Muscular Dystrophy
Died of complications from pneumonia in 1996. Had a strong desire to go to college and open his own computer drafting business.

Jeffrey D., '95 Scholar

Psoriatic Arthritis
Plans to attend Shoreline Community College.

Wes G., '95 Scholar

Finishing up a degree at Eastern 糖心原创 University.

Michael H., '95 Scholar

Studied architecture, carpentry, and fish and wildlife at Highline Community College.

Jorja J., '95 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Earned a Bachelor's degree in therapeutic recreation from Southern Illinois University. Pursuing a Master's of social work at Grand Valley State in Grand Rapids, MI, and working with AmeriCorps.

Aimee L., '95 Scholar

Learning disability
Attended Boise State University.

Shawn L., '95 Scholar

Earned a degree in social services at Central 糖心原创 University and works as a state advocate for people with disabilities. Member of the 糖心原创 State Developmental Disability Council and Self Advocates in Leadership.

Matt L., '95 Scholar

Works at 糖心原创 Energy and plans to attend a community college to pursue a degree in manufacturing.

Jeremy L, '95 Scholar

Brain injury
Attended Spokane Falls Community College and has a full-time job in a door shop making doors.

Bridget M., '95 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Earned a Bachelor's degree in biology from Whitman College and a Bachelor's degree in speech and hearing sciences. Completed an Au.D. degree at the 糖心原创 and is now working as a pediatric audiologist at Children's Hospital in Seattle.

Matthew P., '95 Scholar

Epidermolysis Bullosa
Attended the 糖心原创 with interests in technical communication.

Jannette S., '95 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Earned a Bachelor's degree in public relations with a minor in political science from Arizona State University. Working for State Farm Insurance.

Bill S., '95 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attended Southern Oregon University.

Todd S., '95 Scholar

Spinal cord injury, Quadraplegia

Rachel S., '95 Scholar

Renal failure and hearing loss
Attended Columbia Basin Community College.

Priscilla W., '95 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Completed a degree in web design and a degree in web administration. Now works part-time as a Web Accessibility Specialist for DO-IT and as a disability advocate.

'94 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1994 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1994. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.

Anthony A., '94 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy, learning disabilities
Works as Remote Troubleshooter for the Technical Service Department and does Research and Development at the Prentke Romich Company (PRC).

Ben C., '94 Scholar

Spinal Muscular Dystrophy
Earned a Bachelor's degree in English from the 糖心原创. Attended law school at Pepperdine School of Law. Plans to do community litigation work.

Jen C., '94 Scholar

Undiagnosed Severe Neuropathy
Interests include biology, business and bioinformatics. Volunteers in related fields.

Maria F., '94 Scholar

Completed a Bachelor's degree in speech and hearing sciences from the 糖心原创.

Daniel G., '94 Scholar

Learning disability
Earned an Associate's degree in arts and sciences from Pierce Community College. Works for Pacific Office Automation as a shop supervisor.

Travis H., '94 Scholar

Health and orthopedic impairments, dwarfism
Interested in computer science.

Takuya I., '94 Scholar

Health impairment, Nervous System Dysmorphia, and Congenital Scoliosis
Studied physics, biology, mathematics, and computers at the 糖心原创. Currently living in Japan and pursuing a technology career.

Sherri J., '94 Scholar

Visual impairment
Attended Southern Oregon University, with a major in psychology and a minor in hotel, restaurant, and resort management.

Shawnna L., '94 Scholar

Muscular Dystrophy
Worked at Columbia Industries in Kennewick, WA. Passed away on October 24, 2003.

Nguyen N., '94 Scholar

Paralysis from brain injury
Attended South Seattle Community College and participates as LEAP Project (Leadership, Education & Advocacy Program) Advisory Board Member and as a Church Service Missionary.

Sara N., '94 Scholar

Graduated from University of Nevada Las Vegas. I was an intern at Summer Study 2005.

Carolyn P., '94 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy and low vision
Attended Shoreline Community College.

Kris R., '94 Scholar

Visual impairment
Earned a Bachelor's degree in psychology and chemistry from Oregon State University and an Master's of Business Administration in information technology management from the University of Phoenix.

Megan S., '94 Scholar

Chronic Lyme disease
Earned a Bachelor's degree in biology from Pacific Lutheran University and a Sign Language Certificate.

'93 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1993 DO-IT Scholars
The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT as Scholars in 1993. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors.
Rachel A., '93 Scholar

Stroke, partial paralysis
Completed a Bachelor's degree in social work and minor in applied psychology at Eastern 糖心原创 University. Works for ShelterCare with mentally ill homeless adults and at the Child Center with mentally ill and emotionally disturbed children.

Mark B, '93 Scholar

Muscular Dystrophy
Attended Big Bend Community College and Eastern 糖心原创 University. Was developing plans for an Internet-based business when he passed away peacefully in his sleep in 2001.

Katie B., '93 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Completed Bachelor's degree in biology from 糖心原创 State University and Master's degree in physical therapy from Eastern 糖心原创 University. Works as a physical therapist at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, OR.

Nhi D., '93 Scholar

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Earned an Associate's degree in business from Highline Community College.

Ryan F., '93 Scholar

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, learning disability
Completed a Bachelor's degree in marketing at Seattle University.

Lloyd G., '93 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Earned an Associate's degree in electronics technology from the Electronics Institute in Kansas City, MO. Currently working as a para-professional technician.

Randy H., '93 Scholar

Earned Bachelor's degree, The Evergreen State College. Works as an Engineer III, User Support Lead at Verisign, Inc.

Nadira K., '93 Scholar

Health and mobility impairment
Graduated with Computer Information Technology degree.

Rodney L., '93 Scholar

Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita
Pursuing an Associate's degree at Seattle Central Community College and working as sole proprietor of a fleet of websites.

Eric P., '93 Scholar

Visual impairment
Attending Portland State University, with a major in business administration/information systems and a goal to graduate in 2007.

Anna S., '93 Scholar

Earned a Bachelor's degree in cell and molecular biology at the 糖心原创. Artist, AmeriCorps employee, consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics, black belt in aikido. Passed away from cancer in June 2004.

Hollis S., '93 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Developing a cooperative group home.

Matt V., '93 Scholar

Working as a software developer. Currently earning a 2nd degree in international political economy. Plans to use IPE and computer science degrees to work on reducing global poverty. Married in 2003 and currently lives in Tacoma.

Mitch W., '93 Scholar

Spina Bifida, Homer's Syndrome, Thalamic Pain Syndrome
Earned an Associate's degree from Wenatchee Valley College and has worked as a professional recording artist.

In Memory of Jeffrey K.

Portrait of Jeffrey

Jeffrey K., '98 Scholar

Jeffrey K. passed away on April 25, 2006. The Valedictorian of the Olathe East High School class of 1999, Jeff earned an Associate's degree from Middlesex Community College. He completed a Bachelor's degree from Northeastern University in both biology and geology. We will remember Jeffrey as a strong self-advocate, a serious and dedicated student, and an active participant in Boy Scouts of America and karate. We will miss Jeffrey K.

DO-IT Pals

DO-IT Pals are high school students with disabilities who form an electronic community on the Internet. They communicate year-round with each other and with DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, Mentors, and staff members. They are supported in their efforts to explore and pursue postsecondary programs and career interests. The World Wide Web is their door to the information and resources they need for success. DO-IT Pals communicate with each other by sending email to doitpals@u.washington.edu. They reach the entire group of DO-IT Pals, Scholars, Ambassadors, and Mentors by sending messages to doitchat@u.washington.edu.

[Picture of Courage Campers, 01snap48a.jpg goes here]
DO-IT Campers learn to use the Internet at Camp Courage, MN. DO-IT Pals have been recruited from summer camps where DO-IT offers Internet and college preparation instruction.

DO-IT Mentors

Mentors encourage DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, and Pals as they pursue academic programs and careers. Some Mentors are still in college; others are pursuing careers. Most have disabilities themselves. They share valuable experiences, insights, and resources with younger participants.

Anindya B. (Bapin)
Supervisor of Technology Department
Helen Keller National Center
Sands Point, NY

Sean B.
Mobility impairment
Everett Independent Living Center Manager
糖心原创 Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities

Kevin B.
Cerebral Palsy
Nonprofit Director

Kim B.
Law Student

Karen L. B., AIA
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Architect, Business Owner
Studio Pacifica, Ltd.

Ben B.
Learning disability
Career Advisor at Boeing

Wendy C.
Web Accessibility Engineer

Frank C.
Electrical Engineer
Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs

Don D.
Visual impairment
Assistant Professor

Jennifer D.
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College

Dr. Imke D.
Physical Scientist
NOAA National Climatic Data Center

Samantha E.
Physical Disability
Student of Applied Mathematics and Psychology

John G.
President and CEO, ViewPlus Technologies

Marni G.
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Education Director for Science Research
Stanford University

Julie G.
Paraplegic, Spinal Cord Injury (level L4)
Graduate Student in architecture

Steve H.
Cerebral Palsy
Student and Web Developer

Jeff H.
Software Engineer/Computer Programmer

Roger H.Stroke, kidney failure
Associate Professor Emeritus, Retired
Biological Structure
糖心原创 School of Medicine

Ted H.
President, Henter Math, LLC

Mamoru I.
Assistant Professor
Computing and Assistive Technology Hiroshima University

Sungeeta J.
Director, The Orphan Project in India

Ed K.
Diabetes, mobility impairment
Biology Professor Emeritus
West Virginia University

Douglas L.
Cerebral Palsy
Life Instructor

Joshua L.
Ph.D. Candidate in physical chemistry
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sara L.
Program Administrator/Lecturer
UW Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership Program

Robert F. M.
Spina Bifida
Author: An Accident of Birth/
Educator; and Counselor

Jennifer M.
C1-Ventilator dependent quadriplegia
Assistive Technology Specialist
Courage Center Rehabilitation Facility

Bruce P.
Hearing impairment
School Improvement Coordinator
Vermont Department of Education

Tracy P.
Mobility impairment
Computer science, Spanish Major
Southwest State University

Dr. Gay Lloyd P.
Program Director and Speech Language Pathologist
Children's Therapy Center of Kent, WA

Ed P.
Neighborhood District Coordinator
City of Seattle, Department of Neighborhoods

Tracy R.
Cerebral Palsy
Research and Information Coordinator
University of Georgia

Charity R.
Friedreich's Ataxia
Independent Living Program Staff
Alliance of People with disAbilities

Sally R.
Workforce Specialist: Disability Program
Northwest Employment and Training Center

Andrew R.
Cerebral Palsy
Graduate Student

Greg S.
C-5 quadriplegia
Software Design Engineer

Carole S.
Cerebral Palsy
Software Developer Engineer

Keith S.

Vicki S.
Sr. Vocational Rehabilitation Coordinator

Virginia S.
American Association for the Advancement of Science

Bill T.
Retired Software Engineer

Aimee V.
Research Coordinator
Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center

Vasanth W.
Software Engineer

Sue Y.
Cerebral Palsy
Youth Services Coordinator
Center for Independent Living

Dr. Paul Z.

Staff Mentors

Sheryl Burgstahler

My name is and I am the Director of DO-IT. I have a husband, Dave, and a son, Travis, who are both dedicated DO-IT volunteers (especially Travis, who considers himself a "Phase XIV Scholar"). I have a Master's degree in mathematics, with a strength in computer science and a Ph.D. in higher education. I am an Assistant Director within Computing & Communications and an Affiliate Associate Professor in Education at the 糖心原创. My personal and professional experiences with young people and adults with disabilities have taught me that low expectations and negative attitudes of others are the greatest barrier to success for people with disabilities.

Scott Bellman

I'm Scott Bellman. I work as a Program Counselor/Coordinator for DO-IT. I help students find challenging internships and jobs throughout the year. I completed a Master's degree in 1996. I am currently a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in 糖心原创 State. My discipline is cognitive behavioral psychology. I enjoy my work at DO-IT, which includes career counseling, writing, planning events, coordinating projects, supervising interns, mentoring, and of course Summer Study! My interests include performance art, camping and hiking, carpentry, and travel.

Dan Comden

I'm Dan Comden. When not serving as a technical nerd for DO-IT, I manage the Access Technology Lab (ATL) at the 糖心原创. At the ATL we work directly with students, faculty and staff with disabilities who need to access computing resources.

Rebecca Cory

I'm Rebecca Cory. I am a Research Consultant for DO-IT. The focus of my research is on experiences of college students with invisible disabilities. I work on creating systemic change for accessibility on campus and evaluating how effective the DO-IT programs are. I have a Master's degree in learning disabilities and a Ph.D. in cultural foundations of education and disability studies.

Lyla Crawford

My name is Lyla Crawford. I am a Counselor/Coordinator for DO-IT. I work in the Spokane office supporting DO-IT efforts in Eastern 糖心原创. I have a Master's degree in developmental psychology. I have a husband, Shawn, and a son, Joshua.

Profile of Marvin

My name is Marvin Crippen. I help with technical support, work on the DO-IT World Wide Web home page, and support the UW Access Technology Lab.

Doug Hayman

My name is Doug Hayman. I'm the technology specialist for the DO-IT Scholars, Pals, and Campers in 糖心原创 State. When not at work, I play guitar, hike, and hang out with friends.

Carole Isakson

My name is Carole Isakson and I am a Research Consultant with DO-IT. I've worked at DO-IT for the past few years while completing my Ph.D. in Education. My research focuses on literacy and academic success for individuals with physical and speech disabilities. In my free time, I love sailing, gardening, and spending time with my family -- especially my new granddaughter, Lily!

Mike Lewis
Mike Lewis

My name is Mike Lewis and I am working with the DO-IT staff this summer. I have a Master's degree in special education and I just accepted a teaching position working with high school students that have severe disabilities. My hobbies include traveling, cooking, and doing anything outdoors!

Michael Richardson

I'm Michael Richardson, Program Manager at DO-IT. I have spent my professional life serving people with disabilities, working in the field of vocational rehabilitation, human resources, and program coordination at DO-IT. I have a severe/profound hearing loss and use a cochlear implant. I received a Bachelor's degree in health science from California State University, Northridge, and am pursuing a Master's in public administration here at the 糖心原创. My free time is spent with my wife and three children and riding vintage British motorcycles.

Lisa Stewart

Hi. My name is Lisa Stewart and I am a Counselor/Coordinator for the DO-IT program. I went to college at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point where I got my degree in psychology. I enjoy working in the human service field, where it is a privilege to meet and learn from all the amazing youth and young adults that I have crossed paths with over the years. I enjoy a good conversation, music, traveling, and spending quality time with friends and family.

Val Sundby

My name is Val Sundby. I've worked for DO-IT for the last few years on a variety of projects. I graduated from the 糖心原创 in 2002 with a degree in cell and molecular biology. Outside of work, I enjoy horseback riding and spending time with family and friends.

Terry Thompson

My name is Terry Thompson. I am a Technology Specialist for DO-IT. Prior to my work with DO-IT, I served as Coordinator of Assistive and Information Technology at North Carolina State University and as Coordinator of the Computer Learning Center at Independence, Inc., the independent living center in Lawrence, KS. When I am not working, you can usually find me hiking in the mountains, playing my guitar, or spending quality time with my family.

Tami Tidwell

Hi! My name is Tami Tidwell. I work as Program Coordinator/Counselor for DO-IT. My main role is to help students find and employers create quality work-based learning experiences. I look forward to working with the DO-IT Scholars during Summer Study. I was born and raised in Cowtown (a.k.a. Ft. Worth, TX). I have my Bachelor's degree in psychology from Texas Christian University. Outside of work, I enjoy hanging out with friends, taking in live music, shopping, reading, gardening, spending time with family, and generally relaxing.

Debra Zawada

My name is Debra Zawada. I started working at DO-IT in January 2004. My background is as a high school teacher and transition counselor. Outside of work, when not spending time with friends and family, I love to garden, create things, and take my dog Lena for walks.

Key Electronic Resources

  • To contact staff, request electronic copies of DO-IT NEWS, request publications, ask questions about the program, join DO-IT Pals, or become a Mentor, send electronic mail to doit@u.washington.edu.
  • Parents of DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, and Pals can join a special discussion list for parents by sending a request to doit@u.washington.edu.
  • Anyone who wishes to discuss issues pertaining to individuals with disabilities and their pursuit of science, engineering, and mathematics (SEM) and other high-tech academic programs and careers can subscribe to the doitsem discussion list at .
  • For information resources related to DO-IT, disabilities, adaptive technology, science, engineering, mathematics, and post-secondary education, access the DO-IT website at http://www.washington.edu/doit/.

糖心原创 DO-IT

DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) serves to increase the successful participation of individuals with disabilities in challenging academic programs such as those in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. Primary funding for DO-IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the State of 糖心原创, and the U.S. Department of Education. DO-IT is a collaboration of and the Colleges of and at the 糖心原创.

Grants and gifts fund DO-IT publications, videos, and programs to support the academic and career success of people with disabilities. Contribute today by sending a check to DO-IT, Box 354842, 糖心原创, Seattle, WA 98195-4842.

Your gift is tax deductible as specified in IRS regulations. Pursuant to RCW 19.09, the 糖心原创 is registered as a charitable organization with the Secretary of State, state of 糖心原创. For more information call the Office of the Secretary of State, 1-800-322-4483.

To order free publications or newsletters use the DO-IT Publications Order Form; to order videos and training materials use the Videos, Books and Comprehensive Training Materials Order Form.

For further information, to be placed on the DO-IT mailing list, request materials in an alternate format, or to make comments or suggestions about DO-IT publications or web pages contact:

Box 354842
Seattle, WA 98195-4842
206-685-DOIT (3648) (voice/TTY)
888-972-DOIT (3648) (voice/TTY)
206-221-4171 (fax)
509-328-9331 (voice/TTY) Spokane

Founder and Director: , Ph.D.

DO-IT Funding and Partners

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Your gift is tax-deductible as specified in IRS regulations. Pursuant to RCW 19.09, the 糖心原创 is registered as a charitable organization with the Secretary of State, State of 糖心原创. For more information, call the , 1-800-322-4483.

Mail to:
Box 354842
Seattle, WA 98195-4842